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Awesome Moments in Oolite

Posted: Mon May 25, 2009 2:10 am
by Nemoricus
Tell us about the amazing exploits that you have pulled off, the things that make others look on in awe.

Now, I don't have anything much to say myself. A few run-ins with six or more pirates at one time is about it, but I recently destroyed a Rogue Frigate. While this isn't a particularly impressive accomplishment (I sat outside plasma turret range and military lasered it to death), it was a bit of payback from the time I lost a ship to a Rogue Frigate before I knew how powerful they were. In fact, I installed the aft military laser after I had another frigate chase me over many kilometers before I could finally jumpdrive away from it.

Posted: Mon May 25, 2009 1:31 pm
by ClymAngus
I keep getting head butted by pirate fer-de-lance's they have kamikaze ai. Take them out at a distance, else they'll have you hitting space.

Posted: Mon May 25, 2009 2:22 pm
by Diziet Sma
ClymAngus wrote:
I keep getting head butted by pirate fer-de-lance's they have kamikaze ai. Take them out at a distance, else they'll have you hitting space.
Are you sure you're not just zigging when you should'a zagged? :lol:

Posted: Mon May 25, 2009 2:57 pm
by Squeek
Well, this recent weekend my friend was playing over at my house, and we weren't going to help this guy being attacked by a Black Monk gunship. But then the guy was like, "I have to provide for my litter", and I'm like, "Oh, (censored), that guy has kids. Fire at will."

It was a losing battle, and in a last ditch effort, I told my friend to ram the gunship. He did. I like to think he damaged it sufficiently or killed it. It was clean, so no bounty.

Well, at least we died for a good cause.

True story.

Posted: Mon May 25, 2009 3:35 pm
by Screet
ClymAngus wrote:
I keep getting head butted by pirate fer-de-lance's they have kamikaze ai. Take them out at a distance, else they'll have you hitting space.
If you are playing with the trunk version, I can tell you collision detection settings which pretty much prevent that from happening. The original values did lead to too much frustration for me...

I also have the impression that the enemy ships energy isn't taken into account during collisions, only speed and mass, but I may be wrong. Guess I'll need to have a look there and see if I can bring the energy into account. In the novellas the pilots sometimes deliberately ram enemy ships when they were low on power, slicing through them like a hot knife through butter. I wonder if it's possible to do something like this with Oolites collision algorithms.


Posted: Mon May 25, 2009 5:06 pm
by Zanasj
I was once fighting a bunch of pirates, probably a Random Hits pirate group. The lead ship dropped a Q-mine. I had enough fuel and injectors, so I wasn't worried. I started to run, when suddenly... hullbang.ogg! The mine was gone - I had collided with it.
Speaking of collisions, Asps 2 and 4 tend to kamikaze every now and then.

I once scooped up Eric Walch.

The nova mission was pretty awesome - Deposed triggered it for me. Due to the sheer awesomeness and a couple of servings of pure, undiluted existential terror, I ended up "cheating", kind of, by gnxvat shry sebz gur fha orsber qbpxvat. So after I was safe and still in the same galaxy, I thought "I'll jump in and take a look from a safe distance." There were asteroids near the W beacon, so I decided to mine them to get a souvenir. "Ooh, a pretty orange asteroid! Waitaminute, it vaporized. Oh dear, cabin temperature is rising..."

Posted: Mon May 25, 2009 5:26 pm
by ClymAngus
Squeek wrote:
Well, this recent weekend my friend was playing over at my house, and we weren't going to help this guy being attacked by a Black Monk gunship. But then the guy was like, "I have to provide for my litter", and I'm like, "Oh, (censored), that guy has kids. Fire at will."

It was a losing battle, and in a last ditch effort, I told my friend to ram the gunship. He did. I like to think he damaged it sufficiently or killed it. It was clean, so no bounty.

Well, at least we died for a good cause.

True story.
Yeah, I've only beaten one of those things once and that was by flying my ship round a station and watching the gunship slam head first into the landing bay. I didn't get the kill but very satisfying none the less. It also powered several rounds into the station before it crashed into it, releasing the fighters.

It took 2 days, a bad nappy and a c**ppy morning at work to finally wipe the smile off my face.

Posted: Mon May 25, 2009 5:27 pm
by Azathoth
Haven’t really done much dog fighting yet so this may be a common thing.

After a boring evening trading in my Boa MKII I jumped into a military spec cobra to go pirate hunting and let of some steam. After a fierce fight with a group of them, I had the soul survivor in my sights. She was leaking plasma(or whatever) and thought it was a sure kill. Next thing I see is a blue disc forming, the B***h is going into hyperspace and is going to escape!!! So I follow her into the wormhole. Out the other side, the last thing I see is the pirate’s arse before its “press space commander”. :shock:

Great fun though. :)

Posted: Mon May 25, 2009 5:30 pm
by Screet
Zanasj wrote:
The lead ship dropped a Q-mine. I had enough fuel and injectors, so I wasn't worried. I started to run, when suddenly... hullbang.ogg! The mine was gone - I had collided with it.
Hehe! I did once try the Jabberwocky. Bad decision! The ship ejects cargo and mines in front of it instead of behind. Every q-mine I launched did crash into my cockpit :shock:

Those toys are really annoying anyway. I've seen navy fleet battles with Thargoids where the Thargs did launch a q-mine and vaporized both fleets with me panicking away on injectors being the sole survivor.

Another time those Thargs did attack a space bar. Somehow I preferred to get a new contract and docked. Bad decision: after a few seconds I was force-launched into a blue sphere and then asked to press space...


Posted: Mon May 25, 2009 5:44 pm
by Azathoth
ClymAngus wrote:
Squeek wrote:
Well, this recent weekend my friend was playing over at my house, and we weren't going to help this guy being attacked by a Black Monk gunship. But then the guy was like, "I have to provide for my litter", and I'm like, "Oh, (censored), that guy has kids. Fire at will."

It was a losing battle, and in a last ditch effort, I told my friend to ram the gunship. He did. I like to think he damaged it sufficiently or killed it. It was clean, so no bounty.

Well, at least we died for a good cause.

True story.
Yeah, I've only beaten one of those things once and that was by flying my ship round a station and watching the gunship slam head first into the landing bay. I didn't get the kill but very satisfying none the less. It also powered several rounds into the station before it crashed into it, releasing the fighters.

It took 2 days, a bad nappy and a c**ppy morning at work to finally wipe the smile off my face.

I’ve got a confession to make.

You see, I was short on cash earlier in my career and need funds quick. When the hooded boys offered to bail me out, I was delighted. I was not so delighted when I failed to make payment and was hunted across the galaxy by the dreaded Gunboats. Surely the most fearsome adversaries I have faced in this game.

Having no resent save file to fall back on, I had to resort to deleting the offending oxp. I’m so ashamed. :oops:

Anyway, when I grow up I wanna be a Black Monk debt collector. Maybe the coolest job in the Ooniverse. 8)

Posted: Mon May 25, 2009 7:10 pm
by _ds_
Screet wrote:
Another time those Thargs did attack a space bar. Somehow I preferred to get a new contract and docked. Bad decision: after a few seconds I was force-launched into a blue sphere and then asked to press space...
I've seen a public asteroid destroyed by a Q-bomb once, only to have been replaced when I left the local station…

Posted: Mon May 25, 2009 9:20 pm
by Captain Hesperus
I'm still proud of my confirmed killing of a pirate Sidewinder with a 1 tonne cannister of Food and a dab of WFI during a hot furball and my mili-laser cooked.

Captain Hesperus

Posted: Mon May 25, 2009 9:39 pm
by Squeek
What does "WFI" stand for?

And I'm assuming you made him crash into the food canister? Bad-***.

Posted: Mon May 25, 2009 10:10 pm
by DaddyHoggy
WFI = WitchFuel Injector

I presume the Cap'n cleverly accelerated hard just as he ejected the cargo pod - therefore boosting its ejection speed and subsequent forward velocity and thus turned it into a blunt nosed 1tc KEP*

*Kinetic Energy Penetrator (i.e. anything that's heavy but has no additional explosives fitted, relying purely on its velocity to supply the destructive force)

Posted: Mon May 25, 2009 10:35 pm
by Captain Hesperus
Correct, DH. At the time, I was chasing an FdL, but my forward mili-laser was redlined. I had a half dozen other pirates crawling over my iron ass and the Sidewinder just came up from beneath me. I was actually trying to toggle the ECM but hit the 'D' button instead. Next thing I saw was "Food Ejected" followed by "Bounty: 22 Cr" and my credit rating incremented by 22.1 Cr. I like to think that the container was filled with chocolate cake so I can say that the pilot suffered 'DEath by Chocolate'... :twisted:

Captain Hesperus