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oooo exciting....

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2009 6:48 am
by Rebecca
im hunt a renegade ship .... my first mission!!

wish me luck

swapped back to a mk3 cobra now and have atlast got a military laser too.... time to kill something else other than rock heremits....

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2009 7:43 am
by govert
good luck! May your ECM be with you!

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2009 1:43 pm
by Rebecca
sounds like the same deal as Atari st elite - i remember chasing a ship around the galaxy with that... though I thought it was a Wolf not a Constrictor... :?:

looking forward to it though... 300 kills and climbing!

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2009 3:47 pm
by Screet
Rebecca wrote:
sounds like the same deal as Atari st elite - i remember chasing a ship around the galaxy with that... though I thought it was a Wolf not a Constrictor... :?:

looking forward to it though... 300 kills and climbing!
I'm pretty sure that it also was a Constrictor there...I only remember the Wolf as a common ship without missions to it, but that was such a long time ago...

P.S.: You'll soon have a much more impressive kill count!

Re: oooo exciting....

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2009 9:00 pm
by harry747
Rebecca wrote:
im hunt a renegade ship .... my first mission!!
i'm at the same stage (same mission). problem is, after i arrived in the second galaxy, i lost the trail. have you heard anything about him in the second galaxy?

Re: oooo exciting....

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2009 9:45 pm
by Screet
harry747 wrote:
i'm at the same stage (same mission). problem is, after i arrived in the second galaxy, i lost the trail. have you heard anything about him in the second galaxy?
Expand your search radius and keep looking - I guess everyone does lose the trail for a few jumps.


The Classic Constrictor Hunt

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2009 9:58 pm
by KZ9999
Baring the Atari/Agmega versions, the first mission has all ways been The Constrictor Hunt. Chasing a stolen Navy assault class fighter across two galactic charts is something that everyone remembers. Not to spoil all the fun, the best advice is this, keep docking with the GCW station in each system you travel too. They will point you in the right direction.

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2009 2:23 am
by Disembodied
Yup ... keep checking the F7 Planetary Information screen in each system you arrive at! That's where you'll get news of unusual sightings.

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2009 9:35 am
by Rebecca
@harry - im still in galaxy one at the moment, i haven't got to xeer yet - only just started. will let you know how i do!


Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2009 8:53 pm
by harry747
follow the trail, and sooner or later they;ll tell you that he installed and used a galactic hyperdrive, so make sure you have one. and if you find him, let me know.

right now, i'm heading for tezaeded (TL 15), and then i'll head towards the lower left corner...

and yes, if i find him, i'll let you know.

update: i picked up the trail at orarra. let's see how this continues...

PS. of course, there's no guarantee that you'll pick up the trail in the same system I did, but i think it's worth a try.

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2009 11:32 pm
by harry747

when you find him, watch out, he's BLOODY FAST. never seen anything so fast, not even a krait. first time he decided to run, and my supercobra couldn't keep up, not even on burners :o

I even managed to catch his escape pod (nice bonus!) but when i docked, i noticed something strange: my killcount had jumped from 350-something to 614 (huh?) and more than half my money was gone. HUH? is that a bug in 1.72.2?

Mac mini, OSX 10.5.6, Oolite 1.72.2

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2009 12:48 am
by Disembodied
The killcount jump is normal – you get a bonus of I think 256 kills for taking out the Constrictor – but the money loss sounds like a bug to me ...

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2009 6:28 am
by Screet
harry747 wrote:

From your report, I bet you knew, but just in case and for other readers, there's a few things that can be done about fast ships using injectors:

- Try not to make them flee until they burnt their last injector fuel. If they flee before and no other ships are around, do not follow on injectors, but with torus drive ("J") as soon as the ship leaves the scanner. This way the fleeing ship will use up all it's fuel while you keep a reserve for shooting it down once the victim slows down.

- Attacking ships sometimes switch to injectors and then keep circling their victim with injectors enabled. It may take a little time, but they will burn up all their fuel for nothing. They are usually too fast to hit their victim while on injectors (in my eyes, the constant usage of injectors is an AI bug). Thus it's often good to let them burn their fuel. Sometimes they also turn into such nice circles that a ship without injectors just needs to turn constantly to be able to fire at that injector using ship. If not, don't worry, just wait until their fuel is used up. Maybe shoot down some of their pirate friends in that time ;)

The constrictor is extreme even without injectors. Sometimes an ECM hardened missile can keep it busy, but that's often not so helpful in shooting it down. With RS/OSE, there is a low chance to see further constrictors after that mission, and sometimes they got pirate friends...then it's often nice to keep it busy with such a missile until the easier opponents have been shot down.


Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2009 6:54 am
by Rebecca
looking forward to this one.... i chased him across three systems and he's jumped into galaxy 2 now.... haven't caught up with him yet though!!!

yikes - faster than a supercobra with injectors :shock:

thanks for the J key tip though!!!

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2009 9:34 am
by Eric Walch
harry747 wrote:
YABBADABBADOO! i got him! .....I even managed to catch his escape pod (nice bonus!) but when i docked, i noticed something strange: my killcount had jumped from 350-something to 614 (huh?) and more than half my money was gone.
Congratulations with your success. Specially with the capture of the thieve itself. Most people manage to kill the ship but few also capture the thieve.

I redid that mission quite often and always got the ship but its pilot only 50% of the time. Probably that was because I didn't follow Sceets advice and I often killed the ship while on full injectors. But than the escape pod also ejects at injector speed and scooping something on injector speed is tricky.

Thinking of it: Strange actually. The Constrictor needs fast amounts of fuel to maintain its high speed while any cargo or pods ejected, keep flying at that high speed forever without any fuel consumption. In current Oolite the pods do loose speed, but not at the rate of the constrictor itself.

On your money: I can't believe the bug is in this mission. You get 5000 cr for killing the Constrictor and another 1000 for capturing the thieve.