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Re: Getting rich fast!

Posted: Sat Sep 12, 2009 8:31 pm
by ClymAngus
Greyman wrote:


After selling the missiles my Cobra Mk3 is suddenly worth lots of Credits. At least this way I could finally afford a Caduceus (and it's a really nice ship with a cool HUD). But I still guess it's not the way this is supposed to work :)

May I just say you have great taste in ships sir. OXP updated with some AI tweaks and a little extra under the hood in the equipment repair department.

nine hundred and twenty two trillion, three hundred and thirty seven billion, two hundred and three million, seven hundred and ninety two thousand two hundred and ninety one credits. So the beers are on you then.

Re: Getting rich fast!

Posted: Sat Sep 12, 2009 8:39 pm
by Greyman
ClymAngus wrote:
May I just say you have great taste in ships sir. OXP updated with some AI tweaks and a little extra under the hood in the equipment repair department.
Cool! Downloading right now ...

Re: Getting rich fast!

Posted: Sat Sep 12, 2009 8:48 pm
by ClymAngus
Greyman wrote:
ClymAngus wrote:
May I just say you have great taste in ships sir. OXP updated with some AI tweaks and a little extra under the hood in the equipment repair department.
Cool! Downloading right now ...
Don't thank me thank Wyvern. He's the one who spotted the AI Caduceus flying like a pussy, and gave it some nuts.


Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2009 12:02 am
by Cmdr Wyvern
A whole harvestload of nuts, at that.
If you've been a bad boy and let your legal slate get less than spotless, and there's a Caddy somewhere in the system, then you might wind up getting a spanking.
As a general rule, the Shulths and their friends don't like galactic riffraff too much, and are willing to do a little exterminating on the side.

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2009 8:01 am
by ClymAngus
Hmmm, it's possible to fall into offender accidentally. It would be a shame if for a mere mis-understanding that tips things into "Offender" for a jump or two their ass gets handed to them.

As for fugitives scr*w em, occupational hazard of being a ****.

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2009 2:43 pm
by Cmdr Wyvern
ClymAngus wrote:
Hmmm, it's possible to fall into offender accidentally. It would be a shame if for a mere mis-understanding that tips things into "Offender" for a jump or two their ass gets handed to them.

As for fugitives scr*w em, occupational hazard of being a ****.
Yeah, it's not too difficult to be branded with an offender tag by accident.
Unfortunately, by the laws of GalCop even an accidental offender is a target of opportunity for every merc, squaddie, copper, hunter, and pirate with an itchy trigger appendage and an urge to collect the price on your head. Until you can clear your name, you're simply gonna be attractive in the wrong kind of way.

Now the odds of a Caddy kicking your accidentally offensive ass are very low, as it's a rare ship to come across.

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2009 2:53 pm
by ClymAngus
Works for me! :D
People steer clear of monks, it's just one more thing to steer clear of.

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 6:04 am
by Commander McLane
Just tell me where that Caddy is, and let me handle their ass to them! :twisted:

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 8:45 am
by ClymAngus
You can't shoot what you can't see, Oberstleutnant.

So why haven't you put together an Orion?. What is it? standard saucer with pointy bits? 3 counter rotating sub entities around a core object? Would look cool. Edge on you'd be a hard target, your screwed top and bottom though.

looks pretty straight forward; ... orion.html

a bit "floopy" for my tastes. But plausible.

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 9:34 am
by Commander McLane
ClymAngus wrote:
You can't shoot what you can't see, Oberstleutnant.
Dear sir, what makes you so sure that I can't see it? :wink: (In fact, the Caddy was my favorite test object for the Killit™ Missile.)

(And of course the equipment which would make the Caddy invisible doesn't exist in my personal Ooniverse anyway. But while developing the superweapons I was also thinking about everybody else. So I decided for a clear division of labour: You fire the weapon, your opponent is dead no matter what.)
ClymAngus wrote:
So why haven't you put together an Orion?. What is it? standard saucer with pointy bits? 3 counter rotating sub entities around a core object? Would look cool. Edge on you'd be a hard target, your screwed top and bottom though.

looks pretty straight forward; ... orion.html

a bit "floopy" for my tastes. But plausible.
I'm not a ship designer. In case of the Orion, Jagen Ordo is your man.

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 10:17 am
by ClymAngus
Dear sir, what makes you so sure that I can't see it? Wink (In fact, the Caddy was my favorite test object for the Killit™ Missile.)
Which says alot more about you than it does about me :D. Although I am flattered that my humble work can fluster a man of your unique stature. It really isn't worth all the effort.
And of course the equipment which would make the Caddy invisible doesn't exist in my personal Ooniverse anyway
Yet another wonderful example of how oolite panders and moulds itself to our own personal mental predilections. Humble players on the stage, yet still GODS OF THE WORLD IN WHICH THE STAGE RESIDES! Something of a strange psychological conundrum that. Control yet lack of control, it's interesting how those 2 opposite forces come together so often in things people find to be worth while and "fun". I digress.
But while developing the superweapons I was also thinking about everybody else. So I decided for a clear division of labour: You fire the weapon, your opponent is dead no matter what.
But in connection to my earlier statement. I neglected to download you oxp. Taking it as a mere whitty playful jab of an inventive mind. For whom oxp writing comes as easily as altering MR T.'s candy bar comes to me.

Effort? For some people yes, for others a mere application of talent, to cut a worth while funny. God help all of us if any of us actually take any of this seriously. :D

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 5:14 pm
by Cmdr Wyvern
I might go through the trouble of downloading McLane's doomsday bomb, just to take it apart and reverse-engineer a countermeasure. After all, every explosive weapon in the Ooniverse has a countermeasure or two - or even a range of countermeasures - that can defeat it.

ECM easily defeats standard HM3s, and may defeat hardheads and nukes. ECM also makes military missiles go crazy ivan.

Injectors easily defeat hardheads and nukes: Simply run from it, providing you have the gas to feed the injectors with.

For cascade warheads, bombs or torps, there's minesweepers, running on injectors, or if you're a really great aim (or just dumb luck), shooting it before it detonates.

The cloaking device defeats any homing missile by scrambling it's lock.

Turrets in point-defense mode have a chance of shooting missiles down.

Then there's the AMS.

Rest assured, McLane, where there's a will, there's a way to take the boom out of your uberboom.

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 5:58 pm
by ClymAngus
And so the tale of run away uber reaches it's inevitable zenith. In reply to ultimate destruction the only defence is ultimate nullification. Balance is restored in the stark black and white shades of the yin-yang. Tea anyone?

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 6:18 pm
by Thargoid
Green, with yak butter please.

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 6:35 pm
by Cody
Thargoid wrote:
with yak butter please.
Ahh, memories of Tibetan tea ... but that's really Outworld.