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Problems with the fuzz

Posted: Mon Nov 23, 2009 4:43 am
by Volumetric
hey all, very new to the oolite experience, and im having a bit of a problem. Almost every time i see the cops they attack me! As far as i know i havent done anything wrong, im usually carrying food when i get attacked and im never carrying or doing anything dubious. Any one else seen this? By the way, im playing on PC. Cheers All!

Posted: Mon Nov 23, 2009 6:13 am
by Chrisfs

First hit the F5 key and see what your status is. If it's Offender or Fugitive, then that's the reason. If it's Clean, then that's a weird bug.

If it's Offender or Fugitive, then this is what I know about the legal system in Oolite.

It's a pretty liberal universe out there, but there are some things that are just crimes. Wehn you do them, you get X number of bad points. The bad points tend to stick around for a bit even after you stopped doing the thing that caused them and the more bad points the more likely cops and bounty hunters will be after you.

Here's a list of crimes.
Dealing with illegal items
Shooting innocents

Dealing in illegal items. These are slaves, narcotics, and firearms. The crime is leaving a main space station with them on board. So buying is the crime, not selling (so if you scooped one up from space with fuel scoops, you don't have to worry about selling it).
The more you buy the worse it is. I have bought 5 tons of narcotics and not been bothered by the Galcops. I bought 20 and was beset by them as soon as I left the station. Even when you sell it, your status will only improve gradually over time.

Shooting innocents. If something is not shooting you (it's not red on your radar) or not an ordinary meteorite, you should not be shooting it. If a Galcop sees you shooting someone who didn't attack you first. You will get a bunch of bad points.

Your status will slowly go back to normal once you stop doing bad things (unless you have the Anarchies OXP, but that's an other more detailed story)

If you want things to go faster, you can:
Shoot at other Offenders and Fugitives while Galcops are in the area.
Help out the Navy on missions
Shoot meteorites (they are space hazards)

See if this helps

ChrisFS with a basically law abiding Cobra MK III

Posted: Mon Nov 23, 2009 8:33 am
by Volumetric
thanks Chrisfs, yeah i must of made a mistake with my save game, thought i had a clean slate but apparently im an offender

Posted: Mon Nov 23, 2009 9:06 am
by Commander McLane
Don't be afraid. This will go away after a couple of jumps. Just don't return fire on the cops, because that would make you Fugitive.

Posted: Mon Nov 23, 2009 9:13 am
by splunkjamma
I keep forgetting to sell illegal goods that I've scooped. Then curse when I leave a station and the police/navy decide to open fire. :lol:

Posted: Mon Nov 23, 2009 9:26 am
by Screet
splunkjamma wrote:
I keep forgetting to sell illegal goods that I've scooped. Then curse when I leave a station and the police/navy decide to open fire. :lol:
Another fairly common thing is to accidentally ram a police ship while docking with a station, which makes one fugitive.

For players with turreted ships it's also possible that the turrets try to hit an enemy and accidentally hit a clean ship, police ship or station...
