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Suffering Shock Software Overload

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2009 12:12 am
by KZ9999
Have you seen the bit of 'lighter side of tech' running on the news channels at the moment. It's Japan’s National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology's HRP-4C, "a walking, talking humanoid fashion model fembot." Youtube video

Speaking as an android, I'm more than little unnerved by the clip. I suspect it's rather like what you naturals feel when watching a video of a primitive tree dwelling ancestor (or jungle stalking in Captain Hesperus case :)). Your logic software tells you that it's just part of the process of evolution. Your emotion software is shocked to realise that you come from something so crude.

While I'm mostly organic, like all true androids, it's from such faltering mechanical steps like that fembot that led to beings like me. Anyway, my shock software was so overloaded that I had to make a post to express it.

One final thought, why is anyone even developing a Fashion Model Fembot anyway? Is the world's supply of anorexic narcissistic females clothes horses running out. :lol:

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2009 7:43 am
by JensAyton
Well, they’ve got to think of something to do with the experimental robots that can only walk, and barely even that. Seriously, though, it’s pretty good at the hard task of not falling over.

(Also, that link didn’t work for me; here’s a more orthodox one:

Re: Suffering Shock Software Overload

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2009 10:21 am
by Screet
KZ9999 wrote:
One final thought, why is anyone even developing a Fashion Model Fembot anyway? Is the world's supply of anorexic narcissistic females clothes horses running out. :lol:
You must know...they actually do have a mind on their own...and sometimes it says that a bit of wad filled with orange juice just isn't enough and that this pizza tastes soooo much better! I know, because I was living some years next to such a model...and they dropped the maximum weight for photo shootings on and on until she decided that her studies to become a teacher are more worth it. She was a bit embarrassed though, when she found out that the class thought she was a new classmate while she went there to teach them ;)

Sad part of the story is that she only came to be a model because her parents taught her her whole life long that she'd always have to smile and became angry when she expressed other emotions. Took a while until she managed to educate her parents.


Happy to be certified ok

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2009 10:09 pm
by KZ9999
Oops about that Youtube link. sorry.:(

You know Screet, when I hear the stories what you naturals go through being raised, it makes me glad that I was manufactured. We live in a strange world where people have to be licence to drive a car, but any drop-kick can have kids. The sooner that that they make people have to pass a parenting course before they can have kids, the happier I'll be.

Perhaps it's a good ideal that do have fashion models manbot/fembots, considering there was a riot of want-a-be fashion models for the New York try-outs for the latest Americas Next Top Model. <rolls eyes to heaven and shakes head in disbelief.>

Re: Happy to be certified ok

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2009 7:53 am
by Frame
KZ9999 wrote:
there was a riot of want-a-be fashion models for the New York try-outs for the latest Americas Next Top Model. <rolls eyes to heaven and shakes head in disbelief.>
I read somewhere that it was trick thieves that fired of some sort of noise device that sounded like gun shot/explosion, or indeed did fire some sort of firearm.

And then one of the thieves picked up all the young women's bags, when the panicked situation caused all the women to flee., seems some where even trampled and wounded in the panic.