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German And Danish, i never thought it would happen :-P

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 2:37 pm
by Frame
Knowing a lot or some germans frequent these pages...

Knowing nothing about polarkreis 18, but danish nephew is f...... brilliant...

Cheers Frame

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 2:46 pm
by ZygoUgo
You need to get rid of those two dots on the end of your link..
It doesn't work :?

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 3:16 pm
by Frame
Thanks done.. weird.. weird... ;-)

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 3:51 pm
by 0235
Starts of very good, loving thee random colours, can’t understand some of it, but then I listen to Japanese rock music and their attempt to speak English is hilarious. but very good

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 4:59 pm
by Captain Hesperus
It's strange how a Swedish band got so mixed up with Japanese anime, that many fans of the internet meme think it's Japanese in origin. I wonder if Supergott were happy about that?

Captain Hesperus

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 5:42 pm
by 0235
erm, thats a very random vid... but not quite the type of music i like.

more like ... re=related

oh, and by the way, they are actualy all men, loads of people think they are girls...

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 7:15 pm
by ZygoUgo
Not bad, I like all sorts myself, this is one of my favourites seeing as we're playing each other some tunes :D ... re=related

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2009 2:12 pm
by 0235
oh, a nice bit of reggae. you dont here much now. i also like quite alot of music, and at the other end of the spectum, i also quite like the song 2525, the one by Zager and Evans, which none of my friedns seem to like...
but at the moment im listening to some good old tunes on my SID emulator

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2009 2:22 pm
by Pangloss
Well, if we're doing videos and songs we like...

Something from the Britpop 1990s. My era.

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2009 4:43 pm
by JohnnyBoy
Pangloss wrote:
Something from the Britpop 1990s. My era.
You'll have to rewind a few more years to find 'my era'. I had battened down the hatches during the late 1980s, tolerating the shite that Stock, Aitken and Waterman had been churning out year after year, and hoping that the situation would change.

Then, with barely 2 months of the 1980s left to run, I switched on Top Of The Pops, and saw something wonderful...

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2009 8:05 pm
by Frame
Michael Schumacher is happy
Wagoner is a joke
britney spears is cute
kurt cobain is death
micheal stipe is wise
Wesley snipes is fun
jimmy floyd is black
OJ simpson has been asked

but you are super-liga
with a world-cup smile

but you are super-liga
with a world-cup smile

Paris Hilton is tight
Alex Ferguson disgusting
Fränk Schleck is silent
GW Bush is stupid
Bill Gates is rich
GW Bush is war
Johnny Cash is cool
Dennis P is me

But you are super-liga
with a world-cup smile

But you are super-liga
with a world-cup smile

you are more beutifull
you are more cool
you are true love hug
that is more gorgeous

you are are superliga
you are super beutifull
you are super cool
you are super fresh
i´m super fresh...

A highly modified Nephew Text, names has been altered to reflect international names where local names where used...

Oh dammit my casio time, is always in the way, but it disappears, when I Kill it... "yet another nephew" lyric... ;-P

Re: German And Danish, i never thought it would happen :-P

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2009 4:42 am
by Screet
Frame wrote:
Knowing a lot or some germans frequent these pages...
Hmmm. Not really my music type...but then, what I listen to is pretty much the stuff they don't play on radio ;)

Any of you know Bel Canto? I'm not sure, but it seems they are from norway, typically singing in english...and it took me several times of listening to one of their CDs until I noticed that on one track Anneli Drecker is singing in german. I was stunned - I really did take a long time to notice. I then told friends to listen closely and they were as astonished as I was.

She's singing beautifully on that track...but somehow managed to sing it in a way that the language ain't that obvious. The track is "Die Geschichte einer Mutter" on "shimmering, warm and bright". Google brought up that link:

Only listening to that single track makes it more obvious, but on the disc it's not the first track and the way she sings is very close to her singing in english. Might be interesting for everyone knowing german pronounciation.

If you like stuff like Dead Can Dance, maybe you should listen to this:

The band doesn't exist anymore, but I had the luck for some very close live experiences. What she can do on CD with her voice, she can do the same way live, including changing the voice within the song abruptly. I've found some live versions, but at least on my computer they don't have the intensity, as if the recording wasn't good enough. The link above is a bit closer to the real thing than other versions I've found on the net.


Re: German And Danish, i never thought it would happen :-P

Posted: Fri Feb 13, 2009 1:23 pm
by Commander McLane
Screet wrote:
...including changing the voice within the song abruptly...
Which has been a trademark act of let's say Nina Hagen for decades now.

Posted: Fri Feb 13, 2009 10:26 pm
by ZygoUgo