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Mission Screens bug (FIXED)

Posted: Tue Feb 10, 2009 10:58 am
by Lestradae
Got an UPS mission to capture some pirates in galactic sector 6 - but, no entry amongst my F5-F5 missions list visible!

Is that intentional or a glitch? Doesn't make a lot of sense, forgot the system name where I should go and have a look ...

Re: UPS Mission hiccup?

Posted: Tue Feb 10, 2009 12:06 pm
by Eric Walch
Lestradae wrote:
Got an UPS mission to capture some pirates in galactic sector 6 - but, no entry amongst my F5-F5 missions list visible!
Very strange, never had it before. But that must also mean that the location is not marked on the F6/F6 screen. Most likely it would be a conflict with an other oxp. When you press YES all other oxps get a change to react on it. And there could be one reacting sooner that just clears choices even if they are not from its own oxp. Normally that oxp than presents its own screen.
However, UPS should be able to cope with that and redo the offer on a new docking. That specific mission needs a legal status less than 3 and a reputation as courier of at least very good before it is offered. These values could have changed since your offer.

Please look inside the save file for the variable: mission_ups_container.
When the offer is still waiting for display it should read: mission_ups_container = LOGGING
When it was registered as accepted it should read : mission_ups_container = SEARCHING2

When it has seen your keyinput as a NO, it will read mission_ups_container = NOT_NOW. Than the whole mission is skipped for now. But when you had the message briefing, all other mission variables like location should still be valid for that mission and you will get the missionoffer again by setting it to LOGGING

I assume it will either read LOGGING or NOT_NOW and in both cases you will get the same or new offers. Only when it reads SEARCHING2 it is bad as than the bug must be somewhere inside UPS itself.


Posted: Tue Feb 10, 2009 12:39 pm
by Lestradae
The variable reads:
I am clean (legal 0 I think) and my courier reputation is outstanding.

So this means that the mission got cancelled somehow and will be offered again?

Another thing that strikes me as strange is that I remember not getting offered a "Yes/No" choice, but just "Press Space Commander". I think I was simultanously delivering a cargo contract which's screen never showed up, but got bought and paid for.

Does that help identifying the problem so that I can go get those pirates?

Posted: Tue Feb 10, 2009 2:09 pm
by Eric Walch
That same mission to the same location will definitely be offered again. Two other conditions are a minimum past time since you visited that location. (But that will always be valid after the first dispaly as it only increases) and system government greater than 3. (no anarchy feudal or multygov). It must have been a collision between an other oxp offer. You should probably worry more what you missed from that other oxp as UPS will recover from this collision.

That not displaying of the cargo delivery is an oversight introduced in the JS version. I only noticed it a few months back, but as this screen shows no vital information, I somehow ignored this bug until McLane brought it under attention again. It will be solved in the 1.5.1 release I have ready for some time but is waiting for the wiki be writeble again. 1.5.1 will also contain two new delivery missions proposed by Pagroove and some cosmetic bug fixes.
Another thing that strikes me as strange is that I remember not getting offered a "Yes/No" choice, but just "Press Space Commander". I think I was simultanously delivering a cargo contract which's screen never showed up, but got bought and paid for.
I'll double check this evening if this is not caused by changes I made in the 1.5.0 release.

Bug Confirmed with UPS

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 6:09 am
by Lestradae
Hi Eric,

sadly, this is definitely a UPS bug - or, perhaps an oxp crossover? No idea.

I got the same offer again at the next main station. I got the options to have a look where the system was first this time, also to decline or accept. I accepted the offer.

And again - nothing. I still only get the message that my courier reputation with UPS was outstanding, and my savegame still says
So those pirates will go free, again.

EDIT: Getting this mission now every single time I dock. Never able to accept it.

EDIT 2.0: Now my game has started crashing during a galactic navy mission (thargoid sortie) and the crash log shows the following line towards the end:
[Vector]: Vector: Warning: An other oxp has not cleared missionVariables.offering - UPS_CONTAINER2


Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 11:36 am
by Lestradae

Re: Bug Confirmed with UPS

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 1:23 pm
by Eric Walch
Lestradae wrote:
Hi Eric,

sadly, this is definitely a UPS bug - or, perhaps an oxp crossover? No idea.....
EDIT: Getting this mission now every single time I dock. Never able to accept it....
[Vector]: Vector: Warning: An other oxp has not cleared missionVariables.offering - UPS_CONTAINER2
You must be right. I added the "look for location" back into the offering script for the 1.5.0 release. I had tested this mission offer yesterday with my 1.5.1 wip version. That worked right. Also the message from Vector tells me that the choice is not processed at all. :oops: Bugger. I'll upload my 1.5.1 at the box this evening.

Re: Bug Confirmed with UPS

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 1:33 pm
by Lestradae
Eric Walch wrote:
I'll upload my 1.5.1 at the box this evening.
Thanks for the fast response! Looking forwards to continue the mission 8)

EDIT: Just got a documents delivery mission - accepted it - and that one also doesn't show up on the mission screen :(

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 5:14 pm
by Eric Walch
I now uploaded UPS-Courier version 1.5.1 at the box. I hope this will do the trick for you. If not we have to dig deeper.
UPS-Courier 1.5.1

I tested it on my computer with the current 1.5.0 release and that mission was accepted right and I also did not see a bug in that code. So it could be that this one reacts just the same with you.
Just got a documents delivery mission - accepted it - and that one also doesn't show up on the mission screen
There must be a more serious problem with you. I use

Code: Select all

this.missionScreenEnded = function()
    if(!player.ship.docked) return;
    if(mission.choice) this.ups_choiceEvaluation()
to read out the choices. It seems that there is either no mission.choice present or the ship is seen as not docked anymore. Most likely is that you have an other oxp running that after every "missionScreenEnded" clears the choices before ups gets a chance to read it out.
You can also temporarily remove vector and redo the mission offering. When you than launch and re-dock, UPS will probably put up a message about this bug. It will also display the content of the mission.choice in words although I thing it will be empty.
Second is to remove some of your recent oxp's to see which one resets the mission.choices every time because that one will kill many other mission oxp's as well.

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 5:51 pm
by Screet
Eric Walch wrote:
I now uploaded UPS-Courier version 1.5.1 at the box. I hope this will do the trick for you. If not we have to dig deeper.
Downloading....not because I ran into that trouble, but because UPS stopped doing anything for me. I don't know why, but for quiet some time I did not get a single offer from them.

My last mission was a document delivery. Usually, the next planet is right on the way I have to fly. That time it was different, I was in a location without nearby systems of the proper type, went on with the first mission and almost forgot. Delivered the docs, though, and didn't even get a message that it did take too long. But never have been offered anything since then. Could it be that it took too long but that they just didn't tell me?


Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 8:38 pm
by Eric Walch
Screet wrote:
My last mission was a document delivery. Usually, the next planet is right on the way I have to fly. That time it was different, I was in a location without nearby systems of the proper type, went on with the first mission and almost forgot.
Mission generation and offering starts up slowly. The whole thing is constructed as 5 separate oxp's in one file. Mainly because a single oxp can only have one active mission briefing. It starts with the docs oxp. When enough easy deliveries are made it starts giving higher value docs deliveries. At the same time it starts with easy parcel deliveries in addition to the document deliveries. And after enough of those a higher paying parcel missions start and the container missions start. The container missions contain some not to difficult battle missions. And around that time the sun and slave missions get activated. So it takes some time before there will be many offers.

Some missions are so rare that not everyone will get them. I assume you are just at the beginning and document missions are only offered at 20% of the democracies. For starting up the missions faster you should frequently visit democracies at the beginning. Most missions have no time limit. On the lower paying missions there is no fighting involved, most higher paying deliveries add just more pirates on your route.

For the newly added "Tionisla chronicle article" deliveries you must at least have ran 20 plain document deliveries and for the new medicine package deliveries you need 20 plain parcel missions to get their first offer.

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 9:10 pm
by Screet
Eric Walch wrote:
Some missions are so rare that not everyone will get them. I assume you are just at the beginning and document missions are only offered at 20% of the democracies. For starting up the missions faster you should frequently visit democracies at the beginning. Most missions have no time limit. On the lower paying missions there is no fighting involved, most higher paying deliveries add just more pirates on your route.
I had some of the missions were MANY pirates were after well as 2 or 3 times brought back those containers - including you after scooping up your escape pod ;)

It's just that it stopped after that mission I mentioned...nothing anymore. Before, I got practically one UPS contract for every navy mission I did, typically en route to the target. But not anymore - and I've been to pretty many democracies and such, as I am in G7 doing Assassins missions.

Maybe it's just my luck. At least I can rest back that I didn't mess things up with that delivery that took me little bit longer - I really was worried.

Well, have the update installed and will see if it comes up again! If not, I'll most probably ask how to check my save game for problems...


UPS 1.5.1 buggy still

Posted: Fri Feb 13, 2009 4:35 pm
by Lestradae
Hi Eric,

bad news ...

With UPS 1.5.1., I am getting the mission offers again. And they are not registering, again.

You wrote something that this looked to you as if there was a problem with my ship docked registering, perhaps. I have been getting a lot of those in my logs for some time now:
[script.javaScript.warning.206]: ----- JavaScript warning: player.dockedStation is deprecated, use player.ship.dockedStation instead.
[script.javaScript.warning.206]: ----- JavaScript warning: player.docked is deprecated, use player.ship.docked instead.
[script.javaScript.warning.206]: ----- JavaScript warning: player.docked is deprecated, use player.ship.docked instead.
[script.javaScript.warning.206]: ----- JavaScript warning: player.dockedStation is deprecated, use player.ship.dockedStation instead.
... and sometimes my game crashes when launching from the station.

Could the two problems be connected?

Galactic Navy, for example, I have flown two forays for them in the meantime and this mission works as intended. So there is nothing wrong with mission screens as such in my game.

If it's oxps colliding, could you be any more specific? What should I be looking for to find something that could externally do this to UPS?

Confused :?


Another oxp

Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2009 9:13 am
by Lestradae
It is for sure another oxp that creates the problem. Just found a repeatable case: A station, from which, when launching, I am always getting the UPS mission without it registering.

So I created an AddOns folder with only the OSE WiP, my keyconfig.plist, UPS and Galactic Navy in it.

Indeed: The UPS mission registers, and the Galactic Navy Reserve Duty shows up and registers, too!

So Eric's suspicion was correct: Some other oxp than the abovementioned clears the mission screen before a decision can register. But which?


Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2009 11:07 am
by Lestradae
The problems with the mission screen have been fixed.

I found the oxp that created the problem, it is not yet publicly available so I am going to inform the author via PM.