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In defence of the SuperCobra...

Posted: Sat Feb 28, 2009 7:25 pm
by JohnnyBoy
On a number of occasions, other commanders have dismissed the SuperCobra as a ship that they wouldn't fly (or that shouldn't even exist) on account of it being an "uber-ship". So I'd like to say a few words in its defence...

I fly a SuperCobra, and think that it's perfectly okay to do so. Naturally, I didn't start in one. After flying a Cobra III, I worked my through a Python, a Boa, the souped-up Python and a Boa Class Cruiser. So I've had my fair share of arse-roasting at the hands of pirates and Thargoids. It took a lot of flying hours before I could eventually buy that SuperCobra.

And now that I have it, I still receive my fair share of punishment. I don't run from hunting packs of pirates, I take them on. Same when I see green laser fire from the witchspace beacon; I engage the injectors and rocket in to do my quota of Thargoid-bashing.

So you see, the "uber-ness" of my "uber-ship" is counter-balanced by the "uber-danger" of doing my share of the fighting. And sometimes, this means that my ship is reduced to space-dust; having a SuperCobra doesn't guarantee immortality.

So before certain un-named commanders bash the old SuperCobra (cough, cough, Cmdr. Wyvern, cough, cough, Disembodied), could they kindly take into account the number of times that I have to limp out of battle with plasma pouring out of my back-passage? (That's a medical term - ask Captain Hesperus about that one...)

Re: In defence of the SuperCobra...

Posted: Sat Feb 28, 2009 8:10 pm
by Captain Hesperus
JohnnyBoy wrote:
That's a medical term - ask Captain Hesperus about that one...
Seriously, if you have plasma or any other forms of haemoserous fluid pouring out of your back passage, I'd go see the doctor, pronto.

And I agree. I've flown the SuperCobra and loved every minute. and I've also taken my fair share of knocks with it, too. I think with the advent of player-ship turrets, the 'uber'-ness of the SC has lessened a bit. With the SC, you still have to line up to get the hostiles, which means you have to stay in the hot zone that bit longer and your shields only last so long....

Captain Hesperus

Posted: Sat Feb 28, 2009 8:33 pm
by Thargoid
Me three, I also fly one (at least when I'm not testing stuff and start using variants. Indeed the only critique I would have is having to hack it a bit to move the laser issuing point down so you can actually see what you're trying to shoot...

To each their own

Posted: Sat Feb 28, 2009 11:05 pm
by KZ9999
I agree with JohnnyBoy. To decry one ship over another allways stuck me a bit mean spirited. To diss a ship because it's 'too uber' is unfair when it all boils down to playing style. Some people will never be too gifted at playing at the game, so if there's a ship that gives them a better survival rating then that all good.

I've tried the Super Cobra and had not an issue with it. While it didn't feel right for me, I just traded up to another design when I had the creds. In the end if you don't like it don't fly it. It's not like it's part of the core set.

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2009 12:23 am
by JohnnyBoy
Well that's that settled. Thanks fellas! :)

Re: To each their own

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2009 5:12 pm
by Screet
KZ9999 wrote:
Some people will never be too gifted at playing at the game, so if there's a ship that gives them a better survival rating then that all good.
A good example could be my Geteve-Experience with the Caduceus: My graphic card was (due to a driver bug) slowing down to less than 1 fps. It was already pretty difficult to get a lock for my turrets and then move without being rammed/shot down...would not have managed to do it the normal way, although I can and do shoot down ships like an asp with side lasers when fps is OK! At least, I finally managed to increase fps up to 5. Have to return the card, it seems.


Re: In defence of the SuperCobra...

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2009 9:05 am
by Eric Walch
JohnnyBoy wrote:
On a number of occasions, other commanders have dismissed the SuperCobra as a ship that they wouldn't fly (or that shouldn't even exist) on account of it being an "uber-ship". So I'd like to say a few words in its defence...
Everyone can choose for himself, but when fully equipped the SC is no fun anymore. Once you come in possession of a military energy unit your energy recharge rate becomes so high that it is more than the cloak uses. So when you also succeeded in the cloak mission you can keep playing forever while cloaked. Every opponent is defenceless against this and the ship really becomes "uber".

Every player can do as they like but when this challenge is gone the game becomes less exiting in my feeling.

Re: In defence of the SuperCobra...

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2009 9:38 am
by Ark
Eric Walch wrote:
Everyone can choose for himself, but when fully equipped the SC is no fun anymore. Once you come in possession of a military energy unit your energy recharge rate becomes so high that it is more than the cloak uses. So when you also succeeded in the cloak mission you can keep playing forever while cloaked. Every opponent is defenceless against this and the ship really becomes "uber".

Every player can do as they like but when this challenge is gone the game becomes less exiting in my feeling.
That is the reason why I have decreased the energy recharge rate in my copy of the super cobra oxp :wink:

Re: In defence of the SuperCobra...

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2009 1:33 pm
by JohnnyBoy
Eric Walch wrote:
Everyone can choose for himself, but when fully equipped the SC is no fun anymore. Once you come in possession of a military energy unit your energy recharge rate becomes so high that it is more than the cloak uses. So when you also succeeded in the cloak mission you can keep playing forever while cloaked. Every opponent is defenceless against this and the ship really becomes "uber".

Every player can do as they like but when this challenge is gone the game becomes less exiting in my feeling.
I see your point Eric, but I keep my cloak turned off for that exact reason. The only time that I do use it is to destroy missiles that have locked onto me, without destroying the missiles that I've launched -- and any ship with a cloak can use the same strategy, not just the SC. ;)

Re: In defence of the SuperCobra...

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2009 10:23 pm
by Lestradae
Eric Walch wrote:
when this challenge is gone the game becomes less exiting in my feeling.
<advocatus diaboli> And then, one could play with Realistic Shipyards in and have a lot of challenges also when playing in a SuperCobra. :twisted: </advocatus diaboli>



Re: To each their own

Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2009 10:47 am
by ClymAngus
Screet wrote:
KZ9999 wrote:
Some people will never be too gifted at playing at the game, so if there's a ship that gives them a better survival rating then that all good.
A good example could be my Geteve-Experience with the Caduceus: My graphic card was (due to a driver bug) slowing down to less than 1 fps. It was already pretty difficult to get a lock for my turrets and then move without being rammed/shot down...would not have managed to do it the normal way, although I can and do shoot down ships like an asp with side lasers when fps is OK! At least, I finally managed to increase fps up to 5. Have to return the card, it seems.

There is a low rez version of the caddy packaged in with the zip file. You know what us artists are like, you can't make the texture big enough. :)

Re: To each their own

Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2009 1:11 pm
by Screet
ClymAngus wrote:
There is a low rez version of the caddy packaged in with the zip file. You know what us artists are like, you can't make the texture big enough. :)
That's not the problem. The problem really is that OpenGL acceleration doesn't work properly on my 4870x2.

I removed all oxp's except the tionisla graveyard and then used a fresh jameson to have a look.

The 4870x2 did perform worse than my X800XTPE. And that did perform far worse than a notebook with nVidia Go 7950 chipset running in much higher screen resolution!

The nVidia Go 7950 also outperformed the 4870x2 and X800XTPE massively at Geteve. Go guess - the mission is OK, the problem is ATIs incorrect OpenGL rendering paired with lack of OpenGL acceleration.
