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Questions about the Caduceus

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2009 10:02 am
by Garrett
Dear fellow Ooliters,

After saving up a long time doing milk-runs with my Python, I have justy bought a shiny new Caduceus and fitted it out with Military Shields and a forward Military laser.

The description above describes broadside Plasma Cannons, but I'm not sure how they work. I have purchased a plasma gun turret for my rear view for 200 credits which works fine.

So I have a few questions on the Caduceus that aren't covered in the glossy sales brochure I got with it :) They are:

1) How do I use the broadside plasma cannons?
2) Should I have purchased a normal shield upgrade before buying the Naval shield upgrade? Can the two of them work together?
3) I also saw a Caduceus Omega for sale when I purchased the Caduceus Alpha, but it was way more expensive and had the same cargo capacity and speed. Is there any advantage of this ship over mine?

Thanks for all your help!

Re: Questions about the Caduceus

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2009 10:30 am
by ClymAngus
Thank you for purchasing a Caduceus, we hope you have many happy hours of bio-mechanically assisted trading and if need be personal existance defending with her.

We will do our best to address your queries quickly and to your satisfaction.

1) Broad side plasma cannons will open up automatically when the following conditions are met.

A) target is hostile.
B) target is within 4k
C) target is "selected" by your ships targeting system.
D) target is within the turrets field of fire

These safeguards are there to avoid any silly "friendly fire" issues. We would suggest using this ship in conjunction with the auto-targetter

2) Our advice does not include 3rd party add ons.

3) The twin sun guns on the omega are mounted above and below the ship giving a 360 degree (z axis) field of fire. The sun gun is one of the more powerful plasma guns ever to be grown.

Once again we would like to take this opportunity to congratulate you on your purchase and wish you many happy hours of profit aquisition.

as they say on Lave; sheezen-vitra-veloga! (translation: fly well, never fall)

Garrett wrote:
Dear fellow Ooliters,

After saving up a long time doing milk-runs with my Python, I have justy bought a shiny new Caduceus and fitted it out with Military Shields and a forward Military laser.

The description above describes broadside Plasma Cannons, but I'm not sure how they work. I have purchased a plasma gun turret for my rear view for 200 credits which works fine.

So I have a few questions on the Caduceus that aren't covered in the glossy sales brochure I got with it :) They are:

1) How do I use the broadside plasma cannons?
2) Should I have purchased a normal shield upgrade before buying the Naval shield upgrade? Can the two of them work together?
3) I also saw a Caduceus Omega for sale when I purchased the Caduceus Alpha, but it was way more expensive and had the same cargo capacity and speed. Is there any advantage of this ship over mine?

Thanks for all your help!

Re: Questions about the Caduceus

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2009 11:07 am
by Makara
ClymAngus wrote:
We would suggest using this ship in conjunction with the auto-targetter
D'oh - got too vexed by that picking up on Tharglets (in a regular 4 gun ship) to realise how handy it would be for the Caduceus.

*rushes off to a shipyard*

Re: Questions about the Caduceus

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2009 11:59 am
by Sendraks
Garrett wrote:
After saving up a long time doing milk-runs with my Python, I have justy bought a shiny new Caduceus and fitted it out with Military Shields and a forward Military laser.
Dear god man, that must've been a lot of milk runs to amass the 1.2million credits needed for the Caddy Alpha. :shock:

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2009 12:33 pm
by Garrett
Thanks for the after-sales support - it's much better than that dodgy guy who sold my the Python in Tionisla! The reason I didn't find out how to use the plasma cannons was the front laser made short work of all the pirates who have attacked me so far :D But I have found a nice Tech-Level 2 Poor Agricultural Anarchy I feel it is part of my duty as a citizen of the Oolite universe to help them progress by selling them lots of computers whilst vigorously defending myself against the more aggresive law-breakers in the system...
Dear god man, that must've been a lot of milk runs to amass the 1.2million credits needed for the Caddy Alpha.
Indeed, I flew in-between 2 systems constantly for about 2 weeks. If you get out of the space-lane, then it's quite quiet so you can do other stuff in the background whilst doing the actual flying.

Re: Questions about the Caduceus

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2009 12:44 pm
by Screet
Garrett wrote:
2) Should I have purchased a normal shield upgrade before buying the Naval shield upgrade? Can the two of them work together?
Yes, while for energy units it's either Extra Energy Unit or Naval Energy Unit, the shield equipment can work together.

You will want to own at least EEU but much more a NEU before you install both shield upgrades. The reason is that without additional energy units the power consumption from the shields is greater than the power creation of the ship and thus you won't have your lasers online when you've been hit.


Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 11:28 am
by Garrett
Thanks for the advice everyone! I have another quick question about the Random Hits OXP. I have been asked to get rid of a bad guy in a Corporate State world, but when I fly there the system seems just as empty as normal. There are normal ships (Boas, Vipers and so on), but I can't find the baddie despite spending well over an hour (in real time) "jumping" around the system. Any thoughts on where they usually are? I don't mind flying around a bit but I thought they would be in the main space-lane or sun-skimming :(

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 11:34 am
by Screet
Garrett wrote:
Any thoughts on where they usually are? I don't mind flying around a bit but I thought they would be in the main space-lane or sun-skimming :(
Try the W/N route...if I do not find the victim on some runs down that route, I concider that he probably did jump out (at least if shot by the player, they sometimes do) and either dock, quit oolite and reload or jump out of the system and back again.


Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 11:36 am
by Sendraks
For random hits, if you don't find the target in the system en route to the planet, then it is worth checking out nearby systems and jumping back to the target system.

I've had one or two random hits where I picked off the target in a nearby system (within 7 ly) rather than the one specified in the contract.

Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2009 11:50 am
by Garrett
Thanks everyone for the advice! I did my first two "hits", the second of which was quite challenging (taking on a Boa and full escorts).

Sorry to be a pain, but one last question. I installed the Navy OXP and joined the reservists. I fought against some Thargoids in a big battle at Learorce which we won but my poor Caduceus got a bit shot up: ... amaged.jpg

Note that the "Damage Control Node" has been damaged, so nothing is being repaired. Is there any way of repairing this, or will I have to revert to an earlier save game?

Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2009 1:23 pm
by Makara
Quite a battering you took there Garrett - glad you made it out alive.

The Damage Control Node repairs itself first, so it will just be a matter of time for most of the damage to fix itself. Looking at that screenie I think that the external heat shielding won't be repaired by that - but probably best to wait to see what still needs doing after a "Systems Nominal" message.

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2009 10:24 am
by BigBadMadBill
I also saved up all my pennies to bug a Caudacius Alpha and it's a good ship.

Like one of the posters above I am also running the Random Hits OXP, which seems like a lot of fun. I am an assassin in real life so it easy to slip into this persona on-screen.

My question is this. When I accept a mission to send some poor-sole (gosh it sounds like I care) to the next life it appears in my mission list (F5 F5) and the star is marked on the galaxy chart (F6 F6). But if I save my position to go to work to send some poor-sole to the next life when I come back and load the file the mission has gone.

Is this normal?

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2009 10:31 am
by another_commander
BigBadMadBill wrote:
I am an assassin in real life so it easy to slip into this persona on-screen.
You sure this is a good thing to say on a public forum? Or did I miss the joke (the question still stands, though)?

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2009 10:59 am
by BigBadMadBill
Is advertising banned?

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2009 11:01 am
by ClymAngus
another_commander wrote:
BigBadMadBill wrote:
I am an assassin in real life so it easy to slip into this persona on-screen.
You sure this is a good thing to say on a public forum? Or did I miss the joke (the question still stands, though)?
Well that would depend on several factors;

a) What he assassinates.
b) How well his isp is shielded.
c) Country of origin.
d) Current country of operations.
e) (more an asthetic point than a practical one) did the recipients of said cleaning service really REALLY deserve it.
f) mitigating cercomstances, eg state appointed exeutioner, CIA Spook, covert military sniper. etc etc etc.

Sometimes things die, it's the enviroment and perspective that defines both the personal and social acceptability of the act.