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Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 10:41 pm
by marakor
Ok so i am trying to do the missions and i am looking for the ship to kill.

The last planet i followed it to says it just bought a galactic hyperdrive and used it, so i do the same but the next system i end up in tells me nothing.

Am i missing summat or have i lost the trail?????

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 10:44 pm
by Sarin
ah, that looks like constrictor hunt. If I remember correctly, there should be hints scattered around G2 that will eventually lead to encounter. Meanwhile, focus on getting "iron ass", you will need it. Constrictor's pretty tough.

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 10:51 pm
by marakor
Sarin wrote:
ah, that looks like constrictor hunt. If I remember correctly, there should be hints scattered around G2 that will eventually lead to encounter. Meanwhile, focus on getting "iron ass", you will need it. Constrictor's pretty tough.
Thats i "constrictor hunts is the one, what is iron ass btw?.....

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 10:54 pm
by Sarin
"iron ass"-ship ship packed with every offensive and deffensive equipment available-like EEU, shield boosters and military shields, ECM, military lasers at at least two mountings, etc etc...

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 10:55 pm
by marakor
Sarin wrote:
"iron ass"-ship ship packed with every offensive and deffensive equipment available-like EEU, shield boosters and military shields, ECM, military lasers at at least two mountings, etc etc...
Holy crap how do i get that and what is the best combat ship to fit them on?

Im using a boa cruiser or a fer de lance at the moment

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 10:59 pm
by Sarin
Best ship depends on OXPs installed. In original game, best dedicated fighter is I think Fer-de-Lance or Asp II. And for equip, scout the high tech level systems, but be ready to pay a lot, military shield enhancement is priced at almost 50 000 cr I think.

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2009 12:56 am
by CptnEcho
marakor wrote:
Sarin wrote:
"iron ass"-ship ship packed with every offensive and deffensive equipment available-like EEU, shield boosters and military shields, ECM, military lasers at at least two mountings, etc etc...
Holy crap how do i get that and what is the best combat ship to fit them on?

Im using a boa cruiser or a fer de lance at the moment
The Boa Class Cruiser (when properly equipped) is more than adequate for mission accomplishment. The cargo capacity provides steady trading income before, during and after a mission.

The Fer de Lance has slightly higher pursuit & dogfight specifications, but needs a non-trading form of income to supply and maintain it. When well equipped, it is also mission capable.

Edited to add: I'm currently flying a Boa Class Cruiser. I've recently accomplished the mission which earned it a Naval Energy Unit. 8)

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2009 1:53 am
by Cmdr Wyvern
To expand on what Echo said...

With some variances, there's three main classes of ship available to civilian crews. These are:

Medium to large craft, freighters are designed to maximize trade capabilities.
Having large cargo holds, freighters can make their crews vast profits on the milk run trade routes. However, being large, slow, ponderous, and often not very well armed, freighters aren't optimal combat vehicles.

Small to medium sized craft, fighters are optimized for combat. Often well armed, and very swift and agile, the evasion and retaliation capability of fighters are second to none. However, a fighter has little to no cargo space, and won't make it's pilot a living on milk runs.
Fighters are chosen by those who make a career of killing - escort pilots, bounty hunters, mercenaries, and of course, pirates.

The most adaptable class of ship, multirole craft are often of medium size, and attempt to mix decent trading capability with decent combat capability. These 'fighting traders' are often as well armed as fighters, and many have performance capabilities almost matching dedicated fighter craft. With some variance, multirole craft can handle bounty hunting and milk runs with equal capability, and are flown by all walks of spacer.

Re: Missions

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2009 5:20 pm
by marakor
great althogh i still cannot fing the smegging stolen ship.... :x

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2009 5:56 pm
by Alex
Ok so i am trying to do the missions and i am looking for the ship to kill.

The last planet i followed it to says it just bought a galactic hyperdrive and used it, so i do the same but the next system i end up in tells me nothing.

Am i missing summat or have i lost the trail?????

YUP... You missed a whole wacka stuff. So. The game is HUGE. dinny over worry. Remember tis a game. 8 whole galaxies to play in.
This is the Ooniverse..
Primary mission; Have fun
Secondary mission; Have fun having fun.

Tip 108 for new Commanders;
If you don't use really bad words when you lose a ship, you aint driving that bit of crap right!
Tis always "a bit of crap" "when you lose one.
You can get every bit of info to play the game but there is only one commander per ship.
Commander Marakor,
Stop destroying your own ships.
I might give Tip 1 through to Tip 3 another time for real first flighters

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2009 7:53 pm
by MKG
Hi Marakor - don't worry about the opaque answers. The experienced pirates on here just love giving them. For the time being, forget the Constrictor and get on with the game in general. You WILL be given further clues and you WILL come across the Constrictor again. 'Nuff said?

Pirates? Did I say pirates? I meant pilots. Of course I did.


Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2009 8:02 pm
by Cmdr Wyvern
MKG wrote:
Pirates? Did I say pirates? I meant pilots. Of course I did.

The bad news for you? Some of them are pirates. Watch your six, ace. :)

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2009 9:23 pm
by Captain Hesperus
MKG wrote:
Pirates? Did I say pirates? I meant pilots. Of course I did.
You'll be hearing from my solicitor....

LittleBear, sic 'im!!!!

Captain Hesperus

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 11:18 pm
You will be able to pick the trail back up at a planet near where you entered the new galaxy

Oh and the cobra 3 is more than capable of killing him if you have the right equipment.