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A Question or Two

Posted: Thu Nov 12, 2009 2:25 pm
by Hemlock
Well two questions acutally :lol:

1. I have labored long and hard at milk runs and finally bought myself a Super Cobra. And like the read me says " With maximum energy units you can stay cloaked forever." What I have found however is that when killing with the cloak enabled, I don't seem to get credit for the kill. Is this an expected side effect of the cloaking device or a bug?

2. With all the crapola going on about is now considered bad form to modify OXPs I have downloaded from the wiki?



PS: The Super Cobra is a beast :twisted:

Re: A Question or Two

Posted: Thu Nov 12, 2009 2:49 pm
by CheeseRedux
Hemlock wrote:
What I have found however is that when killing with the cloak enabled, I don't seem to get credit for the kill. Is this an expected side effect of the cloaking device or a bug?
No clue - I'm still far far from getting a cloak myself, and cannot, at the moment, test by hacking a savefile to give me one.
Hemlock wrote:
2. With all the crapola going on about is now considered bad form to modify OXPs I have downloaded from the wiki?
With the caveat that I have not read and memorised the license on every single OXP out there:
Nonono. Go right ahead. As long as it stays on your hard drive, you can do whatever you like. Only if you want to make your changes public do you need to start worrying about what's good or bad form.

Just keep in mind that once you start tinkering, the warranty is void.
So if you suddenly experience strange behaviours with your game, please make sure they're not caused by something you did to an OXP before crying "bug".

(On the other hand, a question along the lines of "I did X to Y.oxp in order to achieve Z, and it doesn't work as expected, any ideas?" should usually not ruffle any feathers.)

Re: A Question or Two

Posted: Thu Nov 12, 2009 3:14 pm
by Kaks
Hemlock wrote:
I don't seem to get credit for the kill. Is this an expected side effect of the cloaking device or a bug?
It's expected behaviour. You only get credited if your kill happens when you're not cloaked.

About OXPs, you're very much welcome to work on your own OXPs, adapting & taking stuff from every single available OXP, & eventually publish the result of your efforts!

However, I'd say that not contacting the original author in order to get their feedback before publishing can definitely be considered bad form.
Some authors might find the concept of being contacted a bit of a nuisance, but you can't please everybody all the time! :P

Hope this helps.

PS, beat you, a_c!

Re: A Question or Two

Posted: Thu Nov 12, 2009 3:16 pm
by another_commander
CheeseRedux wrote:
Hemlock wrote:
What I have found however is that when killing with the cloak enabled, I don't seem to get credit for the kill. Is this an expected side effect of the cloaking device or a bug?
No clue - I'm still far far from getting a cloak myself, and cannot, at the moment, test by hacking a savefile to give me one.
This is by design. You wouldn't expect that getting a cloak would make life THAT easy, would you? ;-)

Posted: Thu Nov 12, 2009 5:19 pm
by Hemlock
Thanks much


Posted: Fri Nov 13, 2009 1:35 pm
by Hemlock
Oh...and another question....please

Can I change the name of my ship...I am quite happy with the Super Cobra..but I would like to be known as say [Goofy Name Ship] or whatever.

What I think I mean is....sort car is a Ford but my wife calls it Betty.....

Can I do that?


Posted: Fri Nov 13, 2009 1:43 pm
by Commander McLane

Open its shipdata.plist, go to the entry supercobra-player, and find the lines

Code: Select all

Then change the "Supercobra" into whatever you like.