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Realistic Shipyards - Performance tricks?

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 1:35 pm
by govert
Has anyone any tips on how to improve the performance while running realistic shipyards?

I get a pretty severe lag when exiting space stations and enetering new systems.

Is there any textures, AIs or anything else I could remove without corrupting the content?


Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 1:47 pm
by Lestradae
You can attempt to remove the SIRF shipyards. They use a lot of resources and can slow down everything on any not-too-fast system.

This involves fumbling around with the shipdata.plist a bit. Make a backup copy of the unmodified one first, just in case something goes wrong. And this is a quick and dirty hack, it might produce error messages because some subentity information stays in unreferenced but this should basically work.

The quick RS How-To get rid of the SIRF stations:

1. You open the Realistic Shipyard`s shipdata.plist and search via search function after the name "SIRF".

2. You note the plist name: It´s at the beginning of the SIRF's shipdata.plist entry and says "<key>blablabla</key>".

3. Delete the entry following the "<key>blablabla</key>" until and including the final </dict> of the SIRF's ship entry.

4. Save your new shipdata.plist.

5. Next time you start the game, remember to press SHIFT while starting so that the game recognises the changes you have made. After that, at every game start you have the oxp without the SIRFYard.

That's it.

In addition, you can try to turn down the shaders from full, don't know if that brings a lot but you can try and have a look.

The lowest specs I've yet heard Realistic Shipyards V3.02b runs with are 1GB RAM and either 1.5GHz dual-core or 2.0GHz single core and a decent graphics card. Below that I fear it's getting difficult.

Have fun with Oolite & RS & whatever else pleases you oxp-wise 8)


Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 1:50 pm
by govert
What are the SIRF shipyards? What functionality am i removing?


Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 1:54 pm
by Lestradae
govert wrote:
What are the SIRF shipyards? What functionality am i removing?
They are the flashy cylindric blueish things with the rotating things in the front that should more often than not appear in the vicinity of the main station. Their many rotating subentities create a drag concerning graphics calculations or somesuch I assume.

The functionality you are removing are those stations that are three tech levels higher than the surrounding system and the ship, equipment and trading opportunities that this provides. But better that than nothing, I'd say.

If you post your specs I might hazard another guess as to what to try to get your FPS up, atm this is everything I know that could work.

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 2:00 pm
by govert
I'll try it out.

my specs:

512M mem, Radeon Mobility 9600 , Pentium M 1.2 GHz

It's low, I know.


Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 2:04 pm
by Lestradae
I would strongly recommend a RAM upgrade then if anyhow possible. 1 or even 2 Gigs of RAM and no more tweaking will be nescessary, should run as intended then.

I think 2 gigs RAM cost far below 100€ nowadays, so it should not be an enormous problem - and it will bring your computer a lot of speed, not only for Oolite and/or RS.

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 2:09 pm
by govert
i agree. I should upgrade. 2 gigs for my laptop would cost me max 80$


Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 2:17 pm
by Lestradae
govert wrote:
2 gigs for my laptop
That really brings a lot. The pipeline through which your data is streaming would become four times broader after all!

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 4:18 pm
by confused.brit
I have 1.25GB ram (max i can at the moment)and a 3Gb swap partition (linux equivilent of pagefile) and with Realisticshipyards, the game just thrashes when I go into the shipyard, until Linux realises it's not responding and kills it.

I would have thought with that level of swap, I'd have plenty of ram, even if it would be slow.

And all those other oxps the wiki told me to install with it? I bet they dont help either...


2.4GB Celeron D, 1.25GB RAM, Nvida Geforce 5200 MX with 128MB VRAM. Running Linux Mint which is based on Ubuntu Intrepid Ibex.

So, would it be out of line to request a 'realistic shipyards lite'?

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 4:52 pm
by Screet
confused.brit wrote:
So, would it be out of line to request a 'realistic shipyards lite'?
L, I suppose you should hire two more beta testers for OSE! Then they usually won't be slowed down by SIRFs? ;)


Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 4:57 pm
by Baza
Confused.brit wrote
2.4GB Celeron D, 1.25GB RAM, Nvida Geforce 5200 MX with 128MB VRAM. Running Linux Mint which is based on Ubuntu Intrepid Ibex.
I think its probably the celeron that the main problem here


Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 5:04 pm
by Lestradae
Hi confused.brit,

first of all let me welcome you on the boards and to this game!
the game just thrashes when I go into the shipyard ... 2.4GB Celeron D, 1.25GB RAM, Nvida Geforce 5200 MX with 128MB VRAM
That shouldn't happen with those specs at all. You could have had a run-in with case sensitivity bugs that only happen on linux systems if I remember correctly - repaired for the WiP version on my system, but not yet for RS - but they shouldn't make the game crash.
And all those other oxps the wiki told me to install with it? I bet they dont help either...
You didn't confuse the eighty or so oxps included into RS you should not install in addition to RS with the six or so you have to install, do you? Otherwise you would have eighty oxps double-installed and that might rip down performance massively.

Perhaps posting a list of the oxps you have installed could help?
So, would it be out of line to request a 'realistic shipyards lite'?
It would not be out of line, happy to take any suggestions on board but I have no idea how a "RS lite" could even look like.



Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 5:08 pm
by LittleBear
Taking the SIF Stations out and putting them in a seperate OXP might be an idea. I can confirm on my laptop (respectabley fast with 1.5 G of RAM) the appearance of a SIF is a game killer. With RS in I get about 25 fps (not too bad for a medium spec machine) but if a SIF comes into visual range is an immedate hang. Probabley a graphics card issue rather than Ram as such.

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 7:03 pm
by confused.brit
Baza wrote:
Confused.brit wrote
2.4GB Celeron D, 1.25GB RAM, Nvida Geforce 5200 MX with 128MB VRAM. Running Linux Mint which is based on Ubuntu Intrepid Ibex.
I think its probably the celeron that the main problem here
Not helpful, but thanks for playing.
That shouldn't happen with those specs at all. You could have had a run-in with case sensitivity bugs that only happen on linux systems if I remember correctly - repaired for the WiP version on my system, but not yet for RS - but they shouldn't make the game crash.
I'll check this out.
You didn't confuse the eighty or so oxps included into RS you should not install in addition to RS with the six or so you have to install, do you? Otherwise you would have eighty oxps double-installed and that might rip down performance massively.

Perhaps posting a list of the oxps you have installed could help?
No, i skipped the long list, grabbed the ones listed as required. With the pirates one,I found I couldnt load Oolite at all with it. :(

As to which ones are installed, i removed it and a lot of the ones providing missions (oh, and you missed Yet Another AD from the list, which OOHaul needs.)

I'll reinstall and check out the case sensitivity bug, then get back to you.

Oh, and im using the Oolite version in the Linux package manager Synaptic, which is 1.65-6 build1, dont know if that matters - Im a new Linux user, so I dont know how to build from source one of the more recent versions.

Hmm, the Oolite Wiki seems to be down :( Anywhere else I can grab OXPs from?

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 7:37 pm
by Screet
confused.brit wrote:
Oh, and im using the Oolite version in the Linux package manager Synaptic, which is 1.65-6 build1, dont know if that matters - Im a new Linux user, so I dont know how to build from source one of the more recent versions.
AFAIK many OXPs are incompatible with that old build. Have you tried looking at BerliOS? ... up_id=3577

There are Linux packages...the windows ones are installers, so I guess that's also the same with the Linux ones.

I've been able to run RS/OSE without YAH. Didn't want to install it back then because I did fear further memory impact. There are sometimes log messages because of this, but they are few and things did run well.
