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These boards and Google Chrome

Posted: Tue May 05, 2009 4:11 pm
by radcapricorn
Didn't know where to put this, so ended op in this 'Off topic zone'.
Am I the only one noticing strange behaviour of these boards in Google Chrome (or rather, strange behaviour of Chrome with these boards)? I've tested it on two different machines, and it appears on both:

When I create new post and try to insert or edit in between already entered words, new text appears 'overwriting' existing one, though actually it's just not updated util I, say, press End key or highlight some text.

Has anyone a hint on what's this about?

One of my machines has the latest ( Chrome. Forgot to check second one, but I presume it's the same).

Posted: Wed May 06, 2009 7:46 am
by Selezen
No idea what could be causing that - I use google chrome at work and at home (beta version at home, nightly build version at work) and neither have had that problem.

I was going to say check the status of your Insert key, but you say it updates later? Could be a memory allocation issue or something or maybe even a GFX driver problem?

Tricky one. I've had similar problems under XP with loads of software running at the same time, especially if there's something running using the GFX card intensively. The same thing has happened to me with IE and even with the VB6 IDE!

Posted: Wed May 06, 2009 2:12 pm
by radcapricorn
Yes, it updates when the cursor moves over frakked text, when I highlight text, when I jump th the end of text using End key and so on. But unitl then, it appears not evet just as overwritten, it's more like portions of this text input control just not redraw right indeed like when the system is heavily loaded (though it's not).

The cruel thing is, one machine is currently under XP (SP3), the other is running Vista Ultimate. And the problem is the same on both.

How do I get this Chrome nightly build? Maybe this would solve this pretty annoying stuf?..

Posted: Wed May 06, 2009 2:33 pm
by overmage
I have the same problem on my Vista Home Premium laptop and XP Professional desktop.

Exactly the same down to the last detail.

Posted: Thu May 07, 2009 7:32 am
by Selezen
Bizarre! The only thing I can think of is that it may have something to do with non-nvidia cards - both my PCs have nvidia chipsets. Maybe ATI drivers could be the issue?

Anyway, to get nightly builds for XP have a look here: ... um-rel-xp/

Not sure if they work on Vista yet. The nightly build stuff doesn't have to be installed. As far as I know if you just run the exe it works. You may need to have a previous version installed already though. When I startad using it I uninstalled my previous installation of Chrome Beta...

Good luck!

Posted: Thu May 07, 2009 8:00 am
by radcapricorn
Oh, that nightly builds... Well, AFAIK, Chromium is not Chrome and vice versa :-)

And now comes the Final Rune (or Ruin :wink:) - my XP machine has nvidia card, and my Vista machine has ATI one (occasuonally even two). :)

I think the trouble is more software-side. I see this control is custom-drawn. So it just may be some kind of incompatibility of drawing code and the way Chrome renders content.

I think I should take as many browsers as I can and test them all with it, one Chrome is one Chrome, it may be its' trouble. But if it's not, it'll show up somewhere, wouldn't it?.

Posted: Thu May 07, 2009 4:23 pm
by drew
This happened to me too on two separate machines. I think it's a bug in Chrome and phpBB.



Posted: Fri May 08, 2009 8:12 am
by Selezen
radcapricorn wrote:
Oh, that nightly builds... Well, AFAIK, Chromium is not Chrome and vice versa :-)
Wrong! Sorry. Chrome is the resultant application from the Chromium project. Read the PR stuff to find that out. Difference is that the release versions of Chrome have a red and yellow and green logo, whilst the Chromium builds have a blue one. They're the same program.

Stumped on the gfx thing now though. If it's not a driver thing then it could be a memory thing or a software conflict. What other software do you have installed on both machines? Try uninstalling some things (plugins especially) and see if that makes any difference!

Posted: Fri May 08, 2009 10:42 am
by radcapricorn
Selezen wrote:
radcapricorn wrote:
Oh, that nightly builds... Well, AFAIK, Chromium is not Chrome and vice versa :-)
Wrong! Sorry. Chrome is the resultant application from the Chromium project.
Yes, I know that, but that's precisely what I meant: despite the fact that Chrome is based on Chromium code, they are not the same application, or else they'd be identical (and they're not, as wee see with the bug we're discussing here). I must say that this is a mere point of view. From OOP perspective (at least, as implemented in C++), I'd say that Chrome is protected or even private derived from Chromium, but in C++ only a public inheritance is considered "is-a" relationship :D :D :D :D :D

I think this problem comes to final conclusion. Look what I've found. That's what happens when you give bugs undescriptive names. I've tried many search queries until I finally got to it.
There's even a link showing the video of precisely what happens. Seems like if I plan to continue to use Chrome and get rid of this bug, I'd have to wait this 2.x release (or maybe look into this dev channel mentioned there).

Selezen, thanks a lot for your help and input! overmage, drew, thanks for confirming this. Without you doing this, I wouldn't have been so persistent in searching this bug on the net and still thought that it's some kind of spell hold put on me and my computers by some evil sorcerer :-)

It's all up to the software and it's developers now.