That'd work.
If I knew, how I do that.
I had two semesters Java, but my knowledge is only half a semester.
To mis-quote HK-47, "Opinion: You could fit my capacity for Java in a matchbox, without taking out the matches first."
Hello. We come in peace, shoot to kill, shoot to kill, shoot to kill;
we come in peace, shoot to kill, shoot to kill, men.
That looks great!
Oolite's model limits are 500 vertices, 800 faces and 8 materials - note that all faces have to be tri's, if you've
got any quads or n-gons the script will triangulate them itself, you've just got to be sure that this doesn't push you over the poly limit.
you'll need to install the python language, a version that's not too recent (v2.6 is a good one to go for) and the scripts from here
Off topic: Woo! my first 64-bits post! do i sound 32-bits more brainy to you all?
Sorry, that did sound confusing - i read a lot of GCTalkforums and it's all 'post wires pls! ur n-gons need retopologising m8' over there, i forget it sounds really weird
tri's are polygons that connect 3 verticies, quads connect 4 verticies and n-gons are any polygon that connects >4 verticies.
if say your model is made up of 16 quad polygons, when you run the script, it will convert all the quad polygons into 2 triangles, so your final poly count will go up to 32, your model is going to be fine, at most it will convert to 464 triangles - well below the 800 limit, the number of verticies and materials will stay the same
Just ran a test.
I have sixteen faces too much.
Now, I still have a bridge module I won't really need, so that's to go.
And then the model should work just fine.
I only have no idea how to make a decent texture. Have never been able to do so.
But I think I'll give it a blueish grey tone, with name and registry number, deflector and warp coils.
Hello. We come in peace, shoot to kill, shoot to kill, shoot to kill;
we come in peace, shoot to kill, shoot to kill, men.
Well, it's not the techniques that I'm having trouble with.
It's just this creative use of paint that eludes me.
If someone wants to volunteer, I can always use a helping hand with that.
Asuming I get the model working.
But beware, this one is huge.
350 meters, as I can't remember the original length. But it's somewhere on this scale.
And of course, following Federation Starships will use the same scale.
Oh, and I'm taking orders.
What ships do you wish to see in Oolite?
Hello. We come in peace, shoot to kill, shoot to kill, shoot to kill;
we come in peace, shoot to kill, shoot to kill, men.
Klingon Bird of Prey, Romulan Warbird, Star Destroyer, Death Star
Oh yes, and a few new Thargoid carriers with turrets & multiple laser batteries that can really beat the sh*t out of the Navy's new shiny toys.
Don't want much, do you? Why not ask for the moon on a stick too!!!
Miranda class, please! Maybe an Oberth class too... I have models for both, but they're a bit complicated.
That reminds me - I have a simple model of the USS Kelvin from the new film - that might make a nice Oolite model!
Regarding subentities, that's nothing to do with java. It's when you join one model onto another (parent) model and make a bigger model out of all these parts. It lets you split a complex model into lots of smaller ones and join them up. If you download my Imperial Courier OXP the nacelles are subentities and should show you how to do it.
Klingon Bird of Prey, Romulan Warbird, Star Destroyer, Death Star
Oh yes, and a few new Thargoid carriers with turrets & multiple laser batteries that can really beat the sh*t out of the Navy's new shiny toys.
Don't want much, do you? Why not ask for the moon on a stick too!!!
Miranda class, please! Maybe an Oberth class too... I have models for both, but they're a bit complicated.
That reminds me - I have a simple model of the USS Kelvin from the new film - that might make a nice Oolite model!
Regarding subentities, that's nothing to do with java. It's when you join one model onto another (parent) model and make a bigger model out of all these parts. It lets you split a complex model into lots of smaller ones and join them up. If you download my Imperial Courier OXP the nacelles are subentities and should show you how to do it.
Well, it's not the techniques that I'm having trouble with.
It's just this creative use of paint that eludes me.
If someone wants to volunteer, I can always use a helping hand with that.
Asuming I get the model working.
But beware, this one is huge.
350 meters, as I can't remember the original length. But it's somewhere on this scale.
And of course, following Federation Starships will use the same scale.
Oh, and I'm taking orders.
What ships do you wish to see in Oolite?
If you're taking orders - a "Runabout" or the Defiant - both which I think wouldn't look too out of place in the Ooniverse (especially given the work done of the classic shapes by Simon B - in fact he'd be your man for texturing if Griff has his hand's full)
Then you could keep going until you create a whole new station that bares are remarkable resemblance to DS9...
Welcome back, btw (I did PM - thinking you were "new")