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Suddenly Dying

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 12:15 pm
by Commander Learner
Hi Pilots.
I just upgraded to 1.73.2, but I notice that I seem to be dying for apparently NO REASON. For example, I launch out of the station and BOOM, die. Launch from a planet's surface, BOOM, I didn't die, the game crashed. :cry: Sigh.....

2. I recently saw a Thargoid laser for sale at a Constitution, tried to buy it, but couldn't don't know why. I tried buying other lasers, "BOOP"...nothing happens. I didn't even get the "where do you want the laser" thing. Tried buying a Military Missile, worked. What is wrong with the lasers and how do you obtain the Thargoid laser?


Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 12:22 pm
by another_commander
Please remove all OXPs and report back if the problem persists. Also kindly post the Latest.log after a crash or a sudden death instance.

Re: Suddenly Dying

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 12:24 pm
by Commander McLane
Commander Learner wrote:
I recently saw a Thargoid laser for sale at a Constitution, tried to buy it, but couldn't don't know why. I tried buying other lasers, "BOOP"...nothing happens. I didn't even get the "where do you want the laser" thing. What is wrong with the lasers and how do you obtain the Thargoid laser?
Nothing is wrong with the lasers. A Thargoid laser cannot be mounted on a player ship. Any OXP that suggests you otherwise by making it buyable (in this case RS) is a buggy, badly scripted OXP. Remove it.

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 12:25 pm
by DaddyHoggy
Thargoid lasers shouldn't be for sale - they're for use by Thargoids! The Player code isn't designed to handle their gimballed attributes and so they don't work. Are you running RS/OSE?


Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 11:01 pm
by Lestradae
The Thargoid Laser for sale at the Constitution indeed is a Realistic Shipyards (RS) bug. But, you won't get any problems with it if you abstain from buying it even if you see it for sale.

You could try out OSE (Oolite Shipyards Extension, have a look into the "Testing & Bugs" forum for that) instead of RS, it has had the bug removed - you can't buy the Thargoid Laser there, it's not supposed to work for players.

Be warned that OSE is a beta-test version heavily under development, if you install that really read through the instructions as to which oxps should not be combined with the OSE Beta WiP so as not to create game-internal conflicts.

Hope that helps,