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Help Me Hack Please

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2009 3:02 pm
by Hemlock
Like any young Jamison I'd like to try to fly some of the more expensive ships but lack the funds. I tried to hack my save file:





Then saving the changed file as

But the new amended save file does not appear. I have used the brick on the shift button method and I am using Edit Pad lite which I have used before on Python aps...Any help would be much appreciated.



Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2009 3:13 pm
by Diziet Sma
I saw the topic Title and thought we had another bot-spammer for a minute..

Try saving your edited file as Jameson.oolite-save and see if that helps... :wink: note that there is a small but important difference....

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2009 3:26 pm
by Hemlock
My bad.....

That was what I used - sorry for the confusion.


It still does not work...... :(

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2009 3:31 pm
by Commander McLane
The obvious question: Which software have you used to edit the save-file?

If it happened to be Notepad, then it's too bad. Congratulations: You have officially smashed your save-file. :evil:

I just quote what the good Commander Commodore Kaks had to say over here wholesale:
Kaks wrote:
Welcome to the boards! (The friendliest this side of Riedquat, apparently)

You probably edited your save game with window's notepad.
As I said a few million times already, notepad is evil:

It adds hidden characters to a file, and when saved it also adds a .txt extension to the file - which in most systems is actually hidden too from the user.

How to undo the damage: remove all the hidden characters, which prevent Oolite from reading the save game properly, and make sure the save game is called as opposed to

To remove the hidden characters you should use a proper text editor, like the free notepad++ (available from sourceforge, google for it)

If memory serves me well, you need to change every single hidden extra return character at the end of each line. Change the view options inside notepad++ so you can see the hidden characters...

Hope this helps.

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2009 3:34 pm
by Diziet Sma
Hmm.. then I would be inclined to suspect your text editor. It may be adding unwanted line-feeds to the file, which you won't see.. from what I recall, this tends to affect gamesaves more than OXP plists..

Notepad++ has a nice option under the Format menu called "Convert to UNIX Format". If Edit Pad lite has something similar, try running that command on the file and re-save..

If it doesn't, I'd recommend you download Notepad++ and use it to do the above conversion..

(Note that the conversion mentioned above will automatically do the same thing that Kaks says to do manually)


Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2009 3:37 pm
by Lestradae
Commander McLane wrote:
If it happened to be Notepad, then it's too bad. Congratulations: You have officially smashed your save-file.
There is a rather bizarre trick to get something back, sometimes, from notepad contamination. If you happen to have windows mail.

Open a new mail. Copy & paste the offending savegame's contents into the text part. Now highlight the whole text and tell windows mail to make it "only text".

Put the changed text into something like htmleditor or texteditor. Save it.

It might just work again.



Re: ...

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2009 3:44 pm
by Diziet Sma
Lestradae wrote:
Commander McLane wrote:
If it happened to be Notepad, then it's too bad. Congratulations: You have officially smashed your save-file.
There is a rather bizarre trick to get something back, sometimes, from notepad contamination. If you happen to have windows mail.

Open a new mail. Copy & paste the offending savegame's contents into the text part. Now highlight the whole text and tell windows mail to make it "only text".

Put the changed text into something like htmleditor or texteditor. Save it.

It might just work again.


Hi L, but there is no need for this procedure.. just open in Notepad++, go to the Format menu, select "Convert to UNIX Format", and re-save the file... problem solved.. 8)


Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2009 3:50 pm
by Lestradae
I never got the notepad problem ... I use HTML editor. So perhaps my "solution" is a bit more complicated than nescessary :oops:

What Diziet Sma says, then 8)

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2009 3:55 pm
by Hemlock
Thankfully I made a back up of my original save my Jamison is safely ensconced in his Mosquito Trader :)

I will now track down notepad ++ and see what happens.

Thanks Guys


Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2009 4:23 pm
by phonebook
if you manage to do the thing again, here is the way i got out of it:

[/url] ... highlight=[/url]

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2009 4:33 pm
by Hemlock
Well it worked thanks guys.

Notepad ++ is my friend

I just had to try out that Caddy Omega....but somehow it doesn't seem the same..having ripped off the Galactic I turned myself in and paid my fine and they let me off with a warning and gave me the keys to my old Mosquito....

Thanks again


Posted: Sat Jan 02, 2010 7:08 pm
by scaseman
Well I must be lucky as I have used windows notepad to edit my save file with no noticeable negative effects. I am runing Vista 64 bit.

Posted: Sat Jan 02, 2010 8:30 pm
by DaddyHoggy
scaseman wrote:
Well I must be lucky as I have used windows notepad to edit my save file with no noticeable negative effects. I am runing Vista 64 bit.
I think Word wrap is the killer - if this is left off - you stand a 50:50 chance of notepad not screwing up the file.

Posted: Sat Jan 02, 2010 11:13 pm
by JeffBTX
For the record; I started YET ANOTHER savegame (this time it will be a SERIES of archived savegames after certain milestones have been reached)... this series will be "vanilla" with no OXPs (until at least after all native missions are done)... I have a fully equipped Cobra Mk III, all equipment to include Military Shield Enhancement...
(EDIT: Less mission-specific equipment)

and 2910.0 Cr...

... without hacking ...

2084128:22:59:10 (Start Date = 2084004, 124 days in space)

(and it could have been a LITTLE sooner if I had optimized my trading routes).