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Java Script rework by pmw57 - original oxp'ers have a look!

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2009 8:35 am
by Lestradae
Hi to the oxp creators,

Over there in the Testing & Bugs forum, pmw57 has started to go through java scripts of diverse oxps to:

1) fix a timer-related issue that can happen with some
2) clean up the code, seemingly to an industrial standard
3) find errors that might lurk somewhere

It happened during the course of the OSE project, but might be of interest also to those who are not interested in that at all.

I hope the help & work pmw57 is offering can be taken in a spirit of friendly collaboration, as it should be and this board (probably the friendliest this side of Riedquat) has frequently been able to do.

You might want to compare scripts and take/incorporate whatever suits you or you find useable if these are scripts from your own oxps he is working through, or offer valuable criticism.
