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Docking computer malfunction

Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2009 8:42 am
by Chrisfs
Is there such a thing?

I am docking with a constore using Shift-C. I switch screen to check out Facebook, I hear a boom, as if there's a collision, I think it's the ship hitting the side of the bay, unusual but I have seen it before. I switch back and the ship is not in the dock, it's still outside AND it's approaching 90 degrees from where it should be. I'm a bit too surprised to stop it, so I hit and get space bar-ed.

Is this a bug or a feature?

Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2009 8:48 am
by Commander McLane
Unfortunately the docking computer in Oolite is not as good as it was in Elite. I don't use it at all, except for SHIFT-D with a main station.

Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2009 9:07 am
by another_commander
I have seen this happening once, that was long time ago. Unfortunately, it looks like the docking computer is not 100% guaranteed to succeed. However, there have been some improvements in the docking procedure in trunk, so hopefully things will get better in 1.74.

Re: Docking computer malfunction

Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2009 12:18 pm
by Screet
Chrisfs wrote:
I switch back and the ship is not in the dock, it's still outside AND it's approaching 90 degrees from where it should be.
In the past, I've seen a few buggy stations which did require to dock with the ship rotated by 90 degrees...only one I remember is the Raceedat station. With that model it's even visible: the dock inside the station is rotated, creating walls inside the docking slit.

However, sometimes I've seen the DC having problems to figure out the proper alignment, matching rotation, then switching to 90degrees off and matching rotation, then switching back to proper adjustment.

If instant docking doesn't work and unless I'm unsure about proper alignment, I prefer to dock manually. It's much faster anyway.


Posted: Sat Nov 21, 2009 3:57 am
by Chrisfs
So I take it that from comments, that the Docking computer uses the in-game rules to try and dock. That by itself is pretty amazing. They could have taken the easy way out and just made Shift-D the only option. That's probably much easier to code. But they took the time to create a routine that actual tried to compute a way to dock via game rules rather than just magically moving you from one place to another. That is very cool, even if it doesn't work 100% of the time (or maybe even because of it)

And it allowed Blue Danube to be kind of a signature piece for the game.

Posted: Sat Nov 21, 2009 4:06 am
by CptnEcho
The Docking Computer in Elite has some quirks (flaws or limitations?). If the player didn't position their ship properly in relation to the station, then sometimes the Docking Computer would become confused.

It might try to fly into the station from the opposite side of the docking port, or perform other manuvers that didn't seem to make sense.

After experiencing the phenomena, I made it a habit to approach a station in a manner which was similar to a manual docking approach. After my ship was in a good position relative to a station, I'd engage the Docking Computer and let it handle the final docking manuvers.

I think the Oolite Docking Computer has similar quirks. Also, some OXP stations may have shapes which further increase the chances of the Docking Computer becoming confused and unreliable.

Posted: Sat Nov 21, 2009 10:40 am
by Eric Walch
Chrisfs wrote:
So I take it that from comments, that the Docking computer uses the in-game rules to try and dock. That by itself is pretty amazing. They could have taken the easy way out and just made Shift-D the only option. That's probably much easier to code. But they took the time to create a routine that actual tried to compute a way to dock via game rules rather than just magically moving you from one place to another. That is very cool, even if it doesn't work 100% of the time (or maybe even because of it).
Yes, the docking procedure is almost a complete program on its own. The docking computer puts the player's ship in the same dockingAI as the npc ships that are flying around. The player has no better privileges than npc ships.
In front of the port are about 9 coordinates defined. For each coordinate is a radius defined, so actually there are 9 imaginary spheres in front of the port. When docking, the ship turns as long until it has an interception course with the first sphere. Then it starts flying until it enters that sphere. Now it adapts its course to one that intersects with the next sphere and starts flying to it...... this repeats until docked.

Its probably no surprise that the target spheres become smaller and smaller the closer they are to the station, thereby forcing the ship into the correct approach orientation for the final lap into the dock.

It would be quite easy to define smaller spheres for more precision, but that will give problems on the slower computers. Those computers have already docking problems with low FPS counts.

Posted: Sat Nov 21, 2009 10:56 am
by aegidian
CptnEcho wrote:
I think the Oolite Docking Computer has similar quirks. Also, some OXP stations may have shapes which further increase the chances of the Docking Computer becoming confused and unreliable.
The Oolite docking computer in conjunction with the station does try to avoid hitting the station, but yes, this does assume a 1km x 1km x 1km station size. If you are approaching a larger station it is always best to do so from planetside.

Posted: Sat Nov 21, 2009 2:41 pm
by Killer Wolf
wow, long time no hear :-)

Posted: Sat Nov 21, 2009 5:46 pm
by DaddyHoggy
Killer Wolf wrote:
wow, long time no hear :-)
Actually our Lord and Master passed through only a few weeks ago...

The news about Rob Holdstock not withstanding. ... r=aegidian

Posted: Sun Nov 22, 2009 12:28 am
by aegidian
I do try to stop by every few days to read a selection of new posts and help where I can.