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How to get rich reasonably quick?

Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2009 8:56 pm
by Southwark

I have an iron ass Cobby MkIII which I like, but I'd like a Super Cobra (I find these hard to kill!).

Doing Bounter Hunter runs or Galactic Navy Mission I can usually earn 10K cr in an hour or so.

What other options are there (bar selling and getting a bus aka Python/Boa)?

Seems 10K for an hour will take me a while to get to 1M cr, considering I am now Dangerous, 750 kills and have a trade in value on the cobby of 150K (mostly the value of the cobby).

Suggestions welcome!

Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2009 9:03 pm
by Eric Walch
Do some serious trading (no special oxp involved):
But make sure you don't fail your deadline. I failed mine for a few kg of gemstones. Now they don't want it anymore and I must sell it on the normal market, bit by bit with a maximum of 0.127 kg per station.

Re: How to get rich reasonably quick?

Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2009 9:18 pm
by Screet
Southwark wrote:
Seems 10K for an hour will take me a while to get to 1M cr, considering I am now Dangerous, 750 kills and have a trade in value on the cobby of 150K (mostly the value of the cobby).
You can earn much more than that within one hour if you fly a Boa Class Cruiser - you won't even have to do the inbuilt trade runs for that.

Simply buy & sell computers, luxuries, furs and liquor...then the 10K will be a matter of a few minutes.


Re: How to get rich reasonably quick?

Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2009 9:56 pm
by Makara
Screet wrote:
You can earn much more than that within one hour if you fly a Boa Class Cruiser - you won't even have to do the inbuilt trade runs for that.

Simply buy & sell computers, luxuries, furs and liquor...then the 10K will be a matter of a few minutes.

A cheaper alternative to the BCC would be the Pinata Python Class Cruiser. Thinner skinned than the Boa Cruiser, but correspondingly cheaper and good for fast milk runs.

These bigger ships also open up more cargo carrying jobs - enough successes at these and you get the high value ones like Eric posted.

Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2009 11:53 pm
by Sendraks
Aye, the PCC or BCC will be enough to get you started towards the super lucrative trading missions.

Ofc- if you have the galactic navy or random hits oxps installed, there are more violent ways to make cash fast open to you.

Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2009 11:55 pm
by Screet
Sendraks wrote:
Ofc- if you have the galactic navy or random hits oxps installed, there are more violent ways to make cash fast open to you.
...and once you have 2 mil you probably want to install OSE and buy a station that creates income ;)


Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2009 11:56 pm
by CheeseRedux
Without going into specifics, trading elsewhere than the main stations can often be very profitable. Of course, this requires one or more OXPs to be installed, in order for there to be somewhere else to trade.

On slight tangent: Is there a general consensus on the board regarding spoilers? I was considering a more detailed reply, hiding the potentially offensive details in white text, but decided on a more careful approach.

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2009 12:03 am
by DaddyHoggy
CheeseRedux wrote:
Without going into specifics, trading elsewhere than the main stations can often be very profitable. Of course, this requires one or more OXPs to be installed, in order for there to be somewhere else to trade.

On slight tangent: Is there a general consensus on the board regarding spoilers? I was considering a more detailed reply, hiding the potentially offensive details in white text, but decided on a more careful approach.
Most people use rot13 as white doesn't actually hide the text. (paste your spoiler into the rot13 box and post here - people who want to know do the same at the text is unhidden)[/url]

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2009 12:12 am
by CheeseRedux
DaddyHoggy wrote:
Most people use rot13 as white doesn't actually hide the text.
Trouble is, some people actually know how to read rot13. :D
Anyway, I was more wondering about the actual writing of spoilers than their method of concealment.

Maybe both ebg13 naq juvgr grkg would work? :D

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2009 12:22 am
by ClymAngus
But, action is required to read rot13. Therefore there must be intent.
It becomes a personal honor issue, and absolves the creator of all responsibility.

Those who wish to remain truly chase prove it by NOT translating.
It is enough to render the information cryptic. The act of translation, or lack of it, is the moral test.

Getting rich quick.

1) Build up your rep doing "dumb" specialist trades. NEVER leave a station without looking at the gold/gem/plat specialist trade boards. Save at every station.

2) cheat. hack your save. Keep on adding zeros till your bored.

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2009 6:20 am
by Chrisfs
A passenger trip from one side of the galaxy to another will get you 10k or more, though it would take somewhat more than an hour. I have gotten close to 20k for one once.

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2009 8:14 am
by DaddyHoggy
I have been known to visit my local witchpoint Constore on the way out of system loaded with food (c. 3Cr/TC) and found to my amazement they've just brough in a whole new bunch of pirates (aka slaves) that need feeding and they're paying 100+Cr/TC for food. And lo they're flogging all that confiscated Drugs from the bust and 1.2Cr a TC and I know the main system station was asking/paying 80Cr/TC before I left.

So even in my Cobby3 I have been know to make 6000 in 10 minutes without even leaving the system!

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2009 12:11 pm
by Sendraks
Yes, there are a few con stores in each galaxy (always the same ones) which appear to have a fixation on buying food and textiles at 100credits per ton. A nice little earner.

Gems, gold, platinum and alien items are also usually on sale at Con Stores for bargain basement prices. Due to the minimal impact on cargo space these goods take up, I always buy whatever stock the con store has if I've passing through a system.

Ofc, while constores are profitable, the real money is still to be made running the carrier market contracts as Eric already said. If you want to progress quickly to the top end contracts, then the anaconda is the way to go. With some canny planning, you can line up 4 or more contracts on more or less the same route and very quickly improve your rating for the high paying gem/plat/gold jobs.

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2009 11:43 pm
by Southwark
So if I get this right I have to swap ships to get a good contract?

Also if I do a few galatic navy reserve missions or bounty hunter terminations do you get offered more lucrative ones after a while?

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2009 11:51 pm
by Screet
Southwark wrote:
So if I get this right I have to swap ships to get a good contract?
Sadly, yes. The offers for low-tonnage are exactly those which can only be gained when one ownes a trading ship and does runs with the less-lucrative contracts which require to move more cargo. Even with an old Caduceus which had 50TC (it's 30 now) it was not possible to get enough contracts for a sufficient reputation to gain access to gold/platinum/gems contracts.
Southwark wrote:
Also if I do a few galatic navy reserve missions or bounty hunter terminations do you get offered more lucrative ones after a while?
IIRC GalNavy does stay the same - and basically you will have to rely on the bounty you can make. If you learn some tricks like how to destroy a thargoid fleet before it arrives at the battleground, you can make more money than by waiting for them to arrive and then shooting them down together with your navy comrades. It's similar with pirate bases. With Random Hits it's up to the user to select an easy, medium or difficult contract. These do pay accordingly.
