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[Solved] AddOns user privileges issue in Ubuntu9.10

Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2009 12:13 pm
by Garrett
It's all installed, thanks for your help! One quick newbie problem - I can't install any Addons - I keep getting an "Access Denied" due to not having the rights for the Addons folder. I've tried "su"ing into root but it doesn't recognise the password I chose in the User Profiles section. Any ideas?

Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2009 12:22 pm
by jervine
Ubuntu will surely make use of sudo rather than su. You can sudo su - to become root whilst supplying your own user password. You can also simply install the add-ons into ~/.Oolite/Addons

Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2009 1:06 pm
by Garrett
Thanks - sudo now lets me move things around. Unfortunately, neither placing the Addons in ~/.Oolite/Addons or in /usr/lib/Oolite/Addons works. I know in Windows you're supposed to hold down the Shift key when running Oolite for the first time after installing an Add-on, but that doesn't seem to make much difference in Linux. Any thoughts where I should place the Addons?

Thanks everyone for your help, by the way, it is much appreciated!

Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2009 1:15 pm
by Micha
Hi Garrett,

AddOns should get installed into

Code: Select all

~/.Oolite/AddOns/<oxp directory>
Ie, OXP "foo" should be in:

Code: Select all

A lot of OXPs are packaged into a Zip as:

Code: Select all

    |- foo.oxp/
       |- <oxp contents>
    |- readme.rtf
So you need to extract the "foo.oxp" subdirectory into your "AddOns" directory, and not the root directory of the zip file.

Important is that only directories ending in ".oxp" will be recognised by Oolite as an OXP.

If this doesn't help, can you please post the contents of your "Latest.log", which should be in:

Code: Select all

Hope this helps :)

- Micha.

Just noticed, you used ~/.Oolite/Addons - it must be ~/.Oolite/AddOns.

Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2009 4:55 pm
by Garrett
Thanks for the advice, this is what happens when you copy directories from a non-case-sensitive OS (Windows) into a case-sensitive one (Linux)!

If I place the AddOns directory in /usr/lib/Oolite then the OXP's get loaded correctly, but only if I run the game using "sudo oolite". If I place the AddOns directory in ~/.Oolite, then I get lots of error messages in the log file, and it can't even load my custom key configuration - for instance:

[gnustep]: 2009-11-06 16:46:04.401 oolite[2328] Failed to recurse into directory '~/.Oolite/AddOns/outrider.oxp' - Permission denied

Oh well, I'm happy enough typing "sudo oolite" to run the game instead of just plain-old "oolite" :)

Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2009 5:25 pm
by Kaks
It looks like one or all of the oxp directories were created / copied where they are either by you as another user, or with the help of sudo.

You should get oolite to work without those problems if you change permissions recursively on the ~/.Oolite/AddOns directory tree ( for further info on that see this article ... rship.html ) .

I'm personally quite uncomfortable with the concept of running any game as super user.

It just seems - well, wrong... :P

Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2009 6:21 pm
by Micha
I agree.

Installing OXP's into /usr/lib/Oolite/AddOns should work fine even as a normal user provided everybody has read-permissions to the files and read&execute-permissions to the directories.

Installing them into your own directory (ie. ~/.Oolite/AddOns) is probably easier and better as long as you make sure all files are owned by your user.

You can change the ownership as follows:
1. Open a Terminal window.

2. Note down your user id:

Code: Select all

id -u
3. Note down your group id:

Code: Select all

id -g
4. Change ownership (Note the '.' between the user id and group id):

Code: Select all

sudo chown -R <user id>.<group id> .Oolite/AddOns
Here's an Ubuntu-specific section on file permissions:

Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2009 10:51 pm
by Garrett
Thanks, I guess this is what happens when you "super-user" to often :) I sudo deleted the AddOns directory, and then created it as a normal user in ~/.Oolite, and then copied all the OXP's from Windows into it. It all now works fine. Thanks everyone - this is indeed the friendliest forum this side of Riedquat :)

Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2009 2:25 am
by _ds_
Micha wrote:
4. Change ownership (Note the '.' between the user id and group id):

Code: Select all

sudo chown -R <user name>.<group name> .Oolite/AddOns
That's deprecated usage. IDs may contain ‘.’s.

Code: Select all

sudo chown -R <user id>:<group id> .Oolite/AddOns
Or, since you evidently prefer numbers:

Code: Select all

sudo chown -R $(id -u):$(id -g) .Oolite/AddOns

Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2009 9:17 am
by Micha
_ds_ wrote:
That's deprecated usage. IDs may contain ‘.’s.

Code: Select all

sudo chown -R <user id>:<group id> .Oolite/AddOns
Or, since you evidently prefer numbers:

Code: Select all

sudo chown -R $(id -u):$(id -g) .Oolite/AddOns
Ah, thanks, didn't know about the deprecated dots. When did they sneak that in?

As for your suggestion of $(id -u) - that won't work.
Since we're running under 'sudo' it'll return 0 (root userid) and not the users' userid.

Anyway, looks like Garrett got it going in his own way :)

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 7:59 pm
by _ds_
Micha wrote:
_ds_ wrote:
That's deprecated usage. IDs may contain ‘.’s.

Code: Select all

sudo chown -R <user id>:<group id> .Oolite/AddOns
Or, since you evidently prefer numbers:

Code: Select all

sudo chown -R $(id -u):$(id -g) .Oolite/AddOns
Ah, thanks, didn't know about the deprecated dots. When did they sneak that in?
Not sure. Years ago, though; I think that it's in POSIX 1003.1-2001.
As for your suggestion of $(id -u) - that won't work.
Since we're running under 'sudo' it'll return 0 (root userid) and not the users' userid.
Oh, right. We're in this situation, then:

Code: Select all

$ sudo bash
# sudo chown -R $(id -u):$(id -g) .Oolite/AddOns
You should have said :roll:

(Hint: shell substitutions happen first, so sudo (or whatever) doesn't get to see $(…) unless there was quoting to prevent the subsitution.)

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 10:22 pm
by Micha
Hmm, I had initially tried out a sudo-with-shell-substitution solution and it hadn't worked. I probably made a mistake.. *sigh* I keep making a fool of myself, huh? :)