Deposed?? Nova?
Posted: Fri May 01, 2009 6:33 am
G'day Comanders,
I'll try no to gee anythin away here... But..
In deposed without the nova oxpy?
Is there a Nova oxpy.
Don't know what the 'Nova' mission is?
In deposed am I supposed to worry about the blue fairy lights. Bit disconcerting when they all light up at the same time.
Anyway: Any being with half a quantum cell connected gets the idea to run when a star goes 'supa value'. err,
A billion to one odds you need better sun block.
Think supa value is copywrited for a wee super market?? Maybe dead by now..
Lack of spelling abilities!
Well. Whoever wrote 'Deposed'. Dun a great job.
First full Oxpy mission I've taken on to try and finnish without changing ships. Erg...
Bloomin Sheala wants a ride to G5 No less!,
Her boyfriend will pay for it at arrival.
Ye sure!
Aint quite finnished deposed yet, great fun though.
All you great guys that write oxpers out there, remember;
Yous are writing the best game ever.
Spelling.. Hu.. What happened to grammar??
p.s. How do you find an invisible ship to shoot it?
I'll try no to gee anythin away here... But..
In deposed without the nova oxpy?
Is there a Nova oxpy.
Don't know what the 'Nova' mission is?
In deposed am I supposed to worry about the blue fairy lights. Bit disconcerting when they all light up at the same time.
Anyway: Any being with half a quantum cell connected gets the idea to run when a star goes 'supa value'. err,
A billion to one odds you need better sun block.
Think supa value is copywrited for a wee super market?? Maybe dead by now..
Lack of spelling abilities!
Well. Whoever wrote 'Deposed'. Dun a great job.
First full Oxpy mission I've taken on to try and finnish without changing ships. Erg...
Bloomin Sheala wants a ride to G5 No less!,
Her boyfriend will pay for it at arrival.
Ye sure!
Aint quite finnished deposed yet, great fun though.
All you great guys that write oxpers out there, remember;
Yous are writing the best game ever.
Spelling.. Hu.. What happened to grammar??
p.s. How do you find an invisible ship to shoot it?