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Info from planetinfo.plist isn't updated in Oolite

Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2009 2:12 pm
by pagroove
For Famous planets I try to add in new descriptions for the planet Everytime I make a new description the game doesn't update the information. Worse, all previous entries are also cleared.

I tried everything, also starting up with the shift key to empty the cache but the info isn't coming back.

This is the code in the planetinfo.plst

Code: Select all

      // Galaxy 1 Teraed Test

"0 99" =    // <-------    Teraed

       "description" = "Teraed became one of the largest Hubs on the North-East Quadrant of Galaxy 1. Travellers to Tianve often use it as a stop-over and trading point. Nowadays the planet is home of the largest aqua city in Galaxy 1 which can easily seen from space. The Galaxy Dome with 3.2 million seats (estimated) is one of the biggest Zero-G cricket venues in the sector.";

"0 129" =    // <-------    Zaonce

       "description" = "The Galactic register called Zaonce a tedious place. They didn't correct it in later issues. Zaonce is therefore one of the best guarded fun-packed secrets of galaxy 1. The tourist will find  attractions like the monstrous Hurricane Kev, dominating a huge swathe of the northern hemisphere. The planet is also known for the Zaonce Autodrome, The Zanadoo Zoo and Chateau d'if and the perpetual parties going on in virtually every hotel on the planet.";

"0 147" =    // <-------    Diso 

       "description" = "This planet is mildly noted for its ancient Ouza tulip plantations but is ravaged by frequent earthquakes. The Diso Digital Corp has built a planetwide sensor-network, with the lastest OO32000 super-risk processors. This is capable of predicting the earthquakes a full day before they happen. Houses on Diso are built on giant shock absorbers and are often mobile. Diso is also famous for its 10,000 km long Veers-fault.";

"0 124" =    // <-------    Tionisla 
       "description" = "Tionisla is well known in the region. In the past it was the stage of some of the most massive battles the galaxy has ever seen. The result? The huge Tionisla Orbital Graveyard, now the final resting place of the super rich and famous. Due to their ingrained shyness all Tionislans wear masks in public, their heads completely encased in these baroque constructions. If you like good company, noise, fun, excitement go elsewhere though.";

"0 39" =    // <-------    Reorte 
       "description" = "Because of deadly earthquakes the people of Reorte are forever at the mercy of titanic hidden forces hidden deep within their planet. As a result they are therefore, deeply religious. Technically speaking the planet is actually a theocracy, controlled by a fluctuating priesthood."; 

"0 73" =    // <-------    Aronar 
       "description" = "The Jungle world of Aronar. The most dangerous passage on the Spaceway L1 to Lerelace. The landscape is dominated by a jungle covered supercontinent. Deep in the woods the Aronar Deadly Goat has its habitat. They are deadly because of their size. 2 times as large as normal goats. Every village on Aronar houses a local Hoopy Casino. Gambling is a religion on Aronar. Every citizen of Aronar gambles before dinner."; 

"0 50" =    // <-------    Aesbion 
       "description" = "The planet Aesbion is a planet with difficult living conditions. The Weather is humid and storms are almost a constant factor. Furthermore conlfict between the green frogs of Aesbion has been raging for thousands of years now and the fact that the planet is a corporate state doesn't make it better. In fact the Aesbion war is a corporate war now. Luckily for the visitor this war rages on the surface - for the time being."; 

"0 89" =    // <-------   Beusrior 
       "description" = "A dull world says the register. In 2513 a large freighter broke down in orbit around this planet. The people had to leave the ship. The colonials built an underground base called New London as the whole surface of the planet is covered with snow and Ice. Day temperature varies between -22C to -40C but in the night the temperature drops sometimes below -55C.";

"0 186" =    // <-------   Zarece 
       "description" = "Zarece was the first conolized gas planet ever. Colonized by felines of Reorte who became fed up with the constant Earthquakes on their home planet. With a combination of Zero-G technology and modern baloons large orbital cities where created that float in the higher layers of the atmosphere. Zarece exists of superdense gasses not yet fully understood."; 

"0 111" =    // <-------   Reinen
       "description" = " Reinen: a farmers planet in true tradition. The visitor even can see the crops from outer space. Natural resources are now exhausted and therefore Reinen nowadays specializes in biotechnology. They sell all sorts of farming equipment and therefore the planet now rates as an average agricultural. The capital city New Boorlin hosts the yearly Galaxy 1 Beerfesten which attracts drinkes from all over the universe.";

"0 188" =    // <-------   Tibionis
       "description" = " Tibionis is most noted for the Tibionisian deadly goat and its vast rain forests. Sadly the deadly goats where introduced by traders from Aronar. Tourists are advised not to travel deep into the splendid jungles. In addition Tibionis features beautiful tropical beaches. Tibionis is the center for Navy sector command 4.";  

"0 250" =    // <-------   Xexedi
       "description" = " Center of the Xexedi Cluster and the Western part of Galaxy 1. This planet houses a city that covers the whole planet. Xexedi's high tech level reflects in the futurisic towers, domes, houses an mordern transport on the planet. The famous beauty company L' Ooreaal, Zorgon Petterson Group and Oocruise have their HQ on the planet. Xexedi is known for the Xexedi skyneedle a 2 mile high skyscraper.";

"0 227" =    // <-------   Qutiri
       "description" = " Qutiri offers space travelles a sight to behold. Magnificent mountain ranges and enormous glaciers cover the planet. Climate is cold but drinking Lethal brandy in the Bleu Ice caves of the Capital Qitroomax or climbing Mount Tironos under a bright cold nightsky are things that you will never forget. The yellow felines of Qutiri have adapted their skin to the cold climate.";

"0 35" =    // <-------   Isence
       "description" = " Everyone knows the saying: Red like the hells of Isence. Everything is Red on Isence. Isence was in Quarantine for many years. The deadly Isencian V bacteria turned the humanoids red and fat. It is now clear that the desease only activates if you live for more than 5 years on the planet. Nowadays an expensive medicine exists to keep the desease under control. This allowed the now famous Chexsin Cherzin to take part in the Four-Way Pellery championship on Isinor.";

"0 101" =    // <-------   Laenin
       "description" = "The planet Laenin is famous as being remotely named after an old hero of Coomunism. Laenin was a leader who named himself after reading a fictional book on a fictional planet called Earth. In that book a red revolution was described. This revolution made him invent coomunism. He made a sit-com. People loved it. That was long ago and the red revolution has spread all over the 8 galaxies. Today Laenin is called: the workers paradise.";

"0 100" =    // <-------   Vetitice
       "description" = "The planet Vetitice is well known for its luxury parking meters. Vetitice is also renowned as the home of GASEC, designer and supplier of Coriolis, Dodec and Ico space stations. Travellers are vistiting Vetice from all over the 8 galexies to see the construction and transport of the stations.";

"0 222" =    // <-------   Rilace
       "description" = "The planet Rilace was once covered with desert. Company Q-worlds got a contract from the local government to terraform the planet into a more fertile and green world. After installing the Q-Worlds Quick Terraforming Grid (TM) air was quickly boosted into the atmosphere. Q-Worlds then bombarded the equator region with self fabricated Ice meteorites using the new high pressure Orbit cannon from Terratools. The Ice was Harvested at the Wagar Ice plateau at Beusrior.  ";

"0 29" =    // <-------   Atrabiin
       "description" = "The planet Atrabiin is covered with a vast network of islands.The atmosphere is very most and dense and its just possible to live for the human colonials on this planet. The sights of the yellowish ocean are very special. The yellow colour comes from geothermal activity. The water has a proven healing power for some races. The cultrural differences between the island communities makes it an interesting planet to visit  ";
Any ideas on how to force to let Oolite read info from my altered plist??

Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2009 2:28 pm
by CaptKev
Try moving the comments to a separate line like this;

Code: Select all

//--- Teraed ---
"0 99" = {
"description" = "Teraed became one of the largest Hubs on the North-East Quadrant of Galaxy 1. Travellers to Tianve often use it as a stop-over and trading point. Nowadays the planet is home of the largest aqua city in Galaxy 1 which can easily seen from space. The Galaxy Dome with 3.2 million seats (estimated) is one of the biggest Zero-G cricket venues in the sector.";

Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2009 3:09 pm
by pagroove
I re=ogranized the code in the way you suggested but that doesn't reslove the problem. The problem is in the Vetitice line. When I remove it. All old descriptions are loaded. When I make a net entry. No descriptions at all are loaded and I see the original planet descriptions

Code: Select all

      // Galaxy 1 Teraed Test

//--- Teraed ---
"0 99" = {
"description" = "Teraed became one of the largest Hubs on the North-East Quadrant of Galaxy 1. Travellers to Tianve often use it as a stop-over and trading point. Nowadays the planet is home of the largest aqua city in Galaxy 1 which can easily seen from space. The Galaxy Dome with 3.2 million seats (estimated) is one of the biggest Zero-G cricket venues in the sector.";

 //-------    Zaonce
"0 129" = {
"description" = "The Galactic register called Zaonce a tedious place. They didn't correct it in later issues. Zaonce is therefore one of the best guarded fun-packed secrets of galaxy 1. The tourist will find  attractions like the monstrous Hurricane Kev, dominating a huge swathe of the northern hemisphere. The planet is also known for the Zaonce Autodrome, The Zanadoo Zoo and Chateau d'if and the perpetual parties going on in virtually every hotel on the planet.";

 //-------    Diso 
"0 147" = {
"description" = "This planet is mildly noted for its ancient Ouza tulip plantations but is ravaged by frequent earthquakes. The Diso Digital Corp has built a planetwide sensor-network, with the lastest OO32000 super-risk processors. This is capable of predicting the earthquakes a full day before they happen. Houses on Diso are built on giant shock absorbers and are often mobile. Diso is also famous for its 10,000 km long Veers-fault.";

//-------    Tionisla 
"0 124" ={
"description" = "Tionisla is well known in the region. In the past it was the stage of some of the most massive battles the galaxy has ever seen. The result? The huge Tionisla Orbital Graveyard, now the final resting place of the super rich and famous. Due to their ingrained shyness all Tionislans wear masks in public, their heads completely encased in these baroque constructions. If you like good company, noise, fun, excitement go elsewhere though.";

//-------    Reorte 
"0 39" ={
"description" = "Because of deadly earthquakes the people of Reorte are forever at the mercy of titanic hidden forces hidden deep within their planet. As a result they are therefore, deeply religious. Technically speaking the planet is actually a theocracy, controlled by a fluctuating priesthood."; 

//-------    Aronar 
"0 73" ={
"description" = "The Jungle world of Aronar. The most dangerous passage on the Spaceway L1 to Lerelace. The landscape is dominated by a jungle covered supercontinent. Deep in the woods the Aronar Deadly Goat has its habitat. They are deadly because of their size. 2 times as large as normal goats. Every village on Aronar houses a local Hoopy Casino. Gambling is a religion on Aronar. Every citizen of Aronar gambles before dinner."; 

 //-------    Aesbion 
"0 50" ={
"description" = "The planet Aesbion is a planet with difficult living conditions. The Weather is humid and storms are almost a constant factor. Furthermore conlfict between the green frogs of Aesbion has been raging for thousands of years now and the fact that the planet is a corporate state doesn't make it better. In fact the Aesbion war is a corporate war now. Luckily for the visitor this war rages on the surface - for the time being."; 

//-------   Beusrior 
"0 89" ={
"description" = "A dull world says the register. In 2513 a large freighter broke down in orbit around this planet. The people had to leave the ship. The colonials built an underground base called New London as the whole surface of the planet is covered with snow and Ice. Day temperature varies between -22C to -40C but in the night the temperature drops sometimes below -55C.";

//-------   Zarece 
"0 186" ={
"description" = "Zarece was the first conolized gas planet ever. Colonized by felines of Reorte who became fed up with the constant Earthquakes on their home planet. With a combination of Zero-G technology and modern baloons large orbital cities where created that float in the higher layers of the atmosphere. Zarece exists of superdense gasses not yet fully understood."; 

//-------   Reinen
"0 111" ={
"description" = " Reinen: a farmers planet in true tradition. The visitor even can see the crops from outer space. Natural resources are now exhausted and therefore Reinen nowadays specializes in biotechnology. They sell all sorts of farming equipment and therefore the planet now rates as an average agricultural. The capital city New Boorlin hosts the yearly Galaxy 1 Beerfesten which attracts drinkes from all over the universe.";

//-------   Tibionis
"0 188" ={
"description" = " Tibionis is most noted for the Tibionisian deadly goat and its vast rain forests. Sadly the deadly goats where introduced by traders from Aronar. Tourists are advised not to travel deep into the splendid jungles. In addition Tibionis features beautiful tropical beaches. Tibionis is the center for Navy sector command 4.";  

//-------   Xexedi
"0 250" ={
"description" = " Center of the Xexedi Cluster and the Western part of Galaxy 1. This planet houses a city that covers the whole planet. Xexedi's high tech level reflects in the futurisic towers, domes, houses an mordern transport on the planet. The famous beauty company L' Ooreaal, Zorgon Petterson Group and Oocruise have their HQ on the planet. Xexedi is known for the Xexedi skyneedle a 2 mile high skyscraper.";

//-------   Qutiri
"0 227" ={
"description" = " Qutiri offers space travelles a sight to behold. Magnificent mountain ranges and enormous glaciers cover the planet. Climate is cold but drinking Lethal brandy in the Bleu Ice caves of the Capital Qitroomax or climbing Mount Tironos under a bright cold nightsky are things that you will never forget. The yellow felines of Qutiri have adapted their skin to the cold climate.";

//-------   Isence
"0 35" ={
"description" = " Everyone knows the saying: Red like the hells of Isence. Everything is Red on Isence. Isence was in Quarantine for many years. The deadly Isencian V bacteria turned the humanoids red and fat. It is now clear that the desease only activates if you live for more than 5 years on the planet. Nowadays an expensive medicine exists to keep the desease under control. This allowed the now famous Chexsin Cherzin to take part in the Four-Way Pellery championship on Isinor.";

//-------   Laenin
"0 101" ={
"description" = "The planet Laenin is famous as being remotely named after an old hero of Coomunism. Laenin was a leader who named himself after reading a fictional book on a fictional planet called Earth. In that book a red revolution was described. This revolution made him invent coomunism. He made a sit-com. People loved it. That was long ago and the red revolution has spread all over the 8 galaxies. Today Laenin is called: the workers paradise.";

//-------   Vetitice
"0 100" ={
"description" = "The planet Vetitice is well known for its luxury parking meters and so on.";

So when I remove the entry for Veticitce then all previous custom descriptions are loaded. It's some weird cache thing?? This problem is driving me crazy because I cannot see the cause.

Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2009 3:29 pm
by Disembodied
The typo nazi strikes!

Code: Select all

"description" = "Teraed became one of the largest Hubs in the North-East Quadrant of Galaxy 1. Travellers to Tianve often use it as a stop-over and trading point. Nowadays the planet is the home of the largest aqua city in Galaxy 1 which is easily seen from space. The Galaxy Dome with 3.2 million seats (estimated) is one of the biggest Zero-G cricket venues in the sector."; 

"description" = "The Galactic register called Zaonce a tedious place. They didn't correct it in later issues. Zaonce is therefore one of the best guarded fun-packed secrets of galaxy 1. The tourist will find  attractions like the monstrous Hurricane Kev, dominating a huge swathe of the northern hemisphere. The planet is also known for the Zaonce Aurodrome, Zanadoo Zoo, Chateau d'if and the perpetual parties going on in virtually every hotel on the planet."; 

"description" = "This planet is mildly noted for its ancient Ouza tulip plantations but is ravaged by frequent earthquakes. The Diso Digital Corp has built a planetwide sensor-network, with the latest OO32000 super-risk processors. This is capable of predicting the earthquakes a full day before they happen. Houses on Diso are built on giant shock absorbers and are often mobile. Diso is also famous for its 10,000 km long Veers-fault."; 

"description" = "Tionisla is well known in the region. In the past it was the stage of some of the most massive battles the galaxy has ever seen. The result? The huge Tionisla Orbital Graveyard, now the final resting place of the super-rich and famous. Due to their ingrained shyness all Tionislans wear masks in public, their heads completely encased in these baroque constructions. If you like good company, noise, fun, and excitement, go elsewhere."; 

"description" = "Because of deadly earthquakes the people of Reorte are forever at the mercy of titanic hidden forces hidden deep within their planet. As a result they are deeply religious. Technically speaking the planet is actually a theocracy, controlled by a fluctuating priesthood."; 

"description" = "The jungle world of Aronar. The most dangerous passage on the Spaceway L1 to Lerelace. The landscape is dominated by a jungle-covered supercontinent. Deep in the woods the huge Aronar Deadly Goat has its habitat. Every village on Aronar houses a local Hoopy Casino. Gambling is a religion on Aronar. Every citizen of Aronar gambles before dinner."; 

"description" = "The planet Aesbion is a planet with difficult living conditions. The weather is humid and storms are an almost constant factor. Furthermore conflict between the green frogs of Aesbion has been raging for thousands of years now and the fact that the planet is a corporate state doesn't make it better. In fact the Aesbion war is a corporate war now. Luckily for the visitor this war is confined to the surface - for the time being."; 

"description" = "A dull world, says the register. In 2513 a large freighter broke down in orbit around this planet. The people had to leave the ship. The colonials built an underground base called New London as the whole surface of the planet is covered with snow and ice. Day temperature varies between -22C to -40C but in the night the temperature drops sometimes below -55C."; 

"description" = "Zarece was the first gas planet ever colonised, by felines of Reorte who became fed up with the constant earthquakes on their home planet. With a combination of Zero-G technology and modern balloons, large orbital cities where created that float in the higher layers of the atmosphere. Zarece consists of superdense gases not yet fully understood."; 

"description" = "Reinen: a farmers’ planet par excellence. The visitor can even see the crops from outer space. Natural resources are now exhausted and therefore Reinen nowadays specialises in biotechnology. They sell all sorts of farming equipment and the planet now rates as an average agricultural. The capital city New Boorlin hosts the yearly Galaxy 1 Beerfesten which attracts drinkers from all over the universe."; 

"description" = "Tibionis is most noted for the Tibionisian deadly goat and its vast rain forests. Sadly the deadly goats where introduced by traders from Aronar. Tourists are advised not to travel deep into the splendid jungles. In addition Tibionis features beautiful tropical beaches. Tibionis is the centre for Navy sector command 4.";

"description" = "Centre of the Xexedi Cluster and the Western part of Galaxy 1. The planet’s surface is entirely covered by one vast city. Xexedi’s high tech level is shown by the futuristic towers, domes, houses and modern transport on the planet. The famous beauty company L’Ooreaal, Zorgon Petterson Group and Oocruise have their HQs here. Xexedi is known for the Xexedi skyneedle, a 2 mile high skyscraper."; 

"description" = "Qutiri offers space travellers a sight to behold. Magnificent mountain ranges and enormous glaciers cover the planet. The climate is cold but drinking Lethal Brandy in the Blue Ice caves of the capital Qitroomax, or climbing Mount Tironos under a bright cold night sky, are things you will never forget. The yellow felines of Qutiri have adapted their skin to the cold climate.";

"description" = "Everyone knows the saying: “Red as the hells of Isence”. Everything is red on Isence. Isence was in quarantine for many years. The deadly Isencian V bacteria turned the humanoids red and fat. It is now clear that the disease only activates if you live for more than five years on the planet. Nowadays an expensive medicine exists to keep the disease under control. This allowed the famous Chexsin Cherzin to take part in the Four-Way Pellery championship on Isinor.";

"description" = "The planet Laenin was famously named after an old hero of Coomunism. Laenin was a leader who named himself after reading a fictional book on a fictional planet called Earth. In that book a red revolution was described. This revolution made him invent Coomunism. He made a sit-com. People loved it. That was long ago and the red revolution has spread all over the eight galaxies. Today Laenin is called: the Workers’ Paradise."; 

"description" = "The planet Vetitice is well known for its luxury parking meters. Vetitice is also renowned as the home of GASEC, designer and supplier of Coriolis, Dodec and Ico space stations. Travellers are visiting Vetice from all over the eight galaxies to see the construction and transport of the stations."; 

"description" = "The planet Rilace was once covered with desert. The Q-Worlds corporation got a contract from the local government to terraform the planet into a more fertile and green world. After installing the Q-Worlds Quick Terraforming Grid (TM), air was quickly boosted into the atmosphere. Q-Worlds then bombarded the equatorial region with fabricated ice meteorites using the new high-pressure Orbit cannon from Terratools. The ice was harvested at the Wagar ice plateau at Beusrior."; 

"description" = "The planet Atrabiin is covered with a vast network of islands. The atmosphere is very moist and dense and it is only just possible for human colonials to live here. The yellowish oceans are very special. The yellow colour comes from geothermal activity, and the water has a proven healing power for some races. The cultural differences between the island communities makes it an interesting planet to visit."

Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2009 3:32 pm
by pagroove
Thank you. :)

Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2009 3:37 pm
by Thargoid
You've used a round bracket to close Vetitice rather than a curly one. ie a ); which should be a };

The comments were OK where they originally were (although they're fine where they are now too). Anything after a // is ignored in the line.

Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2009 3:56 pm
by pagroove
:oops: :oops: :oops: :oops:
Ok didn't spot that. It seems you make one fault then everything gets messed up.

Time for someone to write an planet- editor program so that everyone can add his/hers descriptions in an easy way without messing with code

EDIT @ Disembodied

When the list is ready can you then spot all typos in one typo run???
I can send it to you then if you like.


Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2009 4:26 pm
by Lestradae
Two remarks:

1) New Vetitice system info: Galexies -> Galaxies

2) Wouldn't it make more sense to term this "all over the eight galactic sectors" than "all over the 8 galaxies" as the Oolite canon (that I should use that word) seems to imply to me that they are probably in the same galaxy but far removed from each other.



Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2009 4:33 pm
by CaptKev
Thargoid wrote:
You've used a round bracket to close Vetitice rather than a curly one. ie a ); which should be a };

The comments were OK where they originally were (although they're fine where they are now too). Anything after a // is ignored in the line.
Why didn't I see that! :roll:

Re: 2

Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2009 4:35 pm
by Captain Hesperus
Lestradae wrote:
2) Wouldn't it make more sense to term this "all over the eight galactic sectors" than "all over the 8 galaxies" as the Oolite canon (that I should use that word) seems to imply to me that they are probably in the same galaxy but far removed from each other.
It's a hold-over from when early explorers first used Galactic Hyperspace drives. They thought that they had reached another galaxy, but later surveys showed that the stars were the same, just displaced due to the relative positions in space. The name 'Galaxy 1' was simply easier that 'Galactic Sector 1'.

Captain Hesperus

Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2009 4:45 pm
by pagroove

I corrected all mentioned typos but the galaxies stay the galaxies.

Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2009 4:53 pm
by Thargoid
CaptKev wrote:
Why didn't I see that! :roll:
I'm quite proficient at making these (and other assorted) types of script error myself :oops: . Once you've done it a few times you start to get to know where to look first:

  • Unpaired (or extra) brackets and quotes.
  • Brackets that are the wrong type (as in this case).
  • Missing semi-colons.
  • Quotation marks in c/p text that is in itself within quotation marks.
  • Typo's and incorrect capitalisation.
In my experience the above list covers the rogues gallery of usual suspects when a script doesn't work. And of course a look in the logs in such cases is always advised anyway.

Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2009 5:26 pm
by Disembodied
pagroove wrote:
@ Disembodied

When the list is ready can you then spot all typos in one typo run???
I can send it to you then if you like.
Sure – PM me when you're ready!

Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2009 9:07 pm
by pagroove
Mmmm. Now a coming up with a description for Qurave description is difficult.

Normal description is:
The planet Qurave is mildly notable for Quraveian Aron water.

What the heck is Aron water and why is Qurave famous for it?
Any ideas?

Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2009 9:09 pm
by ZygoUgo
Perhaps it runs up hill :?