nvidia drivers and synthetic benchmarking
Posted: Fri May 08, 2009 3:30 pm
One of my students made the following observation on a piece of coursework I set him. PC3 cannot (at the moment) have a newer driver because for some reason newer drivers makes some of the apps we use on the machine fail to work properly. The 8600GT is an Inno3D card and is cheap and nasty and is horribly underspec even for this particular chipset...
Apologies for the cocked up formatting - I did try and sort it out but the tabs aren't playing inside the [ ]s
Code: Select all
Primary Device NVIDIA GeForce 8600 GT NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GTX NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GTS
Width 1024 1024 1024
Height 768 768 768
Anti-Aliasing Quality 0 0 0
Texture Filtering Optimal Optimal Optimal
Anisotropic Level 1 1 1
Repeat tests 3 times 3 times 3 times
Fixed framerate Off Off Off
3DMark Score 4091 5522 9884 3DMarks
SM2.0 Score 1930 2425 4598
HDR/SM3.0 Score 1818 3336 4720
CPU Score 952 951 2128
GT1 - Return To Proxy 16.116 20.816 38.035 FPS
GT2 - Firefly Forest 16.050 19.606 38.601 FPS
CPU1 - Red Valley 0.301 0.300 0.671 FPS
CPU2 - Red Valley 0.482 0.482 1.079 FPS
HDR1 - Canyon Flight 16.776 39.412 43.267 FPS
HDR2 - Deep Freeze 19.592 27.314 51.132 FPS
Fill Rate - Single-T 1372.590 3021.088 5135.694 MTexels/s
Fill Rate - Multi-T 6076.186 3019.463 11903.219 MTexels/s
Pixel Shader 187.923 60.075 525.912 FPS
Vertex Shader - Simple 67.067 59.069 221.036 MVertices/s
Vertex Shader - Complex 63.547 79.231 96.471 MVertices/s
Shader Particles(SM3.0) 41.760 60.650 132.419 FPS
Perlin Noise (SM3.0) 65.455 60.031 164.856 FPS
8 Triangles 10.790 10.352 25.841 MTriangles/s
32 Triangles 42.627 40.744 85.508 MTriangles/s
128 Triangles 114.055 83.879 243.944 MTriangles/s
512 Triangles 124.043 83.975 253.102 MTriangles/s
2048 Triangles 128.382 125.932 255.370 MTriangles/s
32768 Triangles 129.354 125.960 255.827 MTriangles/s
CPU Intel(R) P4 CPU 3.20GHz Intel(R) P4 CPU 3.20GHz Intel(R) Core(TM)2 CPU 6600 @ 2.40GHz
Internal Clock 3189 3192 2395 MHz
External Clock 800 800 266 MHz
Display Device NVIDIA GeForce 8600 GT NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GTX NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GTS
Total Local Video Mem 512 768 640 MB
Driver Version
Total Physical Memory 2032 2032 2032 MB
From this test the data shows that the performance difference between the PC's. However what is more interesting is that PC 1 has better performance in some aspects:
- Fill Rate - Multi-Texturing.
- Pixel Shader.
- Vertex Shader – Simple.
- Perlin Noise (SM3.0).