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Rise of the Kirin (Chapters 6 & 7)

Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2009 1:20 pm
by Cmdr Wyvern
Chapter 6 (A new direction)

Shulth's droid silently watched Roh'i eat. It was typical fare for the draconid: A sizable chunk of raw meat eaten with barehanded gusto, followed with a large tankard of local beer. Shulth found this aspect of the reptile's carnivore nature fascinating. Roh'i wiped his snout and clawed hands, stifled an otherwise loud belch, then looked to the droid, "So what's the game plan, Mystery Man?"

"At this moment, a team of technicians are refitting the Kirin with the components Miss DeFlores specified," the droid answered. "We are also improving her defenses with a battery of automated plasma turrets."

"Nice! A little extra firepower never hurts, especially if you're wanting to fly into Bug territory." Roh'i chuckled. "Ok, it does hurt, as in doing out some anguish to the poor pel'k crossing your path."

"Indeed. I see you equipped the Kirin well. I suppose we'll owe you extra for the service?" Roh'i shook his head, "No, it's on the house. I took advantage of that big hold and played freighter captain. Made enough to kit her up plus a little windfall. No contraband dealings, mind. Computers, furs, booze, spare parts and food. Strictly legit. Why give our pompous partner any more leverage, eh?"

"Your honesty is appreciated, Mr. Roh'i." The droid produced a data disk from under it's robes. "Our business is not yet concluded. This contains the details of the next stage of your...contract. You're expected to launch within three hours, and deliver a special cargo to the co-ordinates detailed within. Any bounties you collect along the way are yours to keep. I will of course be doubling your agreed fee."

Roh'i eyed the droid suspiciously as he took the disk, "Expecting trouble?"

"None that you won't be able to handle. Some mercenary units may attempt to intercept you. I'm afraid that for reasons I cannot detail at this time, I cannot offer the assistance of an escort. Good luck, Mr. Roh'i."


"I'm curious, Mr. Roh'i, as to your relationship with Miss DeFlores? Feel free to tell me it's none of my business."

Roh'i chuckled, then grinned. "To be frank, it is none of your business. We're not lovers if that's what you're thinking. Good Giles, that would never work! We're both orphans, and she was once a hostage with nothing to look forward to but misery as a slave. I took her in after killing the pirate scum lord that was holding her prisoner. She's like a daughter to me, Mystery Man." Roh'is expression turned darkly serious, "If she is endangered, then nothing will stop me from taking pleasure in gutting the being responsible, no matter where he's hiding. Understand?"

For a moment, the droid actually seemed to show fear in it's green eyes. "I understand completely."

Roh'i nodded, "I'm sure you do. I don't trust either of you... But I respect you a little more than that pompous fat arse at the moment. The less I smell of him the better."

Chapter 7 (Capitulation?)

General Senior Gouglass vor Cheem walked smartly and smugly towards the very heavily guarded brig. The aging Coriolis Station in which he walked turned lazily in ever decreasing circles around the snow covered world of Tibecea. For the 10th time that day he congratulated himself on picking the perfect location to exact his revenge. Resting on the outer reaches of Galaxy 1, this planet lay within a hair's breadth of the habitable zone of its parent star system. The  population, colonists who had been reduced to a feudal state by the planet's harsh environment, seldom ventured within half a kilometer of the surface. The only visible evidence of them being there at all were the insulated smelting stacks that billowed plumes of acrid black and yellow smoke into the thick, pristine white atmosphere. It was a snowball, an inhabited snowball but a snowball none the less. You could have a hundred thousand ship strong fleet action here and no one on the planet would feel it, know about it or even bat an eyelid. No innocent casualties. That was important. It gave the military a reason to care, a reason to react and be seen to react. Nothing fills the Sector Commander's heart with more joy that seeing some one shot  squaddie kissing a colonial baby in front of a cheering group of liberated colonists. Hearts and minds people, you can fight like a madman but if you lose the political game on the home front, well, it's time to cash in your pension and take up Sundack fishing.

So, no civilians, it's bad for morale. The troopers under his command however, the ones that had swept in and commandeered the elderly Coriolis from its fur clad colonial custodians, now, they were different. They were window-dressing, infinitely expendable as was the  station itself. It had been easy enough to convince his superiors to agree to this specific location. It's bad for Public Relations for the military to be seen fraternizing with career mercenaries and  planetocidal maniacs. It doesn't look good on the holovision. Once again, hearts and minds.

The stage was set. All the unwitting actors were ready to play their parts, especially the reptile and the freak. The general knew that blackmailed allies were the most fair weather. So, when they returned with the Kirin in a few days time they would both die in such a way that the rest of the Shulth clan would have their star-shaking retribution pointed in a more pleasing direction and his father would finally be avenged. Two birds effortlessly dispatched with one stone.

The trooper stood to attention as the General approached. "Officer on the deck!" The crew cut feline announced.

"At ease, soldier," Gouglass replied, the words felt comfortable like a well traveled path through a thicket. No surprises, no changes, just simple obedience. "Report."

"The prisoner is secure sir" The soldier barked nervously, "she's receiving treatment for vitamin and mineral deficiencies, and she appears to be able to eat for a man three times her size, sir!"

Gouglass's eyes narrowed. "Well, despite all the threats, it would appear that the galactic navy treats the daughters of Shulth better than the Shulths do."

"Hee-yah! Sir!" replied the guard.

The door complained viciously as the feline wrenched it open. Sitting neatly on the top bunk was what appeared to be the outline of a young human female, no more than 20 cycles old. She was dressed practically in a pocket smattered black flight suit. She made no movement as Gouglass entered. "Mima Shulth."

Still obscured by shadow, the young woman slowly slid off the top bunk, she moved like a predator eyeing a rival to her territory. "Yes?"

More amused than generally worried, Vor Cheem continued. "You'll be pleased to know that your family has capitulated utterly. My superiors are very happy with the ship they are in the process of supplying, and have instructed me to release you to the care of Udian as soon as he returns from the ship trials."

"Capitulated utterly, have they really? I doubt that very much."

"Is it so difficult to believe that your family actually care enough about you to do anything to get you back?" He scoffed.

The shadow turned it's head slightly, "No, I know they're coming, I just don't believe Papa Chimera is coming empty handed." The shadow moved slowly into the light "or that this will end with a simple, bloodless exchange of goods." It was not the face that horrified Vor Cheem, although sallow, the high cheek bones gave a air of intimidating nobility. Her skin was unblemished and her body well proportioned. It was her eyes. They were a vibrant purple, speckled with spinning white flecks that lazily rotated round the pitch black  
iris. These two silver hurricanes tore into his very soul. "You do realize that he'll pull you apart at the cellular level for this? He will know you intimately before you die. Every precursor, every flawed detail of your fat, sweaty mammalian form will be lovingly teased from  your still living flesh."

The generals plasteel night stick flashed across Mimas face, connected solidly with her jaw with a sickening crack. She summersaulted away, slapping the metal wall of the brig then half slid, half crumpled to the gray laminated floor below. "Muuuuuppprrrrrhhhh!" Mima groaned, dribbling dark orange blood from her prone position.

"That's the first respectful thing you've said since we captured you." Vor Cheem retorted as the mocking shrieks of the closing door drowned out his retreating footsteps. "Guard! The prisoner appears to have met with a small accident, wait eight hours then send for the surgeon to patch  
that little freak up."

"Sir, yes sir!" Came the familiar reply.

The general retired to his more than comfortable quarters and the full brandy decanter which resided there. "Know me intimately, will he?" snorted Gouglass pouring himself a generous glass. "Well, two can play at that game Shulth." He eyed part of the partially functional guts of a Thargoid robot fighter, pulsing menacingly on his desk. "You're not the only creature in this galaxy with a long memory. They're coming Udian, for you, your bitch in the brig even your pet gecko if he gets in the way. They're coming for all of you."

Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2009 1:20 pm
by Cmdr Wyvern
The adventure continues...

Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2009 2:10 pm
by Screet
Cmdr Wyvern wrote:
The adventure continues...
...with longer chapters :D


Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2009 4:54 pm
by Rebecca
v good!!! more!!! really enjoying this!!!!

might start a save game as Miss DeFlores... :lol:


Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2009 1:07 am
by ClymAngus
Rebecca wrote:
v good!!! more!!! really enjoying this!!!!

might start a save game as Miss DeFlores... :lol:

Monday. On the dot. No sooner no less.

Oh and whilst I'm at it a word on being dangerous..... ... re=related

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2009 6:44 pm
by pagroove
I follow this story now and I am very fond to know whats going to happen. 8)
Right on Commander!

Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2009 2:21 pm
by overmage
right on commander! good work :D

Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2009 3:56 pm
by drew
I'm still reading! :D

