Nuit Space station

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Killer Wolf
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Nuit Space station

Post by Killer Wolf »


This was the station i was gonna bin, but had a change of heart. Re-centred, retextured and now shaderised, here she is :
that was supposed to be a cool hyperlink using the word "here" and it didn't work :-(

Currently, the OXP is simply a station and a simple script to produce one when you launch; as i said it was a fairly left-hanging project. Therefore, if anyone wants to claim her, giz a buzz and i can mebbes amend the official sales brochure thingy.

Huge thanks and gratitude to Griff for helping me out w/ shadery things for this and my upcoming ship ~ I hope the end result is somewhat worth all the time and effort you gave me.

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Post by pagroove »

Very very cool. Congrats on the release 8)

EDIT Just tested it. Way Cool. Only one point of criticism is that the blue is a bit flat. Maybe you could add some hull plating. But I like the rotating parts and the domes and other very cool details like the docking bay. 8)
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Post by Kaks »

I really need to figure out this shaderifying thing.. it does look good! :)
Hey, free OXPs: farsun v1.05 & tty v0.5! :0)
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Post by Sendraks »

Awesome. I look forward to seeing this in game. 8)
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Post by Rxke »

Wow, man ! :shock:

Huuuuge! 8)
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Post by ClymAngus »

Man! I want to give that a photoshop overhaul, but no time! Arg!
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Post by Cows »

I can't seem to get close to the docking slit. I blow up when I'm close to it, but not touching, or near touching, it.
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Post by Killer Wolf »

what are you flying? the rings make a level approach critical but anything that can fit in a normal dock should be able to dock.
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Post by Cows »

Cobra Mk III
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Post by Killer Wolf »

i have no idea, other than to insult your docking abilities :-D
j/k. seriously, i dunno. i've docked fine and i've got screen grabs of a Rapier docking and leaving, unless there's something odd about the collision box of the MKIII that's actually catching on the top ring, i don't know what it could be.

edit :
did a quick test, Cobra fits no probs. gotta be your approach angle.
try keeping SLIGHTLY high and drop down at the last moment.
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Post by Cows »

It might just be my docking abilities. I've had a docking computer for way too long :oops:

I know this may sound stupid, but I just can't help but be entertained by docking, then undocking the main station and coming out to find one more Nuit. I've got about twenty all scrunched up together!
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Post by Commander McLane »

That would be a bug, of course.

@ Killer Wolf: You should put a check for existing stations in your spawning script.
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Post by Killer Wolf »

Lol, 20!!

yeah, like i said in my post, the station was originally binned then i decided to shaderise her, so she didn't have a plot or OXP for her specifically, hence me saying if someone wanted to adopt her they could. the script was just to get her visible if people wanted to have a quick look. she was originally supposed to be beside a Coriolis (beside as in on the other side of the planet i guess) to handle the huge ships the Cori couldn't, but ideally i think she should be spawned a ways out in the darkness to get full effect of the lights.
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Post by Captain Berf »


I have several metal plating textures that I made for the Dredger Alt Texture set. You are welcome to them.
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Re: Nuit Station needs a FIX!

Post by Switeck »

Commander McLane wrote: Thu Nov 26, 2009 7:58 am
That would be a bug, of course.

@ Killer Wolf: You should put a check for existing stations in your spawning script.
This still needs to be done by whoever cares to maintain this OXP/OXZ anymore.

I recommend making it available at high tech (TL 10+?) Dictatorships and all the way up to Corporate States, but not Communist systems or maybe even Confederacy Systems.

It will also need an updated market so commodities aren't all 0.
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