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Have I mentioned...

Posted: Wed Aug 05, 2009 8:16 pm
by Cmd. Cheyd
... I REALLY hate Javascript. :evil:

Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2009 1:25 am
by Diziet Sma
Not lately.. :lol:

Re: Have I mentioned...

Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2009 6:38 am
by Lestradae
Cmd. Cheyd wrote:
... I REALLY hate Javascript. :evil:
Before I forget: Is there a story, waiting to be told, perhaps? :wink:

Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2009 10:02 am
by Xexedi
Java-scripts not that bad once you know how it works.
Well I don't really know how it works but if your wanting to re-install it you first must delete the old one completely of your PC and also clear all history, cookies and cache. Then reinstall Java and you should be OK.

Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2009 3:16 pm
by Cmd. Cheyd
Been working on SysRedux 2.0 script, and certain things just don't want to cooperate. I forget what I was dealing with when I posted this originally, I think it was a problem with a Do...While statement. Currently, I'm having fun with parsing the system.planets array into two other arrays, and having inconsistent results returned. I'm sure it's something I'm doing, but what - Gods only know right now.... And I dont' want to resume work on the art-phase of the project until I have the coding finalized.

Healthy running

Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2009 4:53 pm
by Greyman
Even though I'm definitely not in a position to give coding tips I might suggest this: Every time I really get stuck with doing something more or less complex I simply go out there running (in my case about 10km) Usualy I get my best ideas while running ...

If you're not the running kind of person :wink: you should definitely try it.

... or simply go out for a walk, go cycling, kickboxing, etc.

Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2009 10:06 pm
by Cmdr Wyvern
Greyman's right.

When you get stumped on a brain blaster, put it on the back burner for awhile and do something else not so mental. Eventually you'll have an eureka moment.

Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2009 10:13 pm
by Cmd. Cheyd
I put it on a friend's monitor and suddenly I saw my problem. :P
Coding is complete, unless I find some goodies I want to append into it. Now, it's down to artwork. And more artwork... And more artwork... Oh, and some artwork. Then for a change of pace - Artwork!

Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2009 10:15 pm
by Cody
Correct, O Scaled One.

I heard someone on the radio recently, saying that "eureka" is the root of the word "heuristic". Interesting!

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2009 12:04 am
by wackyman465
Cmd. Cheyd wrote:
I put it on a friend's monitor and suddenly I saw my problem. :P
Coding is complete, unless I find some goodies I want to append into it. Now, it's down to artwork. And more artwork... And more artwork... Oh, and some artwork. Then for a change of pace - Artwork!
Artwork? As in ship artwork? Anything I could help with?

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2009 12:18 am
by Cmd. Cheyd
Not ships. Planets / Moons - If you read the whole thread, I'm working on System Redux 2.0.

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2009 12:31 am
by wackyman465
I'm interested in planet drawing. Personally, I think the current planets (vanilla install and system redux, dunno bout more recent stuff) are a tad bland, especially up close, like with the planet landing OXP.

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2009 3:02 am
by Cmd. Cheyd
I'm working on 40 new textures for the main planets. Doing them in "Ultra HD" as someone put it... 8k x 4k. I hope to make a 2.5 version eventually when planets support shaders. I had not really considered accepting submissions, but if you want to work something up, I'll certainly consider it.

Check out Anarlaqu in Famous Planets 2.0 for some of my earlier work. Or, here is a test rendering I did when I was about 30% through with that one...

And yes, I know I removed the cloud layers. They're back in final renders.

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2009 5:46 am
by wackyman465
That's impressive, I don;t think I could make something like that... or at least not for a while, when I have a lot more time on my hands and I'm back at my more powerful computer with Photoshop.

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2009 6:01 am
by Cmd. Cheyd
Thanks. The release version of the OXP will have 3 texture "Packs" available... Probably at 4k x 2k, 1024x512, and 512x256. I know there are quite a few folks who won't want, or won't be able, to run the extreme textures.

The 8k x 4k stuff is just what I'm working at. Although it is fun to see 'em load. :P