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I have no idea if anyone is interested in this...

Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2009 4:18 pm
by drew
...but, I found it on my harddisk the other day and thought I might as well make it available.

These are my 'alternative' sections for Mutabilis that were cut during writing. The story was significantly modified, but there were some 'good bits' that I couldn't find a place for - which you might find of interest.

I've learnt that you never throw anything away when writing, so I've dumped them into a single file, added some notes and put them online if anyone is interested in having a look at this part of trying to get a story to hang together...!

So Mutabilis - The Cutting Room Floor :wink:



Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2009 6:02 pm
by Rxke
Oooh! Shiny!

You should've repackaged the whole thing, called it digitally remastered with outtakes and limited editions and...

oh wait, this excellent stuff comes free 8)

Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2009 6:11 pm
by Captain Hesperus
I'm waiting for the Limited Issue Gold Edition with Writer's Commentary.

Captain Hesperus


Posted: Fri May 01, 2009 5:58 am
by drew
Rxke wrote:
Oooh! Shiny!

You should've repackaged the whole thing, called it digitally remastered with outtakes and limited editions and...

oh wait, this excellent stuff comes free 8)
Outtakes... now there's an idea...

“Rebecca.” Jim stepped towards her, trying to calm his voice. Things were happening too
fast, “Rebecca, just listen to me. Put the gun down...”
“Don't come any closer!” she whispered, stepping back, and then whipping the gun back
towards Zerz, glaring with unconcealed hatred, her face a mask of fury and rage.
“I’ve finally caught up with you.” She whispered, her eyes narrowing.
“Rebecca, wait! Don’t…!”
She pulled the trigger and the gun went click.
Note to production - Rifle special effects insert
Rebecca grinned, looking at the rifle, "Wooo. scary stuff..."
Zerz grinned back manically and puts on an Alec Guinness voice, "If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine!"
Film crew laugh.
Drew shouts, "CUT!"


Jim could barely summon the strength to respond. The numbness was moving up his chest,
into his arms and down into his legs. So many thoughts drifted through his head, alongside so many
Just like before - there is never time, never enough time!
“Rebecca, I know you saved me...”
Darkness fell, whirling at the edge of his vision. He could hear Rebecca's voice receding, as
if at a great distance.
“Jim, please, don't! Jim, stay with me! Stay with me! Don't you dare die on me! Jim! JIM! Jim! Jim! Please.... don't go, Jim! JIM!!!"
From offstage, Zerz says, "He's dead Jim!"
Jim and Rebecca crease up.
Drew shouts, "CUT!"


“Where's your ship?” Jim demanded.
“It's right here. Zerz took my key though. I'll have to use the back door.” Rebecca said,
holding up her hands in front of her, feeling her way. She looked as if she was miming, “Ah, here
we are.”
A loading ramp appeared out of nothing.
Jim stared, “You have a cloaking device too?"
Rebecca grinned and replied, "Yeah, this is a real cheap book!"
Drew shouts, "CUT!"


Rebecca struggled wildly, flailing with her legs trying to get a purchase on him somehow. Her
hands grabbed hold of his arm, trying to move it, but she had no leverage. He seemed inordinately
strong, she struggled for breath.
“You are not worthy to be fought on equal terms.” he whispered, his face close to hers,
“You are trash, a classless excrement with ideas above her station.”
“I'm better than you!” she choked out, “And you know it!”
He rolled the knife around in his fingers in front of her face. The point was inches from her
Zerz eyed her closely, "And now your highness, we will discuss the location of the Rebels secret base..."
Rebecca mimes a princess leia hairstyle, "The more you tighten your grip..."
Zerz squeezes her throat.
Rebecca wheezes, "I can't say my lines!!!"
Drew shouts, "CUT!"

“And now you know it is...” Zerz interjected.
Rebecca continued her tirade at Jim, “If Raxxla exists and I can use it to save my family,
then he's irrelevant!”
“Rebecca, there simply isn't a chance that we can save your family!” Jim returned, trying to
reason with her, “Time travel isn't possible, end of story! Even if it were, chasing our own desires
would be fraught with danger...”
“DAMN YOU JIM!” Rebecca slammed both fists down on the table, “I WILL HAVE MY
The plates and cutlery rattled, the wine glasses vibrating. One fell over and rolled across the
table in a small arc before colliding with a plate. It sounded surprisingly noisy in the silence
following Rebecca's outburst.
Rebecca wincesd, and rubbed her palms, "Ow, that hurt!"
"Time of the month dearie?" said Zerz.
Rebecca chases Zerz around the set.
Drew shouts, "CUT!"




Posted: Fri May 01, 2009 9:27 am
by goran
Hilarious! :lol:

Posted: Fri May 01, 2009 10:01 am
by Diziet Sma
Agreed! Got any more outtakes?

I've just finished reading the alternative parts... some very nice plot concepts, it's kind of a shame that it became too complex to hold together. Well done Drew, and thanks for releasing this collection!

Posted: Fri May 01, 2009 11:25 am
by drew
Diziet Sma wrote:
Agreed! Got any more outtakes?

I've just finished reading the alternative parts... some very nice plot concepts, it's kind of a shame that it became too complex to hold together. Well done Drew, and thanks for releasing this collection!
Just made them up this morning - feel free to have a go everyone :lol:

How about...

Behind the shattered remains of the Asp, another ship was rapidly approaching; a wide low and
classic ship design, instantly familiar to the Python crew.
“Cobra mark three!” D’vlin twittered, wriggling in excitement, waving four of his legs around.
“No, it’s a Cobra Courier,” Stepan argued back. “Look at the flux panels…”
“I don’t give a flying fish what it is, it’s helping us out! Get back to the guns!” Hesperus yelled
out, waving his paws around theatrically, striking what he thought was a dynamic Captain-like pose.
“Damn the miss...crrrr...aaaachhh...spppp...grrrr..accckkk."
Drew shouted, "CUT! What the %^&% is up now?"
D'vlin took off his head, revealing the actor beneath, "Hairball."
Drew muttered, "Never work with animals...."



Posted: Fri May 01, 2009 11:57 am
by Star Gazer
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: