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Rookie first Upgrade Ship?

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 11:52 am
by Lysander
Hi guys, thanks first of all to all of the amazing responses to 'Rookie missions and Money', too many of you responded for personal replies to all but thanks if you did.

So now to the main point. It seems to me as a noob now at about 330kills with 60,0000 credits I have got a lot more plodding to do but the target for a first ship exchange must be a decent capacity ship with some thrust. Tried the Python, all I could afford with a decent cargo capacity but found it too much of a plodder, so what do you guys recommend should be my target, i.e. good cargo capacity to expand trade with some oomph without breaking the bank?

Also a couple of other queries, if you have the time, some responses refer to Con Stations, I've never found these in the systems, am I being thick? Also I,ve not loaded up Random hits as my starter version od oolite loaded is 1.65, OXP downloads are for 1.71+, but id I download these does it affect my credilt, rating, etc (I do NOT want to be Jameson again!!)

Most critical, how do you avoid the wife whilst playing. This game is hypnotic and sucks up time, for that reason alone I expect to have to withdraw shortly!!!


Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 12:01 pm
by MKG
Ah, you need to install the Cons the Wife OXP. On detecting the close approach of domestic partners, this changes the commodities screen into a soft porn site, forcing said domestic partner to exclaim "Men!!!!!" and stomp off to the kitchen.

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 12:01 pm
by DaddyHoggy
Hi Lysander - glad you're enjoying the game so much!

Re: Con Stores - basic stuff - you've got the original (small) Your Ad here OXP, plus at least one of the sets installed in your AddOns directory - yes? Good.

Constores should appear in any non-anarchy system where the population is above 4Billion. They are near the witchpoint buoy (which is now a huge tetra-screen) but generally in the opposite direction to the planet.

If you've got the Advanced Space Compass installed then tapping the key until you get a 'C' in the compass will get you flying in the right direction (or may get you to a HOopy Casino if you also have that OXP installed).

I hope that helps.


Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 12:14 pm
by LittleBear
Saved Games work on all versions of Oolite. So if you update your version of Oolite you can still continue with your current saved Commander. Basically just install the new version of Oolite, then copy all Saved Games and OXPs from the old version to the new version. When you load up your new commander, he's in exactly the same place with the same rating, equipment, cash etc. You can take out and put in new OXPs as you like without them effecting your saved game. The only exception to that rule is if you have bought a ship from an OXP. If you are flying a ship from an OXP then you'll need the OXP installed to load the Commander, as otherwise his ship no longer exists.

Re: Rookie first Upgrade Ship?

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 12:16 pm
by Disembodied
Lysander wrote:
good cargo capacity to expand trade with some oomph without breaking the bank ...
You could try a Python Class Crusier. Just remember, though, that big scoop dangling down makes the ship taller than it is wide ... dock with caution (lying on your side, in other words)!

Re: Rookie first Upgrade Ship?

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 12:37 pm
by another_commander
Lysander wrote:
Most critical, how do you avoid the wife whilst playing. This game is hypnotic and sucks up time, for that reason alone I expect to have to withdraw shortly!!!
Tips from the pros: You get your hands on a second computer (laptop / desktop does not matter). You install The Sims. You give to wife. Job done. You can now enjoy Oolite all you want.

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 6:39 pm
by tomsk
Might as well post this now, even though it's still a work in progress.

From Lestradae's Realistic Shipyards V3.02, I've 'enhanced' his buyable ships database (might need to right-click and save)

Enter the number of the ship you're interested in into the green cells and you can see a comparison of upto 5 ships against the standard Cobra MK3

In the spirit of oolite, the file is in OpenOfficeCalc format. OpenOffice can be downloaded from or

Re: Rookie first Upgrade Ship?

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 9:27 pm
by Screet
Lysander wrote:
Tried the Python, all I could afford with a decent cargo capacity but found it too much of a plodder, so what do you guys recommend should be my target, i.e. good cargo capacity to expand trade with some oomph without breaking the bank?
Wait until you can afford a Boa Class Cruiser or buy a GriffBoa. The BCC is nice, because it practically ram anything it can't shoot. Mining asteroids is just like installing an Ore Processor and then ramming asteroids!

In my eyes, the BCC is the best built-in ship you can buy. The GriffBoa should be much cheaper - you can probably already switch to it, due to the trade-in value of your cobra. Remember: Wait until you require an overhaul, then find your dream ship, pay the maintenance and be happy to get the best trade-in value possible.

The "problem" with the GriffBoa is, that it only has a front laser. It's equipped with a few turrets, though. It performs well against everything that doesn't require multiple lasers and doesn't shoot back with higher turret firepower.

Even if you are more the fighter than the trader person, you probably want to fly a big ship for some time to make more credits. Flying the BCC, I typically made 60-100K credits per hour!

When you've got enough money...have a look at the Caduceus! It's cargo hold isn't that big, but it performs very well in practically any combat situation. It's not unfair in my eyes, because it is a large ship, thus hit more easily than others.


Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2009 12:06 am
by CptnEcho
I'm flying a Boa Class Cruiser. I reccomend it, especially if you've not installed OXP's.

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2009 11:14 pm
by wackyman465
I fly an Imperial Courier... It isn't cheap, but it will be the best million credits you ever spent! :P
As a first upgrade, I might suggest a PCC as well, followed by The Morrigan.

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2009 11:47 pm
by Screet
wackyman465 wrote:
I fly an Imperial Courier... It isn't cheap, but it will be the best million credits you ever spent! :P
As a first upgrade, I might suggest a PCC as well, followed by The Morrigan.
Morrigan? That's an expensive ship, at least if RS is installed, IIRC it does cost almost twice as much as an IC(N).

The Python class cruiser seems to be preferred by some ofer the BCC, which I don't I missing something?

Screet, happy with the Caduceus!

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2009 11:52 pm
by wackyman465
I thought the morrigan was around 500k cr.. well under what I paid for my IC under RS


Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2009 11:54 pm
by Lestradae
tomsk wrote:
From Lestradae's Realistic Shipyards V3.02, I've 'enhanced' his buyable ships database (might need to right-click and save)

Enter the number of the ship you're interested in into the green cells and you can see a comparison of upto 5 ships against the standard Cobra MK3

In the spirit of oolite, the file is in OpenOfficeCalc format. OpenOffice can be downloaded from or
Good idea!

It doesn't seem to work on my system, though :(

Is it OS-dependent?

If you could come up with a version of this that worked on all three OSs used for Oolite I would include this into the next version of RS - Oolite Shipyards Extension - I'm working on. If you're interested, drop me a PM and I give you access to the OSE WiP (many additional ships in there).



PS: @wackyman:
wackyman465 wrote:
I thought the morrigan was around 500k cr.. well under what I paid for my IC under RS
Under RS 3.02b, it's cost is 4.8 million credits! You don't happen to have the morrigan.oxp installed in addition to RS, do you? If you have, you will get ships with the old and the new pricing thrown together, which would make no sense! :wink:

Posted: Fri Feb 13, 2009 7:27 pm
by Tivva
Consider the ROC
twice the cargo hold of the Cobra & very similar characteristics.


Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2009 11:55 am
by Disembodied
Screet wrote:
The Python class cruiser seems to be preferred by some ofer the BCC, which I don't I missing something?
The visceral appeal of a shark-tooth paintjob... :D