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You bastards...

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2009 12:31 am
by punkbohemian
I give up.

Well, you sucked me in and I now find myself compelled to design an oxp, or two, or three. I've read up on the Wiki (though a lot of the info there wasn't that comprehensive), and I have a few questions.

The first thing I want to do is tweak the standard ships. What I'm wondering is if it is possible to just copy shipdata.plist into another file, delete the non-player ships, and then just tweak the stats on the rest? I am under the impression that, because oxps are loaded after the main game data, this will overwrite the data for the standard ships even though they are already referenced in the shipdata.plist.

Next, is it possible to change the default starting ship? So, in other words, instead of starting with a CM3, a new commander would start with an Adder (or whatever I settle on after the ship revamp).

Also, I want to do is tweak the carrier market listings. This might be more difficult. There are two things I want to do. First, I want to change the mean tonnage for cargo runs. Second, I want to change the pay scale so considers distance as well as cargo size. I heard the latter has already been worked on in some beta edition, but I don't want to wait for that to become stable.

And since I'm taking about tweaking the UI, I was wondering if I could add more info to the ship listing menu at the shop. As is, it only displays a ship's cargo space and top speed. I'd like to also display energy stats, # of missile slots, etc.

And after that...well, let's just start with these for now. :P

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2009 3:27 am
by Nemoricus
For modifying ships, you're right. Just take the entry in the original shipdata.plist, put in an OXP Config folder and place your copy there. Any modifications will overwrite the original.

Changing default starting ship: Lestradae has something either done or in the works for OSE along those lines. Check with him.

I haven't yet dug out the code for carrier missions. I'll get back to you on that as soon as I do.

I'm not sure about the UI part.