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Does the planets of our solar system appear anywhere?

Posted: Sat Oct 10, 2009 2:58 pm
by toxitalk
I think a couple of year ago I asked this sort of question, I have search the posts, but I cant find anything?

So is there any mods etc for oolite that will let me 'fly to the moon and back?'


Posted: Sat Oct 10, 2009 3:15 pm
by pagroove
As far as I know not.

Posted: Sat Oct 10, 2009 3:16 pm
by Rustybolts
I haven't seen any such oxp

Posted: Sat Oct 10, 2009 3:26 pm
by Cmdr Wyvern
Nope, you're SOL on that score. Old Sol is far and away from GalCop territory.

You could give system redux a whirl. No Solar system bodies there, but there is at least other planets and moons to have a look at.

Re: Does the planets of our solar system appear anywhere?

Posted: Sat Oct 10, 2009 3:49 pm
by Screet
toxitalk wrote:
I think a couple of year ago I asked this sort of question, I have search the posts, but I cant find anything?

So is there any mods etc for oolite that will let me 'fly to the moon and back?'
IIRC the most you can see (with an oxp) is real asteroids being turned into models...and random moons with another.


Re: Does the planets of our solar system appear anywhere?

Posted: Sun Oct 11, 2009 6:32 pm
by tomsk
toxitalk wrote:
So is there any mods etc for oolite that will let me 'fly to the moon and back?'

There is a mod that allows you to play any tune whilst docking, so you could dock to the sound of Sinatra singing. ;)

Posted: Sun Oct 11, 2009 7:21 pm
by Cmdr Wyvern
Is there? I know of hyperradio, but I don't think that changes the docking computer tune.

Re: Does the planets of our solar system appear anywhere?

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 8:46 am
by Commander McLane
toxitalk wrote:
I think a couple of year ago I asked this sort of question, I have search the posts, but I cant find anything?

So is there any mods etc for oolite that will let me 'fly to the moon and back?'

The short answer: No.

The longer answer: Earth (and our whole solar system, for that matter) are not a part of Oolite, as they were not a part of Elite. If you want a game that includes your home solar system, you'd have to play the games of the Frontier series instead (or change your homeplace to Lave, of course :wink: ).

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 11:54 am
by Svengali
Cmdr Wyvern wrote:
Is there? I know of hyperradio, but I don't think that changes the docking computer tune.
Yupp. Hyperradio does not alter any sounds. That's why we have the Sound Sets. But none of them is changing Oolites Theme music or the Docking Tune. The only oxp, I know of, that ships a own Theme is pagrooves Famous Planets.

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 12:02 pm
by Sendraks
Cmdr Wyvern wrote:
Nope, you're SOL on that score. Old Sol is far and away from GalCop territory.
It is not so much that they're far away, as I understand it, but off limits to GalCop space citizens. At least thats my understanding of the integrated Elite/Frontier time line.

Earth isn't much more than 20 or 30 light years from lave, but we can't go there because the co-ordinates are not plugged into our Nav computers, because the Federation and GalCop had a falling out. Same for the planets of Empire space.

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 12:15 pm
by Commander McLane
Sendraks wrote:
It is not so much that they're far away, as I understand it, but off limits to GalCop space citizens. At least thats my understanding of the integrated Elite/Frontier time line.

Earth isn't much more than 20 or 30 light years from lave, but we can't go there because the co-ordinates are not plugged into our Nav computers, because the Federation and GalCop had a falling out. Same for the planets of Empire space.
Both, actually. We can't go to neither Earth nor Achenar due to politics. But in case of Earth it is also a little off, north of map 1. So you can't go there, anyway.

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 12:25 pm
by Sendraks
No one wants to go to Earth anyway, tis a silly place.

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 12:54 pm
by Cmdr James
In basic oolite, or elite the Sol system wouldnt make much sense, as there is only ever one star and one planet.

I know that now there are OXPs which add planets and moons, but I dont think you are likely to see a system like ours quite yet.

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 1:07 pm
by phonebook
oh and everything else makes sense does it?

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 1:35 pm
by Disembodied
For a given value of "sense", yes! :D