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Ixian Ships

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 10:50 am
by Eric Walch
Ixian Ships
Author 8bitapocalypse

This oxp adds 4 ships from Dune to the Ooniverse:
Ixian Battle Cruiser
Ixian No-Ship Mark I
Ixian Gunship
Ixian Bezerka

Of these four, the Ixian Noship Mark and the Ixian Gunship can be bought by the player.

The Ixian ships will mainly patrol in the less populated systems.

Minimum requirement Oolite 1.47

Download: Ixian Ships 1.1


This is an update of an old oxp that always has behaved wrong.
- The Ixian Battle Cruiser now does not try to dock anymore. And also its turnrate is lowered to a value more appropriate for its size.

- The whole role system is reworked. Original the escorts were defined as a cascade were every ship had the next smaller ship as escort: On adding the Cruiser is had 2 No-Ships as escort with each had 2 Gunships as escort that each had 2 Bezerkas as escort.
However, oolite does not allow escorts to be escorted but is did add all those ships. This resulted that only 2 ships escorted the Cruiser and all the other added escorts became individual bounty hunters. (default behaviour when an escort fails to find a mothership). And because all Ixian ships had a bounty, the escorts started to kill each other.
Even changing the trader role of the cruiser into a patrolling role resulted in the cruiser attacking its own active escorts.

This was only solvable by removing the bounties and using a new role model so you now get the cruiser with a variation of the other 3 as escort.


There also exists a Ixian freighter. That is uploaded by 8bitapocalypse as a separate oxp. The links on the wiki are wrong with these Ixian files. They say they point to an omnibus that contains both files but it doesn't. It only points to the version without the freighter. Even the link from the freighter page itself points to the download without the freighter! I deliberately did not include the freighter in this package because it now is less than 2 MB and can be uploaded at the wiki itself (when fully operating again) The right link should be Ixian Freighter 1.0. But don't use that version. That ship is frangible so you can shoot of the engines while the exhausts are defined in the main body. Looks very stupid seeing a ship without the exhauust but with its plume. I put a correct version on the wiki as soon as it can be written again.

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 11:03 am
by Ark
Excellent work Eric!!! :D
But I am start worrying about the situation with the wiki. Right now there are countless new and upgraded oxps that can only be found if somebody meticulously searches this forum, while the wiki hosts the old (sometimes buggy) versions of them. For us it is not such a big deal but for newcomers that do not have an everyday interaction with the forum this must be very annoying.
I am wondering if we can do something in order to help Winston. If the problem has to do with money personally I would be more than happy to donate somehow. I just do not know how to help.

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 3:31 pm
by ClymAngus
Yes, this is slowly getting to be more and more of an issue. When it is up and running its going to get fragged by the number of people trying to fix it.

Posted: Sat Mar 07, 2009 10:48 am
by pagroove
Ark wrote:
Excellent work Eric!!! :D
But I am start worrying about the situation with the wiki. Right now there are countless new and upgraded oxps that can only be found if somebody meticulously searches this forum, while the wiki hosts the old (sometimes buggy) versions of them. For us it is not such a big deal but for newcomers that do not have an everyday interaction with the forum this must be very annoying.
I am wondering if we can do something in order to help Winston. If the problem has to do with money personally I would be more than happy to donate somehow. I just do not know how to help.

Maybe we must start a thread (with a sticky) with all the forum links to all the recent OXP's? I'm also worrying about the WIKI.

Posted: Sat Mar 07, 2009 12:30 pm
by Screet
pagroove wrote:
Maybe we must start a thread (with a sticky) with all the forum links to all the recent OXP's? I'm also worrying about the WIKI.
The latest report is that the machine had two hardware replacements and currently is being set up to support the real, writeable wiki again! :D
