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game questions: wolfmk2, hatchling, font size, police condor

Posted: Fri Oct 09, 2009 12:09 pm
by Neverlast74
I have serveral (beginner) questions:

1. I see wolf mk2 shooting at me with 2 guns from front - can I install that as well in the player wolf mk2?

2. Hatchlings attack me - as a "clean" when I kill them I turn offender? I assume they just want to "play"?

3. Can I adjust the font size of messages that appear on the screen while flying sometimes in a fight I do not see the ships anymore...

4. attacking an police condor that is an offernder: I did not manage to kill it, several explosions altough 5x full military laser loads of hits. I assume their energy shield is stronger than my laser cooldown. (I would be surprise if hit and run would work there)

thanks - for reading

Posted: Fri Oct 09, 2009 12:21 pm
by Thargoid
1) Multiple weaponry (excluding turrets) in a given direction are currently NPC-only.

2) They're not well set-up in that case. But you'll only become "offender" if a police ship is around to witness it.

3) There was a replacement font OXP around somewhere (it's been built into OSE too). But generally changing font size, no (without designing your own). Just wait a few seconds and the messages should disappear (although they may get replaced by others if the ship in question is verbose).

4) Yes. The explosions were probably you blasting off their sub-entities. Those ships have a lot of energy, so take some pounding. The fact that it was an offender police condor though again may indicate that it hasn't been set up properly somewhere, or that it wasn't a police one.

Posted: Fri Oct 09, 2009 12:34 pm
by Neverlast74
thank you for your profound and swift reply Thargoid.

Posted: Fri Oct 09, 2009 12:35 pm
by Commander McLane
Just an addendum to 2)

They are well set-up, insofar as this is their intended behaviour.

But they are definitely not well-behaved. :wink: These boy racers are annoying, and that is their very raison d'etre in the game.

Posted: Fri Oct 09, 2009 12:37 pm
by Kaks
A few extra bits of information:

1. After the next stable release (the last one was v1.65, a couple of years back..) we're going to try and see if we can change that, but there are no concrete plans one way or another yet.

3. The text transparency depends on the overall_alpha definition inside the hud .plist

Changing overall_alpha to .60 might improve the situation for you...

Posted: Fri Oct 09, 2009 1:25 pm
by Captain Hesperus
Also for 3): I find that 'accidentally' ramming them to death causes no loss of your 'Clean' status. Otherwise, let them have their fun. They tend to play in systems with plenty of police ships, so sooner or later they will attack you with a Viper on the scanner. This will obviously earn them an 'Offender' status, making them an entirely legitimate target for you. For the minor damage to your shields, you gain a kill, a bit of bounty and the feeling that there is one less irritation to ruin your day. :D

Captain Hesperus

Posted: Fri Oct 09, 2009 2:50 pm
by Cmdr Wyvern
Boyracers, bah. An ego, a mouth and a laser, but lacking in brains, experience and sense. This is what happens when you give an undisciplined, bored teenager a fat credit card but no respect for the elders.

I may shoot then up a little, enough to make their engine vent plasma and sputter. Then, hopefully, they learn manners through looking death in the eye, and the sudden wisdom to break off and run. If they persist in being a bother, then I'm afraid a father loses a son. That's something I don't like having on my conscience, but I don't like having to deal with someone else's brat, either.