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Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2009 9:54 am
by Alex
Even if it says "Elite"
No "cheating" with this joy stick jockey. Killed every one me sel.
Well... Excepting the few times I had to 'tab' bomb a heap of pirates, usually more that 25 duzzen at a time. Uft... "the fish are always bigger on the telling."
Wasn't my fault... They were leaving me with nothing more that a bit of scrap metal!
Boogers deserved it.

Only ever carry one 'tab' bomb.
Only carry an escape capsule so it can be shot up before some more useful stuff.
It doesn't always work that way..
Some times the most useful bit of gear goes first.
What a Bummer!
But the more you have the more chance you have of keeping good stuff when the bright beams are aimed your way.

Q bombs...
MUMPH HURRUMPH. Well as seen they are mostly bad news.
A bit like demolishing a city to kill a fly.
learn to fly young pilot
learn to fly.

Back to hunting the Tarantulas near Enanar G4. (see deposed G4)
The boogers.
I'll get them.

p.s. Watch out for commandress Rebecca.
Multiple personalities in a bloke is fairly normal.
In a "Girly", Dual is expected,
But to such an extent as Cmdr Rebecca is showing is down right scary.

Well the "De Ville" character... mmmm Scary, but fun, maybe?

Glad I have a fast ship. With lots of fire power.

Happy hunting


Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2009 10:13 am
by DaddyHoggy
8) :)