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Posted: Sat Oct 03, 2009 10:28 am
by dazer1
i keep having the same problem.when i pick up escape capsules i have got loads of credits .then when i dock with the prisoners and check my credits instead of paying me .nearly all my credits have vanished.ARE THEY ROBBING ME. I THINK SO. if i dont pick up escape pods my credit is fine.any one else having this problem ?

Posted: Sat Oct 03, 2009 10:43 am
by Svengali
Does it happen with all escape capsules or only with specific?

escape pods

Posted: Sat Oct 03, 2009 4:52 pm
by dazer1
it happens when i capture pirates mostly

Posted: Sat Oct 03, 2009 6:44 pm
by Kaks
Could you list all the oxps you have installed, if any?

escape capsules

Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2009 2:09 pm
by dazer1
i have got these oxps
repair bots 1.10 seleza v.2.1
aquatics 2.11
bigships 1.02
captured thargiods
galactic navy 5.2.2
executive spaceways 2.2
ams 1.10
ionics 1.2.3
lovecats 1.2
military fiasco 2.4.3
thargiod wars 4.3
trident down 1.3

Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2009 8:33 pm
by Svengali
If you are on a Mac with a G4/G5 CPU -> ... ght=robbed
Maybe it's related to your thingie, several oxps are still storing values as floats .-)

Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2009 9:02 pm
by Eric Walch
Svengali wrote:
If you are on a Mac with a G4/G5 CPU -> ... ght=robbed
Maybe it's related to your thingie, several oxps are still storing values as floats .-)
This was a specific bug with Oolite 1.72.x but was fixed in the last update. Other versions should be problem free.

Looking at the oxp list I don't notice a suspected oxp that could add a pod that deliberate (with a script) robs the player.

Maybe dazer1 is just fined for being offender or even has "docking clearance" enabled. I have it on for a few weeks now and it already has cost me a few 10.000 credits. Unauthorised dockings are then fined with 5% of your credits with a maximum of 5000. (For me that always ends up with 5000 Cr. for each unauthorised docking)

docking clearance however is not likely the problem as that needs editing some oolite data or adding a special oxp that is not on the above list. But normal fining could still be a cause as the message is sometimes overlooked.

esccape capsules problem

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2009 8:09 am
by dazer1
I am running windows vista home premium.what do you mean by unauthorised docking ? i have never seen any messages about this .and when docking i use the c key.if its supposed to be 5% well it carnt count as sometimes it takes thousands much more than 5000 cr. can you get fined for shooting escape capsules coz since ive had this problem i have been shooting them. coz there a pain in my credits when i pick them up. this is giving me space sickness and when i shut my eyes i see spinning planets aaarrrrhhhhh.