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System Redux no longer available to download? :( (FIXED)

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2009 12:16 am
by dima
Hello! :)

I am new to Oolite and just discovered that you can land on planets(!!) with the appropriate oxp - and there are also some very nice planet textures available via the oxp "System Redux" by CaptKev. However, it is not downloadable anymore :( I tried the link which can be found at the wiki under System_Redux_(Oolite) and it does not work at all. I also cannot find it anywhere else on the net. Does anyone still have this file or knows where else I can download it?

Any help greatly appreciated!

Kind regards,

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2009 10:27 am
by CaptKev
Try downloading it now. Not sure what the problem was but I've uploaded to the server again. Let me know if you're still having problems.

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2009 6:32 pm
by dima
Yes, finally!! Thank you very much! You should really put up some mirrors for your oxp. As well as all the other addons made for Oolite. There is absolutely no other location to find System Redux. I browsed Oolite fansites, the Wiki, Oosat1/2 and this forum. Many great addons/ideas my go lost forever at some time.

Well, thanks again for the upload, I think it is one of _the_ addons to have for Oolite. Actually this game is _the_ killer update for Elite. I recently had a discussion with colleagues about Elite clones and absolutely NOONE know this one. With System Redux, the Fighter Hud, Planetfall and Sung's Graphics Package you get a really nice looking spacesim with the possibility to even *land* on planets - only Frontier and FFE had this - for free. Only noone seems to notice it. It's similar to the freeware Ad Astra.

You guys should definitely continue your work on Oolite, add those graphics updates, the music from the Famous Planets mod, modify the controls and release it on XBox Live Arcade as Elite HD ;)

And while I am here, I also want to add some further thoughts about Oolite 8) I knew this mod for several years and thought the minimal graphical enhancements wouldn't be worth the step from the original Elite to this one, but until I finally tried the new textures, combined with the nice Fighter Hud - I really looked at a different, polished game :) At least someone should release some more screenshots on how the game can look right now, even without fancy shaders and stuff. And no, gameplay is not the only important thing - it's also aesthetics (not graphics, the aesthetics). Yeah, I know everyone just loves BBC Micro Elite and buys T-Shirts with the wireframe ships or how "psychedelic" Frontier looks - but with a few mods, this game is really the best choice to play a space trading sim with enough depth, gameplay and nice graphics at the same time :D Try any other space sim, there's always missing something. In X3 you can't land, FFE becomes a pixel mess, Freelancer is linear, FOFT spams you with pirates and is even more psychedelic than Frontier (in fact there is a small picture of FOFT next to this word in every dictionary) and Hardwar has only one planet to explore. Everything else is either MMO or simply has not been invented yet (Infinity QfE, anyone? ;) ). So - keep up the good work with Oolite ;)

Kind regards,

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2009 10:43 pm
by DaddyHoggy
Trust me - we've moved on a loooong way since the debacle of Sung's textures - just check out the replacing the classics thread and/or the shady thread or the screenshot thread - anythin by Simon B, Griff or Scarecrow (to name but a few) has blown Sung's efforts out of the water.

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2009 11:38 pm
by dima
Interesting, will do :) But why do you call Sung's textures a "debacle"?

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2009 11:40 pm
by wackyman465
Another person interested in Infinity! That makes two of us... in the entire world!

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2009 11:43 pm
by dima
Hehe ;) Well, I only like the planets, the landing, the sights, the randomness etc. But I dislike the fact that it's online only, probably contains crappy combat/story and also will not be released before hmm... let's be optimistic... well during the early 20s of this century. xD However, I am quite satisfied with Oolite actually, and DaddyHoggy mentioned even better (!) textures are available, so... I guess I have to start a separate thread.

EDIT: And of course I will still follow the progress of Infinity, I wonder if other people are interested in the planets as well. What do you think, is combat/missions/trading more important to you? I like exploring the universe best :)

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2009 11:49 pm
by wackyman465
There already was a separate thread.. we agreed that the problem with multiplayer games was.... other people. :lol:

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2009 11:52 pm
by dima
Exactly!! :lol: And I thought I was the only one thinking like that in the days of WoW heh

Edit: And I can't find the thread mentioned about "replacing the classics".


Posted: Fri Feb 13, 2009 12:07 am
by Lestradae
dima wrote:
Interesting, will do :) But why do you call Sung's textures a "debacle"?
Not the textures were the debacle - they were and are quite fine, and are part of Realistic Shipyards.oxp, too - but the big quarrel that they incited somehow was.

But that's Oolite history.

Posted: Fri Feb 13, 2009 12:14 am
by dima
Oh I am sorry, didn't know that. Is this "interesting" history you want to share with me? Or more of the "let's forget about all this and never mention it again" history? ;)


Posted: Fri Feb 13, 2009 12:18 am
by Lestradae
dima wrote:
Oh I am sorry, didn't know that. Is this "interesting" history you want to share with me? Or more of the "let's forget about all this and never mention it again" history? ;)
Definitely the latter :wink:

Re: TL

Posted: Fri Feb 13, 2009 2:47 am
by Captain Hesperus
Lestradae wrote:
dima wrote:
Oh I am sorry, didn't know that. Is this "interesting" history you want to share with me? Or more of the "let's forget about all this and never mention it again" history? ;)
Definitely the latter :wink:
Yes. Very Much The Latter....

Captain Hesperus

Posted: Fri Feb 13, 2009 8:56 am
by CaptKev
dima wrote:
Yes, finally!! Thank you very much! You should really put up some mirrors for your oxp. As well as all the other addons made for Oolite. There is absolutely no other location to find System Redux. I browsed Oolite fansites, the Wiki, Oosat1/2 and this forum. Many great addons/ideas my go lost forever at some time.

Well, thanks again for the upload, I think it is one of _the_ addons to have for Oolite. Actually this game is _the_ killer update for Elite. I recently had a discussion with colleagues about Elite clones and absolutely NOONE know this one. With System Redux, the Fighter Hud, Planetfall and Sung's Graphics Package you get a really nice looking spacesim with the possibility to even *land* on planets - only Frontier and FFE had this - for free. Only noone seems to notice it. It's similar to the freeware Ad Astra.

Kind regards,
Glad you managed to download System Redux, I really should make it available for download from

I'm pleased to know my contributions to Oolite are being used and appreciated, 'you aint seen nothing yet' check out the efforts from some of the more talented OXP creators (too many to mention here)

I still use Sung's replacement textures at the moment but will swap to Simon B's models/textures when they become available and look forward to the day we have a full set like Griff's Cobra Mk III.

Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2009 10:16 pm
by dima
Of course I like your work very much ^^ There are quite some talented people "working" in their freetime on Oolite. I have to say - glad you're not wasting your talent in the unforgiving games industry :lol: Like an old publisher (Thorn EMI) once said when asked to publish a game called "Elite": "For us to publish it we would need a game with a score and three lives (...)"