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Player generated missions idea.

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 12:21 am
by Gimi
An idea for an OXP.
Don't know if this is possible, but just maybe.

What if a user could state that a certain ship will appear in the system they are currently in (or any system for that matter), and they want that ship killed for a fee. (10000 or something, should depend on the ship). Posting the add would cost the fee plus an additional posting fee of, lets say 100%. (Don't want to make it a money cheat)

The OXP would then generate a text file with the appropriate data for the OXP to generate the mission and reason and background provided by the original poster of the mission. The text (mission) file could then be uploaded to the Oolite BB or preferably the wiki when it becomes writeable. Other users could then download the text (mission) file and play the mission.

This does not have to be limited to assassinations of course but it would be a great start. It would need to be restricted to the built in ships to make the mission files applicable to as many people as possible.

Well, just my 2 pennies worth.

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 12:57 am
by Frame
The text file you refer to cannot be read by Oolite.. it reads only already build files, with specific names...

Nor can we save a file from an OXP..

A mission from an OXP is a set of executions determined by a set of conditions.

And as such, cannot just be put into a text file as you suggest, as this involves either java scripting, or plist scripting..

This means the OXP will have to be downloaded and edited then uploaded again, in order to do what you suggest.

A generic OXP that will have to be renamed for each mission is possible though... but it really makes little sense.. IMO...

And an OXP has to take many other things into account... such as OXP conflicting ;-).... for example Player A and B writes the same ship to appear in the same system. mission screens that pops up randomly and overwriting each other...

I wish it was as easy as you suggest... but I'm afraid it is not

Cheers Frame...

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 1:14 am
by Gimi
The text file you refer to cannot be read by Oolite.. it reads only already build files, with specific names...
The OXP would need to be installed on both users. So reading the text file would be handled by the OXP installed on the other users computer. mission file or script file would need to be copied into the OXP on the receiving computer.
Nor can we save a file from an OXP..
A mission from an OXP is a set of executions determined by a set of conditions. And as such, cannot just be put into a text file as you suggest, as this involves either java scripting, or plist scripting..
This sounds like a show stopper, but could it not be generated in some sort of log that could be read by another script as instructions.
This means the OXP will have to be downloaded and edited then uploaded again, in order to do what you suggest.
A generic OXP that will have to be renamed for each mission is possible though... but it really makes little sense.. IMO...
Not good and a show stopper, this would have to be avoided.
And an OXP has to take many other things into account... such as OXP conflicting ;-).... for example Player A and B writes the same ship to appear in the same system. mission screens that pops up randomly and overwriting each other...
Yes, and this would of course be a concern. Can be avoided by the OXP only accepting one mission file at any one time.
I wish it was as easy as you suggest... but I'm afraid it is not
Well, I never said it was easy, actually I said I don't know if this is possible, and I was assuming it would be, if not impossible, then at least quite a challange. Idea came to me when thinking about X-com, play by mail game, that I played eons ago.

Oh well, I think it's a good idea, but if it is impossible, then it will remain an idea only.