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disc shadow on my hud

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 10:25 pm
by tomsk

I've been customizing milhud and I can't get rid of the disc shadow in the upper half of the scanner.
It's there on the original milhud scanner too, but not on the default scanner. It's on all ships that I've tried as well.

Examing the milhud.png in PaintSHopPro doesn't show anything.

The only image I can find that's similar is Resources\Textures\target_metal.png. Even deleting this file doesn't remove the shadow.

WinXP, 1.72.2 with realistic shipyards, MilHudV2

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 11:09 pm
by wackyman465

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 11:44 pm
by Cmdr Wyvern
You're using an older version of Milhud made for Oolite 1.65. Oolite 1.65 had an odd bug that shifted the co-ords of hud background images, and us hud designers compensated for that. Oolite 1.7x fixed the bug, which resulted in the compensated hud backgrounds being offcenter, which is what you're seeing.

The purpose of the 'disk' is to improve contrast in the gunsight area, and it's supposed to be aligned with the gunsight.

This entry in the milhud.plist controls it:

Code: Select all

		<dict><!-- Milglass underlay -->
Reset the 'y' to 0, or delete the entire entry. That'll fix your problem.

Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2009 9:13 pm
by tomsk
Thanks Cmdr Wyvern - sorted. :D

My new HUD (although I might change the colour of the scanner border and centre.)
