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Beginner Questions: Saving OXP

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2009 4:30 pm
by peterfarge
Hello Forum,

some beginner questions:
1. I have tried the std installation and traded a lot of money and saved my commandant. If I install a OXP, will I have to create a new commandant?

2. How to install a OXP? I have downloaded some to the ~\.Oolite\AddOns\ folder, but only the keyboard settings are changed. Is there an OXP that shows me immediately at map 1 that an AddOn is active?

3. How many AddOns can be active at one time? Are there some conflicts?

4. Where can I see which Oolite version I have? I have taken the one from the HP. 1.7x



Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2009 4:51 pm
by Cmdr James
1. No, there is no need to create a new commander. Some OXPs change prices of some ships, so you might feel a bit funny about buying a ship for one price, installing an oxp and selling it at a different price (RS Im looking at you).

2. Exactly, unzip it to that location, it should be fine. You will get an error if there is a problem loading it.

3. There is no set limit, but the more you have, the more system resources you need. Its generally a good idea to remove mission OXPs when you are finshed with them. There are some incompatabilities, and some that dont make sense together, for example RS contains most OXPs so you shouldnt install the originals as well.

4. I dont remember, I think its displayed on the start screen, and in the log.

Re: Beginner Questions: Saving OXP

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2009 5:41 pm
by DaddyHoggy
peterfarge wrote:
Hello Forum,

some beginner questions:
1. I have tried the std installation and traded a lot of money and saved my commandant. If I install a OXP, will I have to create a new commandant?

2. How to install a OXP? I have downloaded some to the ~\.Oolite\AddOns\ folder, but only the keyboard settings are changed. Is there an OXP that shows me immediately at map 1 that an AddOn is active?

3. How many AddOns can be active at one time? Are there some conflicts?

4. Where can I see which Oolite version I have? I have taken the one from the HP. 1.7x


Welcome to the Friendliest board this side of Riedquat(tm)

If you're using the lastest version of Oolite on a Linux machine then the version number should appear in the title bar of the little splash screen that appears before the game starts properly - if you don't see the Oolite splash screen then either you've got that option turned off or you're not using the latest version.

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2009 5:52 pm
by another_commander
Launch the game with the -showversion command line switch and it will be displayed at the rotating Cobra screen. Also, what the rest of the guys said.

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2009 8:29 pm
by peterfarge
Oh, I have to extract the zip files...
I have downloaded the Starwars AddOn and unzipped it. But only the TIE Fighter and the Lambda Shuttle are loaded. A-Wing, X-Wing, ... were missing. But all fighters from the Starwars Zip are in the log file under "OXP Search path".

My Version 1.73.4

Who can stop oolite? If I press exit, the game freezes. Currently I'm doing "killall oolite".

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2009 8:37 pm
by Cody
peterfarge wrote:
Who can stop oolite? If I press exit, the game freezes. Currently I'm doing "killall oolite".
Hi Peter

Dock at station, F2 save game, F2 Exit.

In flight, shift+Q exits without saving.

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2009 8:44 pm
by peterfarge
I know this menu. But on my computer oolite freezes if I use the "Exit Game" menu.

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2009 8:48 pm
by Cody
Ah, sorry.
It's beyond me, then. Hopefully some real advice will appear soon.

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 12:47 am
by jervine
What version/distrbiution of Linux are you using? If you launch it from the command line, does it provide any output when you try to exit the game?