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Anaconda! Is it an option?

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2009 5:59 pm
by Azathoth
Is the Anaconda a viable choice for someone who wants to be the richest guy in the galaxy :lol: ?

The huge cargo capacity is very tempting but I was wondering about a few things.

Firstly is the cargo space a bit overkill? Even hauling goods for contracts, it seems much more than is necessary. Secondly, is it fun to fly? The top speed is kinda a turnoff but is that compensated by it being an armoured monster? Judging by the ease I could take them out in my pirate days, escort or no escort, that seems unlikely.

Anyway would welcome comments from anyone who has piloted one. Also if I could be furnished with a link to detailed stats of the default ships in the game I would be most grateful.

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2009 6:29 pm
by Svengali
It's a nice ship. Really.

It can carry the whole universe in it's hold, flies like a mad cow and you can always take make a cup of coffee a complete dinner while surfing to the next system.

And it has one advantage - it gives you a additional option while docking, so you'll probably see what no other Commander will ever see :-)

BTW: Welcome onboard :-)


Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2009 10:19 pm
by Lestradae
Svengali wrote:
And it has one advantage - it gives you a additional option while docking, so you'll probably see what no other Commander will ever see :-)

What are you talking about?

Re: Anaconda! Is it an option?

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2009 10:35 pm
by KZ9999
Azathoth wrote:
Also if I could be furnished with a link to detailed stats of the default ships in the game I would be most grateful.
Download my version of Oolite RS.* It covers all the basic stats of the standard ships in the Observer's Guide. Otherwise hit the Ship Guide in the wiki which will give you more information that you'll ever wanted to know.

* Would this be considered being helpful or just bragging?

Re: .

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2009 10:58 am
by Svengali
Lestradae wrote:
What are you talking about?
I'm talking about an easter egg in one oxp specially designed for Commanders flying a Anaconda. It seems to be a secret - so I can't give you too much infos without being terminated by unfriendly visitors and I also don't think that more than 2 people actually know about it - I mean still living people.

So all I can say is... Who is very interested in big traders?

Re: Anaconda! Is it an option?

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2009 1:29 pm
by govert
* Would this be considered being helpful or just bragging?
At the moment, neither, since your link does not seem to work :)

Re: Anaconda! Is it an option?

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2009 3:51 pm
by Azathoth
KZ9999 wrote:
Azathoth wrote:
Also if I could be furnished with a link to detailed stats of the default ships in the game I would be most grateful.
Download my version of Oolite RS.* It covers all the basic stats of the standard ships in the Observer's Guide. Otherwise hit the Ship Guide in the wiki which will give you more information that you'll ever wanted to know.

* Would this be considered being helpful or just bragging?
Thanks for the link(the one that works :) ). Good to see that it includes a lot of the OXP ships. Good info for someone like me who likes to pick and choose what ships to download.

Re: .

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2009 4:03 pm
by Azathoth
Svengali wrote:
Lestradae wrote:
What are you talking about?
I'm talking about an easter egg in one oxp specially designed for Commanders flying a Anaconda. It seems to be a secret - so I can't give you too much infos without being terminated by unfriendly visitors and I also don't think that more than 2 people actually know about it - I mean still living people.

So all I can say is... Who is very interested in big traders?
You got me intrigued. But I cant help thinking that your just pulling my leg and its just a graphical glitch when docking due to the size of the ship.

Regarding the suitability of the Anaconda as a players option. It doesn’t look very promising. In saying that if it played like a giant fighter, that would just unbalance the game.

Re: .

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2009 7:26 pm
by Screet
Azathoth wrote:
Regarding the suitability of the Anaconda as a players option. It doesn’t look very promising. In saying that if it played like a giant fighter, that would just unbalance the game.
Maybe the BCC is better for you in that case ;) I think of it as the best built-in ship and really had much fun with it. The cargo capacity also is very nice and it's not hit so often. Very tiny and agile ships like Hatchling Boy Racers and Merlins were tough to fight with lasers, but then it's an option to run them over, as I wrote on so many threads. It's really a great ship and with neolite it's also a beauty (while the standard version really doesn't look well).

However, I do prefer my Caduceus. Cannot do big cargo runs with it, it's hit apparantly more often than a Boa Class Cruiser, but it handles so very well and when my computer had problems with the framerate, the turrets were life-savers.


Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2009 9:26 pm
by Svengali
Azathoth wrote:
You got me intrigued.
Well, this game catches you - even if you don't expect it - and then you won't be a free man/woman/android/trumble/cat/(add your option here) anymore, hehe.
Azathoth wrote:
But I cant help thinking that your just pulling my leg and its just a graphical glitch when docking due to the size of the ship.
I wouldn't call it a glitch - but you'll never know :-)

No, seriously. The Anaconda is for sure no ship to have big fun out there. So I second Screets answer - the BCC is for sure a better choice. And there are so many other nice ones. So explore it - that is the fun of every game. Sometimes you'll have hard times and sometimes you are on the funny side, but finding your way, I mean y o u r way is not a bad advice, or? And data-tables are a first indicator, but not the whole truth.

And pulling your leg? Hehe, both or only one of them? - Have fun with this great game and this great board.

Re: Anaconda! Is it an option?

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2009 9:45 pm
by KZ9999
govert wrote:
* Would this be considered being helpful or just bragging?
At the moment, neither, since your link does not seem to work :)
Sorry about that, I'm having one or two issues with my file box at the moment. If you click my sig it will work correctly now. <Guilt and embarrisment software on maximum settings. Shuffles off to be chewed on by his pet trumble as penance.>

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2009 9:38 am
by Rebecca
my opinion...

python = cool and slinky :)
anaconda = does my bottom look big in this? :x


Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2009 10:00 am
by ClymAngus
You could always swap out the new design for the anaconda that simon has been working so hard on. ... c&start=41

OK even when brushed up it's still a bit of a "Who ate all the pies?" Kind of ship but then it can haul 750.

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2009 8:48 pm
by CptnEcho
Rebecca wrote:
my opinion...

python = cool and slinky :)
anaconda = does my bottom look big in this? :x

LoL :lol:

Perhaps thinking of the Anaconda as a giant ladies platform shoe would help?