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[Solved] Joystick not working properly

Posted: Sun May 24, 2009 7:09 pm
by mkIII
I'm new to Linux, so please give me some assistance.
I set up knoppix on a bootable USB Stick and got the 1.72.2 OOlite to run on it.

Without having done anything, knoppix and OOlite do recognize my Saitek Cyborg 3D Gold. OOlite will respond to my joystickmovements, unfortunately the right lower corner is the center position then. So I tried calibrating the joystick and installed the libjsw2 and

Each time I run jscalibrator (even without doing anything) oolite won't take any commands from the sticks axes any more, but it does still reconize the buttons.

Oolite will cease to react on joystick input as soon as I run the jscalibrator software until I reboot. Jscalibrator and "cat /dev/input/js0" will still "see" the stick and respond to my movements.

Any suggestions what I could do about this strange behaviour?
Thanks a lot :)

Re: Joystick not working properly

Posted: Sun May 24, 2009 10:54 pm
by _ds_
mkIII wrote:
I'm new to Linux, so please give me some assistance.
I set up knoppix on a bootable USB Stick and got the 1.72.2 OOlite to run on it.

Without having done anything, knoppix and OOlite do recognize my Saitek Cyborg 3D Gold. OOlite will respond to my joystickmovements, unfortunately the right lower corner is the center position then. So I tried calibrating the joystick and installed the libjsw2 and
Use jscal instead. In Debian, jscalibrator has a serious bug filed against it (it uses GTK1.2, which will be removed from testing/unstable before squeeze is released). If it's removed, it should also disappear from Knoppix and other Debian derivatives in due course.

If anybody wants to port jscalibrator to GTK2 and/or fix its bugs, feel freeā€¦

Posted: Mon May 25, 2009 10:31 am
by mkIII
ok thanks I 'll try tonight.

Posted: Mon May 25, 2009 4:32 pm
by mkIII

It works

thanks a lot :)