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How do they know?

Posted: Fri Oct 16, 2009 7:25 pm
by treczoks
How do the inhabitants of the Ooniverse know about the famous unusual casinos and deadly earthquakes of Oresrati in the eighth galaxy sector?

And how many incredible stories start with "Once, in a bar in Oresrati, I met..."?


Christian Treczoks

Posted: Fri Oct 16, 2009 8:06 pm
by Kaks
I think a certain trumble dealer couldn't keep his trap shut, so now the whole system is swamped by a horde of tourist that wouldn't even know of the place otherwise...

As a matter of public record, I'd like a refund on the 'secluded retirement villa in one of the unspoilt corners of the galaxy, ideal for swinging parties', the whole planet is a death trap! :P

Posted: Fri Oct 16, 2009 8:22 pm
by matthewfarmery
Kaks wrote:
I think a certain trumble dealer couldn't keep his trap shut, so now the whole system is swamped by a horde of tourist that wouldn't even know of the place otherwise...

As a matter of public record, I'd like a refund on the 'secluded retirement villa in one of the unspoilt corners of the galaxy, ideal for swinging parties', the whole planet is a death trap! :P
you won't get a refund, as the place has a no refund policy attached to it, as for the crook that you had dealings with, he is long gone, and don't bother trying to sell the place onto another unsuspecting customer, it won't wash or work, the planet is known as a death trap now, no one in their right mind will buy it from you :D
bottom line is, your stuck with it :D

Posted: Fri Oct 16, 2009 8:25 pm
by Kaks
Well, that furry fiend can still be spotted on these very boards, even though he disappeared for a while following that slightly unwise purchase...

...know what I'm talking about, Captain H?

Re: How do they know?

Posted: Fri Oct 16, 2009 8:38 pm
by Cody
treczoks wrote:
How do the inhabitants of the Ooniverse know about the famous unusual casinos and deadly earthquakes of Oresrati in the eighth galaxy sector?
Maybe it was one of those travel guides like “The Hitch-hikers Guide to the Ooniverse”,
or “The Ooniverse on Five Credits a Day”. Both often containing wildly inaccurate information.

Re: How do they know?

Posted: Fri Oct 16, 2009 9:03 pm
by matthewfarmery
El Viejo wrote:
treczoks wrote:
How do the inhabitants of the Ooniverse know about the famous unusual casinos and deadly earthquakes of Oresrati in the eighth galaxy sector?
Maybe it was one of those travel guides like “The Hitch-hikers Guide to the Ooniverse”,
or “The Ooniverse on Five Credits a Day”. Both often containing wildly inaccurate information.
the first book, while completely wrong on so many things but it still a big seller, however it does have one piece of advice that is probably the most valid advice the book has, on its rear cover it has the words
"Don't look behind you!"

as for The Ooniverse on Five Credits a Day, there are so many copies kicking around, they simply aren't selling, beside its impossible to get around on 5 credits a day, most ship owners usually demand 15 credits a pop if you want to go anyway within a 7 light year radius, since inflation went through the roof, and its a cold dark place is Ooniverse, beside most of the time, no one can year you scream, :lol: plus food and lodging is nearly always extra, I think the last count was, you need at least 40 credits per day to have a good look around, and make sure you are VERY WELL insured, and be careful WHO insures you, some insurance companies won't pay up and will wrangle out a contract at the earliest opportunity

my advice is to stay at home :lol:

Posted: Sat Oct 17, 2009 10:36 am
by Captain Hesperus
Kaks wrote:
Well, that furry fiend can still be spotted on these very boards, even though he disappeared for a while following that slightly unwise purchase...

...know what I'm talking about, Captain H?
I'll refer you to my Lawyer:
Mr. Gantrel wrote:
Caveat Emptor.
'Nuff said.

Captain Hesperus

Posted: Sat Oct 17, 2009 10:54 am
by Kaks
What, not even a complimentary Trumble? :P

Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2009 2:05 pm
by Captain Hesperus
Kaks wrote:
What, not even a complimentary Trumble? :P
Why, yes indeed! Even as we speak, an Anaconda loaded with the finest of my stock is winging its way (albeit without crew, flight controls, or indeed, any safety devices) to land on your death trap highly-desirable planetoid.

Enjoy, complements of HIATUS!

Captain Hesperus