A long long time ago almost in a different galaxy...
Me on the phone with one of locals that was about to do a reinstall of windows 95...
Him: use what a CD rom drive, I do not think I have one
Me: I'm sure your PC came with a CD rom drive in which to put CD ROM discs
Me. hear him saying something like ahh, i hear the cd rom tray open, it was rather loud..
Him: I think I found it: so that was what it was for.
Me: Yeah I could hear it open, so what did you think it was
him: a cup holder, you know, just like in my car, used it too, that was when I spilt my coffee into the machine and stopped working and I called you..
Me. flat on the ground laughing... had to disconnect and call him again,
claiming technical disconnection, but telling him that his warranty did'nt cover accidents, only technical malfunctions, told him though that his home/accident insurance might cover the repair costs..
and advised him not to put anything with liquids above the PC again...
The next one did'nt happen to me though..
This farmer kind of person had called the PC support line about his new PC and particular his 56k v90 modem.. that could only acquire a speed of some 1.2 kb/s...
It turned out that after they tried everything that the at that time monopolistic Telephone cable company TDC cables in the ground was the fault.. and since they had 12000 bits speed of connection, they would do nothing about it until it fell below 9600 bits, which was the assured speed for telephone cable lines...
The supporter cared a bit about his work , and after a month or so, he called back to the farmer to hear how things where..
The farmer said, all is good, I'm surfing with 48000 bits now (4,8 Kb/s)
the supporter was amazed and asked what had changed, did they replace the lines..
the farmer: not willingly, see I went out and located where does dam lines run.. took me spade, dug down, and cut the line, put the dirt back on and made it invisible that anybody had done anything-.-
See that cut off the entire village phone lines.. and you know, they replaced them dam quick too, within a day..
needless to say that the supporter was too chuckled up to continue any further conversation with the farmer...