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Problems with 1.73.3 on Ubuntu

Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2009 10:13 am
by huffax
Hi all!
I'm new here. As a kid I used to play Elite with the '64 alot, reaching Elite-status.
I've been playing 1.65 from Ubuntu sources for a while (completely sucked me in) and decided I want the new test release.

I installed oolite_1.73.3-1_amd64.deb and oolite-data_1.73.3-1_all.deb on Ubuntu 9.04 Amd64. The game runs, but there's no sound. In fact Oolite seems to kill all sounds from the machine. In some earlier thread running it with "pasuspender oolite" helped for some, but not for me.
Also the screen flickers on the startup screen. However it stops flickering when I change to fullscreen and then I can change back to window-mode in the game. So that's not a big problem, but bit of a nuisance. (Flickering happens also with Google Earth 5)

I also tried to compile the source according to instructions on this board, but the compile stopped for being no such file as deps/Cross-platform-deps/SpiderMonkey/js/src/Linux_All_OPT.OBJ/libjs.a

So I guess I'm stuck with the old version for now.

This machine is new, but quite a budget one. It has onboard VIA1708S audio and integrated Radeon HD 3200 graphics and Athlon II 250 CPU. Of 2G RAM 256M seems to be reserved for graphics on (auto settings). I haven't changed Ubuntu's sound settings in any way. Display driver is the latest official from ATI.
I guess I need a decent graphics card sooner or later, I think I'm going to go for GeForce. So much easier on ubuntu by my experience.

Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2009 10:31 am
by Getafix
Welcome aboard huffax.

For the flickering issue, what screen resolution do you currently use? I have
encountered this issue when using 800x600. When I went to 1024x768
everything seemed OK.

For the file not found, from the <oolite source root> folder, execute:

Code: Select all

# cd deps/Cross-platform-deps/SpiderMonkey/js/src/
# mv Linux_All_DBG.OBJ/ Linux_All_OPT.OBJ/
# cd <oolite source root>
and do "make" again.


Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2009 10:51 am
by huffax
I'm using 1024x768 too. Anyway when I change to fullsreen with F12 the flickering stops, I load my commander and change back to window - no flickering. (I want windowed, so I can read this BB while waiting for mass lock to end, however without a warning sound I don't know if I'm being attacker meanwile)

I did that mv. Linux_All_OPT.OBJ directory is there, but there's no libjs.a in it. Maybe there was an error downloading the source. Could try again.

Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2009 1:05 pm
by Diziet Sma
Hi huffax, and welcome to the boards!

I think your problem sounds very similar to this one reported by PhantorGorth, and may have the same solution.. I'd also suggest reading the post directly under it, by wild turkey, as I found I had to do as he suggests before I could compile successfully on 32bit Kubuntu 9.04...

Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2009 3:15 pm
by huffax
Now it compiles without errors. I must have missed step 3 the first time. :oops:

Bad news is that the binary segfaults instantly. :(

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2009 7:30 am
by Micha
Hi Huffax,

Which version of the sources did you download and build? Older versions of Oolite segfault if they can't initialise a sound device for whatever reason.

I presume sound generally works fine in your install of Ubuntu?

There's a helper makefile in more recent versions of the source (from about 1.72 onwards I think) which correctly builds the JavaScript library if necessary. To use:

Code: Select all

make -f Makefile release
It can also be used to make a variety of other targets, use the 'help' target to get a full list:

Code: Select all

make -f Makefile help
Hope this helps,
- Micha.