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Assassins missions - POSSIBLE SPOILER...

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2009 9:58 pm
by Pansen

just returned to Galaxy 7 for more of the assassins missions, after a long break. Think I only completed 2 or 3 on my last visit.

I started the Soin Clan mission (evading the Soin) pretty much as soon as I arrived, but it seems that I may have missed something - the mission briefing said that the Soin Clan were out for revenge following the destruction of thier warren - or something like that.

The thing is that I have no recollection of being involved in such a mission. Also, this mission seemed much harder than the previous 2/3 I had taken. No problem with a difficult mission, but just wanted to check that I hadn't - for whatever reason - missed any of the missions.

Can any on advise?



Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2009 10:42 pm
by Pansen
Also, seems that there are none/VERY few ships for sale - even at tech 14/15 worlds... wondering if something is wrong...

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2009 10:58 pm
by Screet
Pansen wrote:
Also, seems that there are none/VERY few ships for sale - even at tech 14/15 worlds... wondering if something is wrong...
Hmmm. Maybe you've got bad luck or a different set of ship-providing OXPs running. Concerning your specific mission, it's too long ago to remember exactly...but you surely will see missions with increasing difficulty.

I was beginning assassins with a GriffBoa and those missions really made me wish to find a Caduceus for more firepower - and it turned out to be really helpful to buy one ;)

Assassins probably has the biggest fights from all oxp's in! There's really intense action, especially if you dock and launch at Geteve a few times, once the party has begun!


Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2009 8:58 am
by LittleBear
You should be able just to pick up where you left off. However, the next mission won't trigger until you've killed a certain number of the Soin Sisters and a certain amount have time has passed. If you been round the Galaxies then you'll certainly meet the time requirement, but you'll need to shoot a few down next time you see them. BTW the Sisters are pissed with you as you killed Uncle Be (your first mission). The destruction of their warren was done by the Guild to try to help you out, so you just have to mop up the survivers. You haven't missed anything as the order of missions is 1) Kill Be Soin, 2) Meet the Guild Master, 3) Kill the Hockey Team, 4) Defend yourself from the Soin Sisters. I tried to give the feeling that the Universe reacted to your actions, so some sections of Assassins are interlude phases where you have to deal with the consequences of your actions rather than a distinct mission as such.

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2009 3:15 am
by Alex
G'day Pansen,
Had real trouble with Soin rodents, Had to leave the galaxy. After managing about 25 of the bitchies. They always seem to attack me in 5's and they have uba shields. I was in a super cobra with all the gadgets, still couldn't beat them in an open fight.

Now the rest could be a spoiler... so Don't read on if you want to figure out your own way to deal with them..

I took to running away using rear Mil. laser with occasional flips to front to let the rear cool. Got in real close to the station, I mean real close and stop, Preferably on the far side from their appoach. So close that I'd singe the paint of the station when I moved away. Then just defend from the front, for some reason in their grief at loosing great uncle Be, they don't seem to see the station and try to fly through it and shoot it. Local cops don't like that sort of thing! Didn't think to use the cloak till after abandoning the galaxy.

Still didn't get through the mission though, got bored running away.
But I'll be back with my new caduseus. Picked one up somewhere in G8.

Happy Hunting


Posted: Sat Jun 13, 2009 11:16 am
by Zbond-Zbond
VERY few ships for sale - even at tech 14/15 worlds
Try visiting a gas giant somewhere - there's a few around


Posted: Sat Jun 13, 2009 11:20 am
by Zbond-Zbond
:arrow: :arrow: what colour is the background for hiding spoilers by matching text colour? Not that the above is much of a spoiler

Posted: Sat Jun 13, 2009 12:18 pm
by Screet
Zbond-Zbond wrote:
:arrow: :arrow: what colour is the background for hiding spoilers by matching text colour? Not that the above is much of a spoiler
It's probably better to use this:


Posted: Sat Jun 13, 2009 12:36 pm
by Tivva
Alex wrote:
Had real trouble with Soin rodents, They always seem to attack me in 5's and they have uba shields.
Yup, them Soin girls sure put up a good fight. It takes plenty of hits to kill them.
Only met them in 3's so far. Looking forward to meeting Inno Soin...

Posted: Sat Jun 13, 2009 10:12 pm
by Alex
Yup, them Soin girls sure put up a good fight.
We will see what happens when I take my new ship in there...
Probably just get myself in more trouble.
Ah well that is what a good game is about.

happy hunting


Thanks for the help, everyone.

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2009 11:49 pm
by Pansen
Quite a long time since I've been able to get on-line, and really appreciate the advice.

I love these assassins missions. First off, v glad I didn't miss any missions. I think one of the reasons I found it so dificult was that on arriving in Gal 7 I immedietly bought a Python to do some trading: unfortunately, the soin were soon after me, and as I noted above, I couldn't find anywhere to change into a more suitable ship - have no idea why - as somebody suggested, prob just bad luck...

Anyway, equipped the Python out with as much equipment as I could, then used the tactic of trying to shoot up one of the soin, then moving really close to the space station, meaning that in their bloodlust the soin would often crash into the station! Bit cowardly, I know, but I was in an old Python, so had no chance otherwise!

Possible spoiler to follow...

After ages, progressed on from this mission, and after several other hard but brilliant missions, am now on for a duel with a fellow assassin!

My budget only stretched to a Cobra Courier, but have this well kitted out, so up for the show down...

'Cos I was running an old OXP of the 'supercobra' could easily have upgraded to this, but installed the new version as I feel the price is more reflective of that ship.

Cant wait for the Text adventure!

Just one thing puzzles me... I seem to have been fitted with a 'cloaking device' knew this existed, but thought it was a different mission to get it, and don't recall any mention of being 'awarded' it - may have missed something, though! Am I supposed to have the cloak?

This is a great OXP.

Gas Giants...

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2009 11:55 pm
by Pansen
Oh yes - also very interested in the post about the gas giant stations - going to have to try to find these - don't yet even know which planets are gas giants, though.... may have to come back to this later!

Re: Thanks for the help, everyone.

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2009 11:55 pm
by Screet
Pansen wrote:
Just one thing puzzles me... I seem to have been fitted with a 'cloaking device' knew this existed, but thought it was a different mission to get it, and don't recall any mention of being 'awarded' it - may have missed something, though! Am I supposed to have the cloak?
If you shot a cloaked asp and scooped a strange cargo container, you should have it.

You can check for this key in your save game:

Code: Select all


Thanks Screet.

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2009 12:23 am
by Pansen
Don't recall shooting up any cloaked asps - have had a couple of battles with asps involved in my last few jumps, and may have inadvetently scooped something though...

I'm in Galaxy 7 doing the Assassins missions, and wonder whether I had been given it by the guild as a kinda equalizer for the duel I'm about to be involved in...

Re: Thanks Screet.

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2009 4:49 am
by Screet
Pansen wrote:
Don't recall shooting up any cloaked asps - have had a couple of battles with asps involved in my last few jumps, and may have inadvetently scooped something though...
Look for the key in the save file, then you'll know ;)
Pansen wrote:
I'm in Galaxy 7 doing the Assassins missions, and wonder whether I had been given it by the guild as a kinda equalizer for the duel I'm about to be involved in...
Unlikely, the guild doesn't like assassins to cloak, that's why the cloak typically is removed during assassins missions. If you do not have the key for that cloak mission with those values which I gave, then, maybe, you found a bug in assassins, which did accidentally award the cloak to you...
