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How about some super laser?

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2009 2:50 pm
by Commander Learner
Hi pilots.
How about we create an OXP which adds something like elite's Custom Laser which can easily destroy an Anaconda in one successful continuous strike . I know that the "Thargoid Laser" exists but can't we get it from someone like the Navy as a reward instead of cash? I tried doing it myself but obviously, I'm still a learner......

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2009 2:57 pm
by Cmdr James
Right now this cannot be done due to the way lasers are handled in oolite.

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2009 9:05 pm
by wackyman465
Yep, I looked into making a "sniper laser" once, it's hardcoded.

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 6:30 am
by Killer Wolf
"elite's custom laser"? huh? i don't recall that at all?

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 9:33 am
by Cody
Custom laser in Elite? That's not in my memory banks, either.

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 9:39 am
by Cmdr James
As far as I remember the most powerful per shot was the mining laser. I know there were some others in frontier, but elite only had the 4 (pulse, beam, military and mining).

Posted: Fri Sep 18, 2009 5:37 am
by Commander Learner
Elite TNK had it somehow, it could destroy a Thargoid in 2 seconds.
Crazy huh?

Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2009 2:28 pm
by Screet
wackyman465 wrote:
Yep, I looked into making a "sniper laser" once, it's hardcoded.
Some months ago I did test such a thing by changing the code.

I both tried it as a laser and as a super-intensity plasma shot (thus slower thing). I tried slow recharge and high energy usage values to balance them.

Really, all that happened was me wishing back the good old military laser. Somehow it took all the fun away and for longer battles it was horrible.



Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2009 3:43 pm
by Lestradae
Screet wrote:
Somehow it took all the fun away and for longer battles it was horrible.
Yeah, it was tested for OSE and we decided against including it in the end, as there really are some reasonable limits to what is still fun to play in an expanded game powerwise.

Welcome back, Screet - long time no see :wink:



Re: ...

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2009 2:49 pm
by Screet
Lestradae wrote:
Screet wrote:
Welcome back, Screet - long time no see :wink:
Yeah, good to be back! I was spending quite some time playing a commercial game with lots of bugs and working with their support crew to fix the worst of them. Aside from that, this was good enough in convincing me to spend more time to continue the work on my own game. It can be played via the internet now :D

I'm quite happy to see that the subentity problem has been fixed in the meantime....but oooohhh so many required updates for all the AddOns now...ouch! ;)

Back to topic: Maybe it would help if people could try out one of those super lasers just to see how bad it really is...but it's requiring quite many changes to the code, especially if I'd want to update that trunk build I had to the recent version it would take much time.


Re: ...

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2009 3:09 pm
by Diziet Sma
Welcome back, Screet! :D
Screet wrote:
Aside from that, this was good enough in convincing me to spend more time to continue the work on my own game. It can be played via the internet now :D
Do you have a link?

Re: ...

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2009 3:21 pm
by Screet
Diziet Sma wrote:
Welcome back, Screet! :D
Screet wrote:
Aside from that, this was good enough in convincing me to spend more time to continue the work on my own game. It can be played via the internet now :D
Do you have a link?
No, currently it's only being tested by a small group (of people who played the prior version on Atari ST since late 80's). It's less than a megabyte small, so I could easily send it via email.

However, as all current players are german, I did not yet add multilingual support and since all testers know the game quite well, it's also missing a manual.

It's a turn based strategy game which makes most fun when played with multiple humans as then the diplomacy comes into full effect.


What's happened to the mining laser?

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2009 4:52 pm
by mitchelln
What's happened to the mining laser?

In Elite this always used to be the best option for sharp shooters. It could take out a Python in 4 or 5 hits. In Oolite it seems to be totally crap. I chased a Python all around a system and at least 20 hits later I gave up!

What gives?

Re: What's happened to the mining laser?

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2009 4:57 pm
by DaddyHoggy
mitchelln wrote:
What's happened to the mining laser?

In Elite this always used to be the best option for sharp shooters. It could take out a Python in 4 or 5 hits. In Oolite it seems to be totally crap. I chased a Python all around a system and at least 20 hits later I gave up!

What gives?
The mining laser has the most bang per shot - but given it's slow rate of fire I think Oolite ships recharge their energy faster than the mining laser can take them down. But, you're right I used to fit a rear mining laser in Elite (C64 and it was certainly dissuasive!) and on Frontier (Amiga) I used to put my mining lasers in my turrets, using the old pause, aim, fire, unpause technique, to get over the nightmare of newtonian physics based combat.

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2009 5:01 pm
by mitchelln
The cycle time of the mining laser in Oolite is definitely slower than classic versions, but even so I'm sure it's not packing the same punch it used to. How has it been calculated for this version?

Kinda ruined it for me unfortunately. I've been using mining masers since 1985! Got me to Elite more than once.
