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It's been three years....

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 1:11 pm
by drew
...since I finished Status Quo. Can hardly believe it. Shocking really how time goes! This time last year I was putting the finishing touches to 'Mutabilis'.

Interesting to note that v1.65 of Oolite came out during the writing of SQ (it was v1.52 when I started playing), and I had to change the last chapter because of it. Oolite has come a long way in that time.

Hopefully SQ hasn't aged too badly, but it was never going to stay current with all the fabulous OXPs.

On the positive side. I have a non-oolite writing project nearing completion now (planned for year end - will have stab at getting published with this one) and I've finished my other big project Astronomy wise. I've also got a lower paid job (bad) that gives me more free time to write (good)...



Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 1:22 pm
by DaddyHoggy
That means it's been almost 3 years since it's been sat on my bookshelf (although I have read it since! :oops: ).

Looking forward to 2010...

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 1:44 pm
by OneoftheLost

I actually just finished this a couple of hours ago. New to the Oo'verse I was planning on typing a short story, and started looking up backstory. Naturally I found The Dark Wheel and Status Quo.

Ive done my fair share of fan fiction, so I just figured I'd tell you I can really appreciate your writing skills. The story had a beautiful flow to it, and how you laid out the plot's technical details was impressive. Don't get me started on the in-jokes. Also, at the end, the final notes, tugged at the 'ole heartstrings a little.

Status Quo stands the test of time quite well, and serves as an inspiration. I'll definatly make short work of your other stories.

Thanks for putting the time into such an enjoyable read.

Re: It's been three years....

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 3:17 pm
by ClymAngus
drew wrote:
I also have to hook up with a certain commander about a certain oxp...
Collaborationism! Woot!

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 8:28 pm
by drew
As it happens - Neil Badman (he of the amazing winning artwork for Mutabilis) is redoing the cover of Status Quo for me, so I might indulge in a little fettling for a 'second edition'...

Draft covers, not surprisingly, look awesome.

Watch this 'space' :lol:

