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Vector Millionaire

Posted: Sat Sep 19, 2009 4:40 pm
by Tivva

just found my first Vector Millionaire & decided to pick off the scout sidewinders & then scoop him when/if he ejected- just to see what happens....

His constant drunken singing & belching is worse than Trumbles...aarrghh
Let me get to a station quick to get rid of him...

Nice work whoever wrote the oxp 8)

Posted: Sat Sep 19, 2009 4:46 pm
by Svengali
Tivva wrote:
Nice work whoever wrote the oxp Cool
Thanks - you'll get some more ...err... surprises :twisted:

Posted: Sun Sep 20, 2009 6:55 pm
by Tivva
Svengali wrote:
Tivva wrote:
Nice work whoever wrote the oxp Cool
Thanks - you'll get some more ...err... surprises :twisted:
great, nice one Svengali... look forward too it I think...
I decided to let him free rather than sell him as a slave on the market- thinking I might get a reward.... Not this time...

I recorded the drunk singing for a moby message alert tone though- not sure what they'll think of it at work tomorrow!!!

Posted: Sun Sep 20, 2009 7:51 pm
by Svengali
Tivva wrote:
great, nice one Svengali... look forward too it I think...
I decided to let him free rather than sell him as a slave on the market- thinking I might get a reward.... Not this time...
:-) Muchas gracias. These rich guys are sleeping on their money - so there is only a low chance that they will share (a bit of) it with you. But someday they will say 'Thank you'. The other option opens (when repeated often enough) other options and chances for reactions, some of them are visible for the player, others are only internally used. But every reaction is calculated as chance to happen, so nothing is fixed and you won't get a 'reaction' everytime. And it will give a nice income, hehe.

While writing it I've had to laugh about a lot of ideas - it's sometimes a bit ironic, sometimes burlesque, sometimes just nice and sometimes a bit nasty (like the drunken passenger), but always with a smile. A fun-oxp, I'd say. So keep on rocking - and have some fun .-)
Tivva wrote:
I recorded the drunk singing for a moby message alert tone though- not sure what they'll think of it at work tomorrow!!!
Harr, harr - keep us informed :-)