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Visual Nice to have/ Captured People on F5

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 8:06 am
by Neverlast74
Not a must but it would be nice to see how many of the buggers from the capsules I have already loaded in my ship on the page F5. (or is it already somewhere and I never realized.?)

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 11:02 am
by CptnEcho
When you scoop an escape capsule, the game adds one unit of "slaves" to your cargo manifest.

There is no separate category for scooped escape capsules. Also, since they count towards (or against) your ships total available cargo space, the game uses an already existing commodity category to track your "inventory".

I imagine this saved the original gaming programmers some headaches, and the practice has continued as a tradition (or to keep things simple).

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 11:38 pm
by zevans
CptnEcho wrote:
There is no separate category for scooped escape capsules. Also, since they count towards (or against) your ships total available cargo space, the game uses an already existing commodity category to track your "inventory".
But, when you scoop someone, it says you scooped such-a-body... and then when you get the rescue reward when you dock, it mentions his/her/its name again... doesn't it? If it does, where does it track the name?

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2009 7:18 am
by Neverlast74
dont know if you asked me :roll: but I recall that I saw the message once - "you captured slaves" and most of the time - you captured Xu'nu Bramburi or something.

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2009 7:49 am
by Eric Walch
zevans wrote:
CptnEcho wrote:
There is no separate category for scooped escape capsules. Also, since they count towards (or against) your ships total available cargo space, the game uses an already existing commodity category to track your "inventory".
But, when you scoop someone, it says you scooped such-a-body... and then when you get the rescue reward when you dock, it mentions his/her/its name again... doesn't it? If it does, where does it track the name?
Normally, when you fly your cobra and scoop a pod with a content, claiming it contains mr. someone, you only have his word he is the nice insured fellow and not that systemwide wanted criminal. Besides that, you can't access the cargo bay to open the pod from your cabin. So verification of the personalities can only happen at a port. Until than it is standard intergalactic practice to just assume they are slaves.

On docking the insured people and the criminals are released against a fee. You will notice they are removed as slave cargo on docking. Only the real slaves stay in the cargo bay.

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2009 9:14 am
by DaddyHoggy
In my short story Lazarus I also use this "feature" so that my hero's manifest indicates he's carrying 1TC of slaves even though it's actually a rescued pilot...