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Do unused parts of texture hog memory?

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2009 4:20 am
by Captain Berf
[Hard to summarize for title.]

When a texture is loaded do the unused parts of the texture image take up many resources?

Some of the textures I am working on have no UV map and no 'coloring book' outline. I can fill the entire image with a pattern but the end result .png is usually double the normal (~1.5 megs). I worry about this.

End result example -- the body is just a paneled metal skin (huge model). When I spawned 6-7 of them I had a hard reset (my gfx program destabilizes everything), but it was fun while it lasted.


Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2009 7:36 am
by JensAyton
Yes. A texture is merely a square blob of pixels. There is no “use” or “use not”.

The size of your compressed PNG is also irrelevant. The memory used is four bytes per pixel (save that the mode of your texture is greyscale, in which case it’s one byte per pixel). If your texture’s dimensions are not powers of two, it will be scaled such that they are, and the counting of the pixels will be the pixels thereof.

Help, help, I seem to have a Python lodged in my brain.

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2009 8:06 am
by Chaky
Better to have python in the brain, than anaconda in the... yess?

Re: Do unused parts of texture hog memory?

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2009 8:56 am
by Eric Walch
Captain Berf wrote:
[Hard to summarize for title.]

Hello Captain Berf,

While you are working on the texture of the dredgers, you probably noticed one common flaw. All docking bays are closed at the front side. Even the 5 flashers that normally mark the endpoint are put at the start of the dock. The player has to fly through that wall to enter the dock.

The grs station has the same concept. But there is seems natural to fly through a kind of air-seal. With the dredger it always feel I have to crash into the dock before I really enter the dock.

I just have no idea if this was intentional by Sabre like it was intentional with the grs station. Any ideas about that? Maybe another texture at the back wall so it is clear you have to fly through? Or just cut out the back wall so the dock becomes visible from the outside?

Re: Do unused parts of texture hog memory?

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2009 10:45 am
by Commander McLane
Eric Walch wrote:
I just have no idea if this was intentional by Sabre like it was intentional with the grs station. Any ideas about that? Maybe another texture at the back wall so it is clear you have to fly through? Or just cut out the back wall so the dock becomes visible from the outside?
Honestly I think it is a bug, and the model should be adjusted.

Re: Do unused parts of texture hog memory?

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2009 2:18 pm
by DaddyHoggy
Commander McLane wrote:
Eric Walch wrote:
I just have no idea if this was intentional by Sabre like it was intentional with the grs station. Any ideas about that? Maybe another texture at the back wall so it is clear you have to fly through? Or just cut out the back wall so the dock becomes visible from the outside?
Honestly I think it is a bug, and the model should be adjusted.
I agree - if transparencies worked then it would be cool to fly through some kind of forcefield looking plane - but otherwise - it's a bug....

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2009 2:22 am
by Captain Berf
I could put a bit of the docking interior in that spot but it would be static and not change with your viewing angle. Also I'm not sure if the docking interior an absolute.

Or I could bevel the black to give it tunnel-like fake depth.

With the flashers in the black I always thought of it as the lights weren't on or my eyes hadn't adjusted.

Of course if somebody wants to mess with models these are some I have no UVmaps for.

My condolences to your Python :)

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2009 9:26 am
by Eric Walch
Captain Berf wrote:
Of course if somebody wants to mess with models these are some I have no UVmaps for.

My condolences to your Python :)
I have been trying to edit the model but I am no hero with wings. I converted it into an obj. file that can be read by wings but the texture is 90 degree rotated after reading in. An other problem I have with wings is scaling it down so it fits in screen. Even with the zoom function in the camera settings I don't get it right. But when starting by shrinking the model by a factor 100 before reading in I get some thing that looks better.
I even looked for a new wings version and noticed that it two weeks ago was updated to v 1.2

I gave up, but when someone with more experience could work on the dock part, please do.

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2009 11:52 pm
by Captain Berf
Can it simply be set to skip the hangar animation.

I think, for instance, that the convenience stores skip this.