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take ships you beat. ACE

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2009 9:34 am
by dazer1
it would be good to take ships you beat .like with a trackter beam or something .and be able to fly or board or even sell these ships .after they have been left. you can have a garage of ships then for different missions.that can be very usefull.what do you think ?.

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2009 9:37 am
by LittleBear
Can be done with a Salvage Drone. You'll need the Dredgers OXP installed and 1.73+ of Oolite. Mount a Drone on one of your missile pylons. You'll only be able to salvage though if your victim abandones ship in his escape pod. Lock a Salvage Drone onto the wreak of his ship and the drone's auto-pilot will guide it to the nearest dredger. Provided it arrives safely, you'll get a reward. You cam't however keep the ship, but you do at least get some cash for passing the salvage rights to the dredger crew.

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2009 9:48 am
by DaddyHoggy
But at the moment the player and the shape are effectively the same entity, so it's not currently possible to own multiple ships - although I believe Lestradae in OSE is working on a work-around for something similar (you will be able to at least own a whole station while still owning your ship)

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2009 10:31 am
by Kaks
DH, I think you can own the whole 8 galaxies using OSE, but it might take some time...


Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2009 11:39 am
by Lestradae
Kaks wrote:
DH, I think you can own the whole 8 galaxies using OSE, but it might take some time...
Sadly, it's not that extensive :lol:

You can actually own 12 different types of station, from rock hermit to super hub, and there are two stations of each type in every galactic sector, or 16 of each type in the whole ooniverse. No system has more than one potential player station in it.

So the absolute maximum ownable would be owning 192 stations, for the occasion price of 15 billion credits. You still wouldn't own a single system, though.

I thought about making systems buyable, but found no consistent ingame story for that, and also had no idea how to implement/price that. The OSE player stations cost between 2 and 200 million credits each, how much would a whole system cost? 5 billion? 10? However long you play Oolite, you will probably never have that sort of creds, not even as a player station tycoon.

I must admit I gave up on the multiple ships idea, I ran into too many showstoppers for that. I suppose it could be done, but perhaps it would make more sense if a coder MUCH more able than myself took it into their capable hands. I would share my workaround ideas to get at least some of this going, though. A salvaged ship that you can keep (but still instead of your old one) i.e. would be easily scriptable.

Brainstorming 8)